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It behooves us to keep pace with all that is new and of approved value in the treatment of all diseases, and epilepsy being one of the most obstinate and intractable of them all, we must take advantage of every agency or remedy that offers any hope whatever for good to the patient. Our equipment in a medical and scientific way would be more complete if we had the appliance here asked for.

FOR GENERAL REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS, $7,500. There are a multitude of little things constantly requiring to be done in every department of a great institution like this in the way of ordinary and extraordinary repairs that it is impossible to foresee and enumerate so far in advance, and a fund of the above amount should be secured for doing them as they arise. It is estimated that a sum equal to 3 per cent. to 4 per cent. of the whole value of a building must be spent on it annually to keep it in proper repair.


For the year beginning October 1, 1902, we estimate that the Colony will require for maintenance $140,000. This estimate is made on the belief that the average daily population for that year will be not less than 950.

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For bridge over Kishaqua creek on D. & M. highway,

and for changing road to same...


For a steam disinfecting plant for bedding, clothing

and household goods.


For root cellar for garden produce....

For additional kiln, sheds over machinery, and other

improvements to brickyard....


For farm stock and implements.

800 2,000

For additional farm teams and equipment for same.. For laundry machinery, including one 20 horse-power motor...



For balance to accept lowest bid for construction of
four cottages for employees and for an additional
cottage, five in all (in addition to $4,000 appropri
ated by chapter 330, Laws 1901)...

For isolation pavilion for contagious diseases...
For static electrical machine and X-ray outfit..
For general repairs and improvements.






For maintenance, beginning October 1, 1902...



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Eighth Annual Report of the Steward of the Craig Colony for Epileptics to the Medical Superin

tendent, September 30, 1901.

To the Medical Superintendent:

I have the honor to submit to you the eighth annual report of the steward of the Craig Colony for Epileptics, for the year ending September 30, 1901, in which are included summaries of the value of the work done in the printing office, carpenter shop, blacksmith shop, shoe shop, tailor shop, paint shop and sewing room, not including cost of material; also, the total of the debit and credit accounts of the brickyard, farm, garden and dairy, showing the value of products raised on the farm, garden and dairy, the cost of production, aside from patients' labor and the net proceeds for the same period of time.

There has been more advancement in the manner of utilizing patients' labor in the past twelve months than at any former period in the history of the Colony. Early in the spring of 1901 at a meeting of the medical staff, supervisors, and steward, a certain number of male patients were detailed for specific work: for instance, a list of twenty-five men were detailed to work on the farm; a list of twenty men to work in the brickyard; a list of twenty boys to work in the garden, and others as assistants in the various departments. Each head of department was fur nished with a list of patients that were so detailed. This method aided each patient to become proficient in his work, and contented with Colony life; and he was thereby better enabled to contribute all that he was able for his support.

In years past there has been some trouble experienced in finding work that was congenial to patients. This was not due so much to the kind of work as it was to the fact that they were

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