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The dried fruits have not been furnished during December or January, otherwise the dietary has been fully carried out.

The average number of "Special Diets" in the almshouse during December, 1901, was 99, and during January, 1902, 121. The "Special Diet" consists of 1 egg, 1 quart milk, 1 pint of beef tea daily in addition to regular diet, and has not been changed since December 1, 1901.

The "White Table" at the almshouse is used by an average of 250 inmates, who are regularly employed on the grounds, stables, laundries, etc. In addition to the regular diet they get meat every day for supper.



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As the Nassau County Almshouse has been discontinued, these dependents are cared for in the Brunswick Home, Amityville, with the exception of 12 men (8 of whom are over 70 years of age) who are at the North Hempstead and Oyster Bay Town Almshouse. In addition to this number there are 12 men (8 of whom are 70 years of age) who are cared for at the expense of Nassau county.



Visitation of Almshouses





To the State Board of Charities:

Your commissioner presents his annual report upon the almshouses of the Third Judicial District, and is gratified to be able to state that throughout the district conditions are much improved, and that the general tendency is toward betterment. During the year he has visited the several institutions and examined into their condition.


The Albany almshouse has passed into the hands of a new administration. The work and service building, which was begun two years ago, has been completed and occupied. This is a fine brick structure, roomy and well appointed. The hospital has been enlarged and remodeled, a new equipment of beds and other necessary furniture installed, which, with sanitary plumbing, makes this building very satisfactory, excepting as to the new floors, which are in unsatisfactory condition. Other improvements in the way of repairs were made to the dormitories, and the grounds were put in order.

A number of changes were made also in the Schoharie County Almshouse, so that it is much better than at any time in its history. In the almshouse of Greene county the chief recent improvement is an increase of the water supply.


From what has been said, under the head of improvements in Albany county, it will be seen that the care of the sick is a matter of concern with those who have charge of these institutions. Throughout the entire district greater attention is now paid to the proper care of inmates who are suffering from sickness. The work of the physician is more constant, the accommodations provided for patients increased, and the necessary supplies suitable for the sick are furnished in abundance.

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