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Prepared on the Sea-Shore of Cape Cod and Cape Ann, by Mr. CASWELL, personally, from Fresh and Selected Livers.

The universal
demand for an ar-
ticle of Cod-Liver
Oil that could be
depended upon as

PREPARED, having
been long felt by
the Medical Pro-
fession.wewere in-
its manufacture at
TIONS, where the
fish are brought to
land every few
hours, and the



livers, consequent-
ly, are in great
perfection. Its
manufacture is
personally super-
intended by our
Mr. Caswell, and
every gallon mae
is closely scrutiniz-
ed. This Oil is
confidently recom-
mended to the
Trade and Medi-
cal Profession as
the SWEETEST and
PUREST in market.
It is made of fresh
selected livers on


the sea-const, and can be retained by the stomach when other kinds fail, so sweet and pure is it, from the great care and skill attending its manufacture.

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Prof. Parker, of New York, says. "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's oil, and give yours the decided preference." Prof. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, after a full analysis of it, says: It is the best for foreign or domestic use." After years of experimenting, the Medical Pression of Europe and America, who have carefully studied the effects of different Cod-Liver Oils, have unanimously decided the light, straw-colored Cod Liver Oil to be far superior to any of the brown oils. The nauseous and offensive character of the usual Cod-liver Oil in use is extremely prejudicial-more so than none at all: so that an article fresh and pure is indispensible. Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., under Fifth Avenne Hotel, New York City.




CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., also call the attention of the Profession to their preparation of the above estimable Tonics, as combined in their elegant and palatable

Ferro-phosphorated Elixir of Calisay Bark,

a combination of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya never before attained, in which the nauseous inkiness of the Iron and astringency of the Calisaya are overcome, with out any injury to their active tonic principle, and blended into a BEAUTIFUL AMBER-COLORED CORDIAL, delicious to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. A teaspoonful contains one grain of the Salt of Pyrophosphate of Iron, and a pint of the mixture contains the virtue of one ounce of Royal Calisaya Bark. The Profession are warned against many imitation's of the Ferro-Pyrophorated Elixir of Calisaya, made from very inferior materials.

Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Strichnia.

This preparation contains one grain of sulphate of Strychnia added to each pint of our Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark, greatly intensifying its tonic effects.

Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, with Sub Carbonate of Bismuth.

This combination has now become exceedingly popular with the first physicians of the country, by whom it is efficiently and successfully used in gastralgia, laborious digestion, acid eructations, nausea, debility and nervous derangements. Each Tablespoonful contains eight grains of Soluble Bismuth, four grains Pyrophosphate of Iron, and three-quarters of a grain of Quinine in its natural state of combination.


This combination holds sixteen grains Iodide of Iron to the ounce of our pure Cod-Liver Oil ["Oleum Morrhua"] in perfect solution. making a pleasant and beautiful, clear, light-brown combination, free from the unpleasant inkiness of the Iodide of Iron. It possesses not only the nourishing properties of the CodLiver Oil, but intensified by the powerful tonic and alterative effects of the Iodide of Iron, thereby assisting the assimilation of the oil by the stomach, and increasing its nutrition, making this invaluable remedy (CodLiver Oil) far more efficacious in scrofulous and other diseases indicating its use.

This combination is one long desired by the Profession, and one, when Iron is indicated (as in most cases) the practitioner will find invaluable. One of the advantages of the Iodo-Ferrated over all other combinations of Cod-Liver Oil is, that a much less quantity is sufficient for dose, as it contains four or five times the amount of Iodine found in the natural oil. Physicians can rely upon this preparation as containing sixteen grains of the lodide of Iron in each ounce of Cod-Liver Oil.

Manufactured solely by

CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., Successors to Caswell, Mack & Co.,
Family and Manufacturing Chemists,
NEWPORT, R. I., and cor. 24th and Broadway, New York City.

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The Tertian, and

The Quartan.

No. 2

The great predisposing cause of Ague is marsh miasmata, arising from the ef fluvia of decomposed vegetable matter, and attacks of this disease are most fre

quent in spring and autumn, the decomposition of vegetable matter being more active during these seasons, especially when the ground is drying after having been well soaked with rain. Low situa


tions are more prone to generate this disease than higher places are. miasmata is much interrupted by trees, owing to the respiratory action of their leaves, and running streams also tend to lessen its accumulation; in fact it is mostly found in stagnant water in which vegetable matter has decayed, and the

The Quotidian has an interval of bubbles of this gas may be seen rising to twenty-four hours, the Tertian of forty-the surface of the water.

eight, and the Quartan of seventy-two hours.

The Tertian comes on every third day, and the Quartan every fourth day.

Persons, when they first come to reside in low, marshy districts, are more liable to become the victims of an attack of this disease, than people who But besides these there are several have for a long time dwelt there. Agues other varieties, such as the Double Ter- are prevalent in England especially in tian, Double Quartan, Triple Tertian, the Fenny Districts, and often the atetc., differing chiefly from the other tacks prove very obstinate of cure. forms of Ague in the frequency, duration and severity of the paroxysms.

The Double Tertian has a paroxysm every day, but the paroxysms on alternate days alone resemble each other.

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An attack of Ague is ushered in (the patient having been out of sorts probably for some time) by a chill, and this is the commencement of the paroxysm. In its cold stage he has shivering and chillness till his teeth chatter, and the whole surface of the body becomes cold; the features are pinched, and the facial skin is contracted, frequent gaping and yawning bring on an oppression of the chest, and Morning is the time in which the there is pain in the back and limbs; paroxysm comes in Quotidian. pulse small, weak and frequent, a white

Of the Agues the Tertian is by far the most frequent, and is accompanied by the most severe hot stage; the Quartan has the longest cold stage, and is the most difficult to cure.

fur on the tongue, and a dull headache. The urine is frequently made, and of a very pale color. These symptoms at length give place to others of a very opposite character, for the patient becomes flushed, and general heat prevails over the whole body; reaction has now taken place. The pulse changes, becoming fuller and stronger. Thirst comes on, patient is very restless and suffers from a throbbing headache, and at this time the urine is high colored and very little is passed.

During the paroxysms from the frequency of the cold stages, internal congestions are liable to occur, such as enlargement of the spleen and liver, and the functions of the liver become disordered, and congestion of the lungs may take place, together with general derangement of the digestive system, the patient become emaciated, his abdomen tumid and swollen, and his bowels very sluggish.

In the treatment of Ague we must endeavor to abate the severity of the symp

After a while these hot symptoms sub-toms during the attack of the paroxysm, side, and the patient finds himself greatly by paliative treatment. Guard against. relieved, for the skin, which was so hot and dry before, now has become moist with perspiration, the body cooled. The pulse falls and the thirst and headache go off, and at this time the desire for food returns. The urine becomes more in quantity, but is turbid, and a brickdust sediment is deposited.

The effect a paroxysm of Ague has upon the system during its progress is that in the cold stage the blood is driven from the surface of the body and thus accumulates in the lungs, heart, spleen, liver and great internal vessels; then, during the hot stage, from the reaction of the circulation, the blood is forced again to the surface. But in order to effect this, the action of the heart has been much greater than ordinary, owing to the great accumulation of blood in its cavities, and therefore the heart has been compelled, as it were, to put on a great additional power, so that the blood is driven to the surface with too great force, and in consequence of this the secretions are completely checked. But in this dilemma the skin relieves by its action of sweating, and tones down the too great force of the circulation, and so restores its balance.

prostration by giving the patient nourishing warm fluids, as beef tea, etc., and keep him warm during the cold state, and if there is great debility, brandy and water may be given. During the hot stage keep the head cool, using cooling lotion if necessary.

For the curative treatment give Quinine in doses of two or three grains at intervals of time, all throughout the intermission, or a large dose of grains or grains viii about two hours before you anticipate the paroxysm. Also give a full purgative from time to time, and more especially if the bowels are constipated.

In some cases 5j doses of Pulv. Cinchona in Port Wine is found more beneficial than Quinine, and may be given all throughout the intermission.

Tinct. Ferri Sesquichloride in doses of grains v, combined with Quinine and Infus Quassia is very useful in some cases, but it sometimes happens that Quinine does not answer, particularly in obstinate cases of Quartan Ague. The Liquor Arsenicalis may then be given in doses of m 10, three times a day. Still, in cases of Ague Cake, we must continue steadily, giving Quinine together

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