Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Naval Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress, First Session on S. 130, to Increase the Number of Midshipmen Allowed at the United States Naval Academy from District of Columbia; S. 473, Relating to Pay and Allowances of Officers of the Retired List of the Regular Navy and Coast Guard Performing Active Duty in the Rank of Rear Admiral; S. 559, to Provide for Reimbursement of Naval Personnel for Property Lost Or Damaged on Or After October 31, 1941; S. 716, to Provide for Reimbursement of Naval Personnel for Personal Property Lost in Fire at Outlying Degaussing Branch of the Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va., on December 4, 1942; S. 727, for the Relief of the Commissioned Officers of the U.S.S. St. Louis During the Spanish American War, May 18, 1898, to September 2, 1898; S. 732, for the Relief of Ensign Elmer H. Beckmann, United States Navy Reserve; S. 761, to Reimburse Navy Personnel for Personal Property Lost Or Damaged in Fire in Quonset Hut, 83D U.S.N.C.B., at Camp Rosseau, Port Hueneme, Calif., on December 22, 1944; S. 822, to Reimburse Navy Personnel for Personal Property Lost Or Damaged in Fire at Naval Base Two, Rosneath, Scotland, on October 12, 1944; S. 823, to Reimburse Navy Personnel for Personal Property Lost Or Damaged in Fire at United States Naval Hospital, Seattle, Wash., on May 10, 1944; S. 824, to Reimburse Navy Personnel for Personal Property Lost Or Damaged in Fire in Quonset Hut No. 172, U.S.N.A.T.B., Camp Bradford, U.S.N.O.B., Norfolk Va., on January 20, 1945; S. 891, to Authorize the President to Advance Vice Admiral Land to the Rank of Admiral; S. 984, to Permit Waiving of Bonds of Navy Mail Clerks and Assistant Navy Mail Clerks; S. 1003, to Permit Members of Armed Forces to Occupy Government Housing Facilities on a Rental Basis Without Loss of Rental Allowances; May 22, 1945![]() U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945 - 33 halaman Considers legislation on number of midshipmen from D.C. at the Naval Academy, promotion, pay, or relief of Navy officers, reimbursement of naval personnel for property lost or damaged, waiving of bonds of Navy mail clerks, and occupation of Government housing facilities by military personnel. |