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ago, and stationary slate tubs introduced. It would be well for the institution were steam washers put in. There is a steam drying rack in use at the present time and also a soap caldron. It would cost comparatively little to equip the laundry in a proper manner.


At present the hospital accommodations are not sufficient to meet the needs of the institution. There are two small hospital additions connected with the dormitories. These are of brick and located at the extreme ends of the main building. The one for the men has two main wards, containing twenty-one beds, and one isolation ward containing four beds. Two rooms are also taken from the adjoining end of the main dormitory; these are used for convalescents and chronic cases, and in them are accommodations for thirteen more patients. The women's hospital has two wards, containing twenty beds, and a lying-in ward with two additional beds. As on the men's side, so here two rooms are set apart from the main dormitory for the overflow of the women's hospital. These are used for convalescent, chronic, and infectious cases, and have accommodations for twelve patients. The tax upon the hospital accommodations is so great that the patients are uncomfortably crowded together, and, as has been said, the hospital overflows into the main dormitory. The hospital should be enlarged and made separate, so that the ordinary dormitories might be relieved of all patients. The introduction of infectious cases into the main building, and the consequent endangerment to the general health, should be guarded against by a suitable provision in the way of an isolation ward.

At the time of inspection the food was examined and found to be good and served in abundance. The hospital, however, having so many patients, suffers from a lack of milk in sufficient quantity. This should be remedied.

The new ice house and cooler is a valuable improvement, and will prove economical. The old one was located in a dark cellar, and was small, inconvenient, and unsatisfactory.

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Middleburg, N. Y.

IRVIN SPICKERMAN, Superintendent.

(Visited by the commissioner, September 18, 1901.).

The farm connected with this almshouse contains sixty acres, and greatly assists in the support of the institution. The almshouse itself consists of a two-story brick building, with attic and basement, together with barns and necessary outbuildings. The buildings are in good repair and well appointed inside and outside. It is intended to have a new laundry and full equipment of machinery, including a mangle; and the supervisors are talking of putting in a shower bath also.

This is one of the almshouses in which acetylene gas is used for illuminating purposes, and it has been found to work satisfactorily. The heating is by hot water.

The one serious criticism to be made is that which concerns the accommodations for the sick. These consist of two rooms, one on each of the floors devoted to men and women, each room containing three beds. There are no means for isolating cancer or tuberculosis cases, and, therefore, the hospital service should be improved. A small addition, properly arranged, connected with the main building by a corridor, would solve the problem of providing for the sick.

On the whole, this institution is a good example of a well constructed and well administered rural almshouse.

[blocks in formation]

(Visited by the Commissioner September 19, 1901.)

The buildings of this almshouse are constructed of wood, and have an estimated value of $10,000. They will accommodate 80 inmates. The women's building is three stories high, and, in addition to the dormitory, contains the keeper's quarters and the offices. The old building used for men is three stories high, built into a hillside. Lately the former asylum building was renovated and prepared for the use of the men; it is a twostory structure, with a cellar underneath. The building devoted to the women is in a bad state of repair, and the old one used by the men is also in great need of repairs. The newly renovated building for men is in excellent condition, although its walls should be painted. It is expected that the women's building will be repaired the coming spring, the water supply be extended to the women's building, and bath tubs and flush water closets installed.

The new building for men is heated by steam, but the other buildings depend upon hot air and stoves. The laundry equipment is dilapidated and should be improved.

There are practically no precautions against fire, and there would be a serious danger to the inmates were one to get a start. The buildings were in general clean, although the bedding in the old building was found to be ragged and unfit for use, and the clothing of the inmates very poor. The food, however, was abundant and well cooked.

[blocks in formation]


New Paltz, N. Y.

ABRAM SAMMONS, Superintendent.

(Visited by the Commissioner September 12, 1900.) This almshouse consists of two principal buildings, one the former asylum for the insane, and the other the almshouse proper. They are situated about three miles from the village of New Paltz. The main building is three stories high, has a basement, and contains the administration offices, together with the quarters for the superintendent and keeper, and has accommodation for 24 male inmates beside. The old almshouse is two stories high, with a cellar, and contains quarters for both men and women. It has in it also the kitchen, the laundry and the dining-room. A one-story building is used for tramps, and a two-story frame for isolating patients suffering from infectious diseases.

The buildings, at the time of inspection, were found in good repair. There have been no improvements recently, although, as indicated, the repairs are kept up.

The institution is lighted by kerosene oil lamps, which are a constant menace to the general safety. The laundry equipment is inadequate, and everything has to be done by hand.

In the matter of the care of the sick, there is no special hospital except the small structure used for isolating infectious cases. The patients suffering from non-infectious diseases are cared for in their own rooms, although the women have what is called a hospital ward, separated from the main dormitory. In this there are beds for six patients and one attendant. The isolation building has accommodations for six patients, with a large day room for each sex.

A number of times in previous reports it has been stated that it is an unwise practice to permit any of the male inmates to -sleep in the cellar of the almshouse. During the year this has been continued, however, as some of the men seem to prefer such gloomy quarters to the more comfortable dormitories above. It is for the general safety of the institution that this practice should be discontinued.

The food seemed to be sufficient, and the inmates had no complaints to make as to their treatment.

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