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The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday, May 31st, 1784.


His Excellency JOHN DICKINSON, Esquire, President. The Honorable JAMES EWING, Esquire, Vice President.

James Irvine,

John McDowell,

Stephen Balliot,

Samuel John Atlee, and
Isaac Mason.

John Boyd,

The Council took into consideration a letter from the Wardens of the Port of Philadelphia of the 26th instant, informing "that some evil disposed persons have removed the buoys placed for the direction and safety of vessels, and have taken out for ballast, the fillings of the piers, whereby injuries happen to the navigation of the bay and river Delaware, and considerable expence is incurred." And thereupon, it was agreed that a proclamation be issued in the following words, to wit:

Pennsylvania 88.

By the President and the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


WHEREAS, By the report of the Wardens of the Port of Philadelphia to us made, it appears "that some evil disposed persons have lately removed buoys placed for the direction and safety of vessels, whereby injuries frequently happen to the navigation of the bay and river Delaware, considerable expence is incurred, and the good intentions of the Legislature are frustrated :"

And whereas, It is of great importance to the trade and welfare of this Commonwealth, that the perpetrators of such heinous offences should be duly punished, we have thought fit to offer and do hereby offer a public reward of fifty pounds in specie, for each and every of the perpetrators of the said offences, or any of them, to any person or persons who shall apprehend and secure them, or any of them, to be paid on conviction for the same in any Court of Quarter Sessions, in any city or county in this State; and all Judges, Justices, Sheriffs and Constables, are hereby strictly enjoined and required to make diligent search and enquiry after, and to use their utmost endeavours to apprehend and secure the said offenders, so that they may be dealt with according to law. Given in Council, under the hand of the President and the seal of the State, at Philadelphia, this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four. JOHN DICKINSON.

Attest JOHN ARMSTRONG, Jun., Sec'y.


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The following orders were drawn on the Treasurer, vizt:

In favor of Frederick Sneider for sixteen pounds specie, in full for his wages as Door-keeper 'till this day inclusively, and cash paid for newspapers, &ca.

In favor of the Honorable Stephen Balliot, for the sum of twentyseven pounds two shillings and six pence specie, in full for his wages as Councillor 'till the thirty-first instant.

In favor of the Honorable John M'Dowell, Esquire, for twentyfour pounds two shillings and six pence specie, in full for his attendance as Councillor 'till this day inclusively, and his mileage.

In favor of Lieutenant Stephen Stephenson for seventeen pounds seven shillings and four pence specie, ballance of his account for recruiting in the year 1778, agreeably to the Comptrollor Genreport, to be paid out of the money arising from the class


The Sheriff reported that a writ of habeas corpus would probably issue for the removal of Charles Julian De Longchamps from confinement, whereupon a conference was had with the Honorable George Bryan, Esquire, upon the subject.

Robert Smith, Inspector, and George Heyl and Hugh Roberts, Assistants, at an election for Justices of the Peace held for Middle ward, in Philadelphia city, attended in Council, agreeably to theorder of the twenty-ninth instant.

The Comptroller General's reports, in favor of the following officers and soldiers, were read and approved, and an order drawn for the interest due to each on the tenth day of April, 1782, as computed by him, to be paid out of the monies arising from the excise appropriated for the discharge of interest due upon depreciation certificates, vizt:

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James Jones, Surgeon Mate of sixth do.,

374 1 10

22 8 10

Andrew Galbraith, Maj'r of Flying

Estate of John Borgar, late private of second regiment, deceased, his Administrator,

James Mehaffey, private of tenth do.,
John Wilkins, S. Mate of fourth

William McFailan, Lieut. Flying Camp, 101 13 0
Estate James Campbell, late private of
ninth reg't, deceased,

James Ratcliffe, private of second,
Jona'n Foster, late Fifer Artillery

Peter Letherman, Soldier of sixth reg't,
Estate of Alexander Cavin, late private
of seventh reg't, deceased,

Widow of Peter Drank, late private
German regiment,

60 5 3

3 12 3

29 18 7

1 15 9

19 17 51

[blocks in formation]

46 12 2

2 15 10

[blocks in formation]

Michael Selsear, private of sixth do.,

[blocks in formation]

David Points, private, militia,

[blocks in formation]

The estate of David McClean, late private of seventh do.,

[blocks in formation]

George Lough, late private of second

John Brown, private of eleventh, do.,
James Campbell, Administrator of

Tho's Flahead, late private of Ha-
zen's, deceased,

Estate of Isaac Sweney, late Captain of
eleventh regiment, deceased,
John Barr, private Hazen's, reg't,
John McClosky, private of first do.,

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[blocks in formation]

Samuel Rutherford, Ensign, Flying

Schott's comp'y,

second reg't, deceased, his widow & Adm.,

186 3 10

11 3 4

[blocks in formation]

88 15 4

56 5

178 5 0

10 13 10

John Sullivan, private of fourth regi

Thomas Simonton, private of seventh, Thomas Murray, late Lieutenant-Colonel of Flying Camp,

The Comptroller General's reports in favor of the following officers and soldiers, were read and approved, and an order drawn for the interest due to each on the tenth day of April, 1783, as computed by him, to be paid out of the monies arising from the Excise appropriated for the discharge of interest due upon depreciation certificates, vizt:

Robert Lettes Hooper, Esquire, Administrator of Thos. Byles, late Major of third regiment,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Francis McDaniel, private of seventh,

[blocks in formation]

John Johnston,



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Ezekiel Howell, Lieutenant Artillery, Thomas Robinson, Lieutenant Colonel,

Patrick McDonald, private of third reg't,
William Warner, private of second do.,
Captain Alexander Graydon, of third

William Gristock, private of second do.,
John Barelay, Captain of fifth
John Craig, late Lieutenant of Flying

John Figh, private of sixth regiment,
Elijah Starr, do. of tenth

Robert Christie do. of fifth

George White, Dragoon, Lee's Legion,

Philip Vanimahr, private of second reg't, John Bryce, Captain Artillery,

66 12 5

3 19 10

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


50 12 4

4 19 5 307


[blocks in formation]

Jacob Ashmead, Captain of second reg't,

[blocks in formation]

John Buxton, private of third

[blocks in formation]

3 10 3

Patrick Rock, do., of fifth

[blocks in formation]
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