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The same methods in educational and industrial training have been pursued, the test of scholarship, so far as possible, being the Regents' examination papers. These tests, applied from time to time, have indicated fairly satisfactory results so far as mental discipline is concerned. The work of teaching has been facilitated by the use of machines for printing music and literature in the "New York" and "Braille" point systems. The use of the two systems of print does not conduce to satisfactory results. The efforts of the school should be concentrated upon one method. To compel pupils to learn the two points, results in a decided loss of facility. The simplest and the best method of point print, and that only, should be made use of in the State School for the Blind.

The range of industrial education is very narrow, the school confining its instruction to broom making, chair caning and piano tuning for the boys, with sewing as the main employment for the girls. It is an unwise policy for the State to maintain and but partially to educate this unfortunate class of its wards. The education should be sufficient to assure comfortable self-support if faithfully used. To limit the possible employments to the four industries named, is to make it certain that the majority of the blind educated at the expense of the State in this institution will continue either wholly or partially dependent upon public aid.

The President of the Board of Managers of this school has publicly expressed disappointment at the work accomplished by the school, his judgment being the result of nine years' observation. There is no good reason why this school should not make a large majority of its pupils self-supporting men and women. The State makes liberal appropriations; it has ample facilities;

and the number of pupils is not so great as to prevent individual attention on the part of the teachers.

The Superintendent of the school, Professor Gardner Fuller, having resigned his position at the close of the school term, his successor, Mr. Olin H. Burritt, formerly principal of the Franklin Academy at Malone, was chosen through competitive examination held by the State Civil Service Commission, to fill the vacancy.

The new gymnasium has been opened. It has a suitable equipment of apparatus, and under a competent instructor will prove decidedly helpful to the work of the school.

Owing to the fact that there are serious defects in the plumbing of the building, the general health of the school was seriously threatened during the year by the appearance of a number of cases of measles, mumps and typhoid and scarlet fevers. These cases compelled the employment of special nurses, and were fortunately controlled, but until the causes are removed it is feared similar outbreaks will occur again.

The Board recommends the following appropriations, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to this institution:

For fire-escapes from second and third floors of the school building and extension of fire-escapes in the court, $2,000; for fire-risers and hose in main building, $500; for improving economy of steam plant, $1,000; for steam cooking outfit, $750; for renovating plumbing, $3,500; for steel ceiling in main building, $1,000; for pianos to replace those worn out, $1,200; for team of horses, $300; making the special appropriations approved of, $10,250; maintenance appropriation, $38,000; making the total appropriation, $48,250.


[Established 1900.]

This institution has capacity for 25 patients. It was informally opened for the reception of patients on the 7th of December, 1900, when 5 patients were received, and formally opened with appropriate ceremonies on the 17th of May, 1901.

During the year 14 boys and 10 girls were admitted and 2 boys and 3 girls discharged, leaving a population October 1, 1901, of 12 boys and 7 girls. The average number of patients during the ten months of the fiscal year was 13, and the average weekly cost of support, including the value of home and farm products consumed, was $11.25; excluding the value of home and farm products consumed, $11.25.

The receipts during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1901, were: From interest on deposits, $17.28; from general appropriations, $10,012.31; total, $10,029.59.

The expenditures from the general appropriation were: For salaries of officers, wages and labor, $1,868.44; for provisions, $1,344.93; for household stores, $210.10; for clothing, $9.75; for fuel and light, $399.50; for hospital and medical supplies, $452.21; for transportation and traveling expenses, $120.95; for shop, farm and garden supplies, $13.85; for ordinary repairs, $15.88; for expenses of managers, $626.35; for all other ordinary expenses, $1,371.74; total, $6,433.70.

The extraordinary expenditures were $3,290.39, for furnishing and equipment, making the total expenditures for the year $9,724.09. The cash on hand October 1, 1901, the only asset, was $305.50.

Of the ordinary expenditures during the year, 29 per cent. was for salaries, wages and labor; 20.9 per cent. for provisions; 3.3

per cent. for household stores; .1 of 1 per cent. for clothing; 6.2 per cent. for fuel and light; 7 per cent. for hospital and medical supplies; 2 per cent, for transportation and traveling expenses; .2 of 1 per cent. for shop, farm and garden supplies; .3 of 1 per cent. for ordinary repairs; 9.7 per cent. for expenses of managers; and 21.3 per cent. for all other ordinary expenses. Chapter 369, Laws of 1900 (special act), appropriated $15,000 to establish the institution. The sum of $5,000 contributed by private individuals was expended in preparing the buildings for service as a hospital.

The Legislature of 1901, by chapter 701, made an appropriation of $4,250 for extraordinary expenses. This amount was to be expended as follows: For equipment of operating room, $2,000; for splints, braces, and other orthopedic apparatus, $500; for work bench, tools and accessories for repairing apparatus. $250; for isolation pavilion of wood construction for contagious diseases, $1,500; for maintenance the Legislature appropriated $10,000.

Of this appropriation, the item of $1,500 for an isolation pavilion has not yet been used.

The law establishing the hospital provides that it "shall be for the care and treatment of any indigent children who may have resided in the State of New York for a period not less than one year, who are crippled or deformed or are suffering from disease from which they are likely to become crippled or deformed. No patient suffering from an incurable disease shall be admitted to such hospital. No patient shall be received, except upon satisfactory proof, made to the Surgeon-in-Chief, by the next of kin, guardian, or a State, town, or county officer, under rules to be established by the Board of Managers, showing that the patient

is unable to pay for private treatment. Such proof shall be by affidavit. If there was an attending officer before the patient entered the hospital, it shall be accompanied by the certificate of such physician, giving the previous history and condition of the patient."

This hospital is located in Tarrytown, upon a plot of ground fronting the Hudson river. The tract contains about four acres. Upon this a roomy private residence stood, which has been altered and repaired and is now in service as the Hospital. It is well located and, except that it is too small to permit of the reception of many patients, serves admirably for an experimental hospital. It is arranged to accommodate 25 children, but with this number and the necessary attendants the building is greatly crowded.

During the pleasant weather the children play on the Hospital grounds. Until the building formerly used as a carriage house was altered, the children were confined to the house on stormy days. Friends of the institution contributed funds to alter the carriage house and equip it as a playroom, and when the heating apparatus is installed the children will be able to use it as such. Owing to the experimental nature of this institution nothing has been done in the way of providing occupation for the children; consequently their time is spent in efforts to amuse themselves. If this Hospital is to be a permanent institution, it will be necessary to provide facilities for their proper instruction.

In all, 58 applications for admission to this Hospital were received. Many of these applicants were not eligible on account of their incurable condition. Others who were eligible were not

admitted because after application they did not report for examination.

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