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Board of Managers of the Craig Colony for Epileptics for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1901.

To the State Board of Charities:

As required by statute, we beg to present the Eighth Annual Report of the Managers of the Craig Colony for Epileptics for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1901, including the reports of the Treasurer and Medical Superintendent to the Managers.


Having been appointed President of the State Commission in Lunacy by Governor Odell, Dr. Frederick Peterson resigned the position of Manager and President of this Board last spring and Dr. Pearce Bailey, of New York city, was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy as Manager. At the quarterly meeting of the Managers held in July, Mr. George L. Williams, of Buffalo, was elected President of the Board. At the same meeting the Board was pleased to pass the following resolution bearing upon Dr. Peterson's work and services in connection with the Craig Colony:

"Whereas, Dr. Frederick Peterson, President of the Board of Managers of the Craig Colony since its first organization in 1894, has resigned his position as a Manager of the Colony in order to accept the position of President of the State Commission in Lunacy,

"Resolved, That the Board of Managers of the Craig Colony, while congratulating the State upon securing the services of Dr.

Peterson as a member and President of the State Commission in Lunacy, desire to express their profound regret at losing the official service and co-operation of one to whom, more than any one else, the State owes the establishment of this Colony on a humane and scientific basis.

"Resolved, That the Board extend to Dr. Peterson their sincere thanks for his long and fruitful labors in behalf of the work to which the Colony is dedicated and their sincere good wishes for equally beneficent results in his new field of labor."

The term of service of Judge O. P. Hurd, of Watkins, having expired, the yacancy was filled by the Governor by the appointment of Prof. E. W. Huffcut, who holds a Chair of Law at Cornell University. The Board was pleased to adopt a fitting resolution concerning the services of Judge Hurd to the Colony.


All meetings of the Board and of its Committees have been held at the Colony, the full Board having met on the second Tuesday in October, January, April and July, an average of nine members attending each meeting. The Visiting Committee met at the Colony thirteen times during the year; while the Executive Committee had seven meetings.


On October 1, 1900, the Colony had 612 patients, 329 of whom were males, 283 females. During the year 259 were received; 198 males and 61 females; while during the same period 81 were discharged, 34 died and 13 were transferred as insane to State hospitals. This left the census on September 30th last, 743; 440 of whom were males, 303 females, making an actual gain of 131 for the year. Attention is called to the relatively low death rate for the year, it being less than 5 per cent.

We are pleased to note that the per capita cost of maintenance during the year was $7.62 less than the previous year. We feel that as the number of patients increase the per capita cost will correspondingly decrease. Your attention is also called to the

low per capita cost of new construction, which is shown by the Superintendent's report to have averaged $425 per bed, exclusive of the hospital.


The two infirmaries under construction at the time of our last report are practically completed, and we are now awaiting the construction of water and sewer lines to them in order to occupy them. These are among the best buildings we have on the place. They are designed for the feeble and bed-ridden classes, and because of the increase in cases of this character these buildings should be enlarged in another year. There are enough suitable cases now on the premises to more than fill them as soon as they are ready for use.

We opened bids early in the season for the construction of four dormitories in the Villa Flora group for women, under the item of $90,000 in this year's appropriation; but we were unable to accept any of the bids because they exceeded the per capita allowance of $500 per bed. Preparations are being made to advertise for new bids for this work, for two additional dormitories on the Village Green and other dormitory accommodations for patients under the item of $90,000 mentioned above.

The Village Green buildings were opened early in the season and have proved very satisfactory indeed.

The two silos, for which we had an appropriation of $900, were built for $707.95. The two under grade crossings are completed, with the exception of paving and draining, both of which will be completed before the end of the year. The warehouse and bakery is being finished under the appropriation of $1,500 for that purpose. It is an excellent building and is greatly needed. The third wing to the trades school is under construction. The completion of this will give needed room for additional shop work for patients. Considerable delay was experienced in beginning work on the conduit to carry steam and hot water pipes in the women's group; but the work was commenced late in September and will be pushed to completion as

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