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Upon the petition of hegro Thomas, convicted of larceny, in the county of Chester,

Ordered, That the fine adjudged to be paid to the use of the State by the said negro Thomas, be remitted.

An order was issued to the Wardens of the Port, to inspect divers goods and merchandize consigned to Messieurs Thuuin and Boden, of Philad'a, merchants, imported in the ship Clementine, Captain Kruse, from Hamburgh, said to be damaged, and that they report according to act of Assembly dated second day of March, 1780.

A petition from Messieurs Fisher and Roberts, for a remission of the forfeiture of a quantity of brandy seized by the Collector, was read and dismissed.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday, April 26th, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President.

The Hon'ble James Irvine,

Stephen Balliot, &


George Wall, Jun'r, John Neville,
John M'Dowell,

An order was issued in favor of Colonel William Henry, Lieu. tenant of the city and liberties of Philadelphia, upon the Treasurer of the State, for the sum of one hundred and sixty pounds specie, to be paid out of the militia fines for the said city and liberties towards defraying the expences of the militia thereof.

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A letter from his Excellency Thomas Mifflin, Esquire, President of Congress, of the twenty-first instant, inclosing a resolution respecting the representation of the States in Congress, and informing that L'Orient is declared to be a free port, was read.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Wednesday, April 28th, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esq'r, President. The Honorable James Irvine,

George Wall,

John M'Dowell,

Stephen Balliot, and
Sebastian Levan,


An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable John Neville, for one hundred and two pounds fifteen shillings specie, in full for his attendance in Council till the thirtieth instant, inclusively, and his mileage.

An order was drawn on the Naval Officer for the sum of four hundred pounds specie, in favor of Messieurs Arthur Donnaldson and Levi Hollinsworth, to be by them applyed in removing or destroying the chevaux-de-frize in the river Delaware, to be paid out of the duties which have arisen by the late impost laws according to resolution of the General Assembly of the twenty-fourth of September, 1783.

An order was drawn on the Naval Officer in favor of Peter Kern, for two hundred and seventy-six pounds fifteen shillings and six pence, specie, in full of his account against the State for arms, to be paid out of the monies arising from the one per cent, impost, according to resolution of Assembly of the thirteenth day of March, 1784.

A letter from the wardens of the port of Philadelphia, was read; and thereupon,

Ordered, That they be requested to attend Council to-morrow at eleven o'clock.

Orders were issued to the wardens of the port of Philadelphia, to inspect divers goods and merchandize imported in the ship Fortune, Captain William Hayden, and the ship Andrew, Captain John Robinson, both from London, consigned to Andrew Bunner, Thomas, Samuel, and Miers Fisher, Isaac Wikoff and Thomas Bil lington, of Philadelphia, merchants, and to report according to act of Assembly passed the second day of March, 1780.

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The Comptroller General's report upon the account of John Coryell, Esquire, for apprehending deserters from the Continental army in 1777, was read and approved.

An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Flaval Rowan, for forty-eight pounds sixteen shillings, in full for principal and interest due upon his certificate for a mare furnished for public use, to be paid according to act of Assembly dated the eighth day of May, 1782.

The wardens of the port of Philadelphia attended in Council, agreeably to the desire of the Council, and a conference was held on the subject of removing the chevaux-de-frize, and improvement of the navigation.

An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the Honorable John M'Dowell for twenty-six pounds five shillings specie, in full for attendance in Council till the thirtieth instant, inclusively.

An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Frederick Sneider, for eighteen pounds nine shillings and four pence, in full of his account for his wages as Doorkeeper till the thirtieth instant, inclusively, and cash paid for firewood, &ca.

The Council met..

PHILADELPHIA, Friday, April 30th, 1781.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President. The Hon'ble James Irvine,

George Wall, Junior,
John M'Dowell,

Sebastian Levan,

Stephen Balliot, and Esq'rs.
John Neville,

The Comptroller's reports upon the accounts of Captain Thomas Robinson, for cash received and paid for subsistence and allowance for recruiting his Ranging company, and upon the account of Doctor William Hooker Smith, for medicine and attendance upon the sick of Colonel Moore's troops at Wyoming, were read and ap proved.

The Comptroller General's reports in favor of the following officers and soldiers, were read and approved, and an order drawn for the interest due to each on the tenth day of April, 1782, as computed by him, to be paid out of the monies arising from the excise appropriated for the discharge of interest due upon depreciation certificates, vizt:

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