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The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Friday, January 30th, 1784.


The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

James Irvine,

George Wall, Jun'r,

John McDowell,

Samuel J. Atlee,

John Boyd,

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A certificate from Major Isaac Craig, in favor of John Harris, Jonathan Trickel, and James Fitzimmons, three soldiers, was read; and on consideration,

Ordered, That the Comptroller General be authorized to pay to each of the said soldiers the sum of nine pounds, State money, the gratuity allowed by resolution of Assembly of the eighth of March, 1781.

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The following orders were drawn on the Treasurer, vizt:

In favor of Frederick Sneider, for the sum of fifteen

pounds ten shillings, in full for his wages as Door £15 10 0 Keeper to this Board 'till the thirty-first of January, 1784, inclusively.

In favor of the Honorable John McDowell, Esquire, for fifty-four pounds five shillings, in full for his wages for attendance in Council 'till the thirty-first of January, 1784, inclusively.

In favor of the Honorable John Boyd, Esquire, for thirty-three pounds five shillings, in full for his attendance in Council 'till the thirty-first of January, 1784, inclusively.

54 5 0

33 5 0

The petition of John Thompson, convicted of larceny in the county of Philadelphia, was read and rejected.

The oath of office prescribed by law, was this morning administered to Jonathan Burrall, Esquire, a Commissioner for settling the accounts of the Commissary's Department.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday, February 2nd, 1784.


The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

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Upon application of the Attorney General, it was

Ordered, That the Agents of Confiscated property in the city and counties, be directed to furnish the said Attorney General with the dates of the several advertisements of sale which they have respectively issued in the course of their public employment. Mr. Boyd was appointed to accompany the Vice President during the session of the Board of Property for this month.

The following orders were drawn on the Treasurer, vizt:

In favor of the Honorable Stephen Balliot, Es£27 2 6 quire, for twenty-seven pounds two shillings and six pence specie, in full for his attendance at this Board 'till the thirty-first ult., inclusively.

In favor of Thomas Craig, Esquire, for the sum of £1000 ten pounds specie, in full for his pay as Lieutenant of the county of Northampton from the time of his appointment to this day, to be paid out of the militia fines of the said county.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, February 3rd, 1784.


The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

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Mr. Rush, Mr. McClay, and Mr. Clymer, a committee of the House, attending in Council, a conference was held upon the subject of a letter from Thomas Smith, Esquire, to the Comptroller General, on the case of Charles Cessna's sureties and accounts.

A letter from Joseph Stiles, Esquire, solliciting an order upon the Treasury in his favor for the sum of eighty pounds ten shillings, for the purpose of discharging a debt contracted by him on the part of the State, was read, and referred to the Comptroller General.

A letter from the Honorable Cadwallader Morris, inclosing a memorial from the Commonwealth of Massachusets to Congress, was read.

A letter from Major James Moore, with its inclosures, was also read.

The Council met at the President's House.

PHILADELPHIA, Wednesday, February 4th, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President.
The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

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A petition from Robert Anderson, invalided according to law, and now a pensioner upon this State, was read, and an order taken that it be referred to the Judges of the Orphans' Court, who are requested to report upon it as early as possible.

Mr. McClay, Mr. Coleman, and Mr. Cluggage, a committee of the House, attending in Council, a conference was had upon the subject of opening the land office.

A draft of a message to the General Assembly was read, adopted as follows, and presented by the Secretary:

A Message from the President and the Supreme Executive Council, to the General Assembly.

GENTLEMEN :—Inclosed are the memorial of Mr. John Campbell, and copies of entries on which his claims and Colonel Charles Simms's are founded.

We intend to write immediately to the government of Virginia, for transcripts of the laws of that State relative to the subject, for certificates respecting the authenticity of the documents produced by Mr. Campbell, and for authenticated copies of all the proceedings in public offices concerning similar claims.

In the mean time it appears to us adviseable that the agreement should be confirmed by a law, and proper powers be established for issuing warrants of survey, hearing and determining controversies, and granting patents, in order that the stipulations between the two States may be with good faith, carried into full execution. JOHN DICKINSON. Council Chamber, Philad'a, February 4th, 1784.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Thursday, February 5th, 1784.


The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

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A petition from William McMeen was read, and an order taken that the fine of five pounds imposed upon him on conviction of a forcible entry, and adjudged to the use of the State, be remitted.

A letter from De Marcellin and Le Roy, late Lieutenants in the Pennsylvania line, was read, and an order taken that their memorial of the second instant be transmitted to the honorable the General Assembly.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Friday, February 6th, 1784.


The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

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A letter from Charles Thomson, Esquire, inclosing a resolution of Congress of the twenty-sixth day of January last, assigning the fourth Monday of June next for the purpose of holding a Foederal court upon the private right of soil to the Wyoming lands, was read, and transmitted to the House of Assembly.

That part of the corporal punishment which, by sentence of the court, was to be inflicted upon John Thompson on Saturday next, is hereby remitted.

Upon the petition of Thomas Charles, now confined in the gaol of the city and county of Philadelphia,

Ordered, That the corporal punishment to which he was sentenced upon conviction of larceny, be remitted.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Saturday, February 7th, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President.
The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

The Hon'ble James Irvine,

George Wall, Jun'r,
John McDowell,

Samuel J. Atlee,

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A committee of the Assembly (Mr. Delany, Mr. Rush, Mr. Hubly, Mr. Carothers, Mr. McPherson, and Mr. Long) attending in Council, a conference was had upon the subject of a late ordinance of Congress, by which a Foederal court is to be held for the purpose of ascertaining the private right of soil to the lands of Wyoming. A letter from Major Moore to Alexander Patterson, Esquire, with its inclosures, was laid before Council, and an order taken that it be transmitted to the honorable the General Assembly.

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