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Sheriffs-Jeremiah Talbot and John Martin.
Coroners-John Rhea and Samuel Royer.

Commissioners-James Poe, John Work, and John Beard.
On consideration,

Ordered, That Jeremiah Talbot, Esquire, be appointed and commissioned to be Sheriff of the county of Franklin, and that John Rhea, Esquire, be appointed and commissioned to be Coroner of the said county.

Benjamin Chambers, Junior, and Patrick Campbell, of the county of Franklin, were offered by Jeremiah Talbot, Esquire, as sureties for his faithful performance of the duties of his office of Sheriff of the said county, according to law, which the Council approved.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Thursday, October 21st, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President. The Honorable James Irvine,

George Wall,
John McDowell,
Stephen Balliott,

Daniel Heister,

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Mr. Boyd informed Council that Ensign Andrew Henderson, of Colonel Harmer's detachment, has declined his appointment; whereupon,

The Council proceeded to the appointment of an Ensign, in the room of Mr. Henderson, when Nathaniel McDowell was unanimously chosen, aud a commission issued accordingly.

The Comptroller General's report upon William Becker's certificate, was read and approved.

John Boyd, Esquire, was appointed and commissioned to be a Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Lancaster, upon a return made according to law, for the district of Martick township.

The return of the general election held in the county of Bucks, was received and read, by which it appears that the following gentlemen were duly elected, vizt:

Representatives in the General Assembly:-Thomas Long, John Clarke, Joseph Thomas, John Keller, and Arthur Irwin.

Sheriffs: Samuel Dean, Esquire, and Jacob Bennet.

Coroners :-William Bennet and William Hart.

On consideration,

Odered, That Samuel Dean, Esquire, be appointed and commissioned to be Sheriff of the county of Bucks, and that William

Bennet be appointed and commissioned to be Coroner of the said county.

Samuel Dean, Esquire, offered Samuel Smith and Artbur Erwin, Esquires, of the county of Bucks, as sureties for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office of Sheriff of the said county, according to law, which the Council approved.

The return of the general election held in the county of Chester, was received and read, by which it appears that the following gentlemen were duly elected:

Representatives in the General Assembly:-Richard Willing,
Anthony Wayne, Edward Jones, Robert Ralston, Joseph Straw-
bridge, Persifor Frazier, Thomas Potts, and Charles Humphreys.
Sheriffs -William Gibbons and Charles Dilworth.
Coroners :-John Harper and Isaac Thomas.

Commissioners :-Joseph McClellan and Andrew Boyd.
On consideration,

Ordered, That William Gibbons, Esquire, be appointed and commissioned to be Sheriff of the county of Chester, and that John Harper be appointed and commissioned to be Coroner of the said county.

William Gibbons, Esquire, offered John Hannum and Thomas Cheyney, Esquires, of the county of Chester, as sureties for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office of the said county, according to law, which the Council approved.

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An order was drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of William Wilson, Esquire, Lieutenant of the county of Northumberland, for the sum of twenty-four pounds eighteen shillings and eight pence, for paying sundry accounts for lead, powder, flints, and repair of arms, for the Wioming expedition, agreeably to the Comptroller General's report.

An order was drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of John Van Campen, Esquire, for the sum of two hundred pounds specie, on account for provisions furnished for the use of the troops lately sent to Wioming, for which sum he is to be accountable.

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The Comptroller General's reports upon the accounts of Francis Bailey, for printing work done for the Comptroller General's office, and of the Subalterns, non-commissioned officers, and privates of Captain Philip Schrawder's company of Rangers, were read and approved.

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Richard McAlister, Esquire, Councillor elect for the county of York, attended in Council, and having taken the oaths required by the Constitution, was admitted accordingly, to a seat at this Board. Upon the petition of Rachel Cotton, convicted of fornication in the county of Washington, it was

Ordered, That her fine be remitted.

The Comptroller General's report upon the account of Captain Philip Schrawder, of the company of Rangers lately stationed in Northampton county, was read and approved.

An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Jacob Shallus, for three pounds seven shillings and six pence specie, for three copies of the list of Indian deeds, used at the late trial at Trenton between this State and Connecticut.

An order was drawn on the Treasurer in favor of Captain Philip Schrawder, for eleven pounds twelve shillings and six pence specie, being the ballance due in specie upon his recruiting account, agreeably to the Comptroller General's report of the fourteenth of October, 1784, to be paid out of the money arising from the class tax.

The record of the conviction of Joseph Chalk, John McDunnell, and John Varnum, alias Benson, in the county of Chester, for burglary, was read; and on consideration, it was

Ordered, That a warrant be issued to the Sheriff of the county of Chester, directing him to execute the sentence of the Court upon the said Joseph Chalk, John McDunnell, and John Varnum, alias Benson, on Tuesday the second day of November next.

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The Comptroller General's report upon the account of James Davis, deceased, for team hire in the year 1777, was read and approved, and an order drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of the estate of James Davis, for the sum of seventy five pounds specie, in full of the said account, to be paid out of the militia fines of the county of Chester.

Upon application of Barbe De Marbois, Junior, in favor of Louis Colinet and Jean Goudryon, convicted of stabbing a certain Francis Wilson, and now confined in the jail of the said county, it


Ordered, That the sentences against them, as to the fine and the security, be remitted, on condition that they immediately depart this State in the L'Esperance, Captain Beaudue, bound from this port to Dunkirk.

The Comptroller General's report upon the account of Samuel Bulfinch, for expences to Annapolis and returning, to bring Henry

Carberry from thence, was read and approved, and an order drawn upon the Treasurer in his favor for thirty-one pounds three shillings and six pence, in full of the said account.

A certificate from the Wardens of the Port of Philadelphia, of the twenty-sixth instant, respecting the removal of the Chevaux de frize, was received and read, and is as follows, to wit:

Port of Philadelphia, Warden's Office, October 26th, 1784. We do certify that Messrs. Levi Hollinsworth, and Arthur Donnaldson, have not only removed the destroyed forty-nine Chevaux de frize, but from the reports, employed in sweeping the bed of the river in the neighborhood of Mud Island and Billingsport, we have reason to believe that they also removed all the frames that were obstructions, and that the navigation in both the eastern and western channel is rendered perfectly safe.




Upon which it was



Ordered, That a letter be written to Messieurs Arthur Donnaldson and Levi Hollinsworth, in the following words, vizt:

In Council, Philadelphia, October 27th, 1784.

GENTLEMEN :-The certificate of the Wardens of the Port gives us great satisfaction, and we have drawn an order for the payment of the ballance due to you.

We cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of expressing, upon this occasion, our sense of the attention and ingenuity exerted in removing the Chevaux de frize, and of the very great service thereby rendered to our fellow citizens.

I am with much respect, gentlemen, your obedient and very humble servant,


Messrs. Arthur Donnaldson and Levi Hollinsworth.

Ordered, That the foregoing certificate from the Wardens of the Port of Philadelphia, and letter to Messieurs Arthur Donnaldson and Levi Hollinsworth, be published.

VOL. XIV.-16.

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