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colonists, having been brought there in bags of cotton from the West Indies. Again, in 1700. it was fearfully prevalent in Charleston, South Carolina.

5. The first notice we find of its appearance among the white population of Boston is in the year 1689. In 1702, it was still more prevalent and fatal, and swept off more than three hundred of the inhabitants. Again it made great havoc in Boston and some of the adja cent towns, in 1721. Inoculation for the disease was now for the first time introduced.

6. The opposition which was manifested to the practice of inoculation is at this day hardly credible, were it not well attested. Many thought that if a person who had been inoculated should die, his physician ought to be treated as a murderer. Dr. Cotton Mather, though not a little superstitious himself, labored in vain to remove the vulgar prejudices on this subject.

7. Dr. Zabdiel Boylston was the first physician whom Dr. Mather could persuade to stem the torrent of prejudice. He began by inoculating his own family. The populace were so enraged, that his family were hardly safe in his house, and he was often insulted in the streets. -And yet it was obvious that the inoculated disease was comparatively mild, and that but few died of it.

8. But the crowning discovery of all, as a preventive of this fearful disease, was that of vaccination, by Dr. Jenner, of England, late in the eighteenth century, and first made publicly known in 1796. Much praise should be accorded to Dr. Waterhouse for his successful efforts to introduce it in this country.

9. The yellow fever first prevailed within the present limits of the United States, at Philadelphia, about the year 1698, and swept off great numbers of the people. It had, however, previously appeared in the West Indies. In 1728, it was still more fatal in Charleston, South Carolina. The physicians knew not how to treat it. Again it raged in Charleston most fearfully in 1732.

10. In the year 1746, it prevailed among the Mohegan Indians, in Connecticut, and about one hundred of them died of it. In 1793, it was very fatal in Philadelphia, and again in 1797 and 1798. In the latter year it raged also in New York, and, for the first time, in Boston. It prevailed in New Haven in 1794. It has since appeared at intervals in our large cities, and sometimes has caused great mortality. 11. The cholera, a new and destructive disease, after having raged

5. When did it first appear in Boston? What of the further ravages of the smallpox? 6. What of the opposition to inoculation? What of Cotton Mather? 7. What of Dr. Boylston? How was he treated? 8. What of Dr. Jenner? 9, 10. What of the yellow Sever?

Give some account of it.

greatly in the East, at length, in 1832, crossed to Canada, and advanced, by way of Albany and New York, into the United States, where it became, for several years the principal epidemic disease. It was much more suddenly fatal, as well as more severe, than common cholera morbus.

12. But the scourge of the United States, in every period of their history, especially for a century past, has been consumption. With the progress of civilization and refinement, this disease has increased, and is likely to continue to increase till the community can be generally enlightened with regard to its numerous causes.

13. The public events of the year 1800, in addition to those which have been mentioned, were neither numerous nor important. Agreeably to a resolution of Congress, ten years before, the seat of government was this year transferred to Washington, in the District of Columbia.* A law was passed this year, establishing a national system of bankruptcy, but it was repealed three years afterward.

14. There were also some changes made in the western territories this year. A part of the North-Western territory was separated from the rest, to be called the Indiana Territory. The Mississippi Territory was also erected into a separate government. By the census taken this year-the second taken under direction of the government—the population of the United States was found to be five million three hundred and five thousand four hundred and eighty-two.

15. During the administration of Mr. Adams, agriculture, trade and commerce had continued to flourish, and religion had begun to revive. Infidelity, indeed, still stalked abroad, but had greatly altered its tone. The good influence of religion upon society had begun to be admitted, even by those who did not believe in its divine origin.

11. What of the cholera ? 12. What can you say of consumption? 13. What of the public events in the year 1800? What of Washington? The District of Columbia? What law was passed? 14. What changes were made in the territories this year? What of the population of the United States? 15. What of the administration of Mr. Adams? Infidelity?

* The District of Columbia was originally ten miles square; the part that lies north of the Potomac was ceded to the general government by Maryland; the southern part by Virginia. This latter portion was re-ceded to Virginia in 1846.

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JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM MARCH 4TH, 1801, то MARCH 4TH, 1809.-Choice of Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice-President, by Congress.

1. ON the 4th of March, 1801, Mr. Adams's term of office, as president, having expired, and the measures of the Federal party, who had been the chief supporters of Mr. Adams in the early part of his administration, having become somewhat unpopular, Thomas Jefferson, the candidate of the Republican or Democratic party, had been elected in his stead; and Aaron Burr had been chosen vice-president. As there was no election by the people, the choice for the first time had devolved upon Congress. The contest was long and severe.

2. The method of election, in such cases, was now first to be settled, and was fixed upon as follows. The representatives of each state were to be seated by themselves, and to ballot by themselves; each state being

CHAP. CXLIX.-1. When was Jefferson elected president? In what manner was he siected? What of Aaron Burr? 2. What mode of proceeding was fixed upon?

entitled to only one vote. The doors were to be closed against every person but the officers of the house, and, the balloting having once commenced, the house was not to adjourn till a choice was effected.

3. In the present instance, the representatives of the states were obliged to ballot thirty-six times before they could effect a choice. At the first ballot, eight states had voted for Mr. Jefferson, six for Mr. Burr, and two were divided. Of course, neither candidate had a majority of the votes. At the thirty-sixth ballot, Mr. Jefferson had the votes of ten states, Mr. Burr four, and there were two blanks.



of Ohio.

1. IN 1802, the eastern part of the North-Western territory was admitted to the Union as an independent state, by the name of Ohio. There were now seventeen states in the Union. At the time of its reception, Ohio contained seventy-two thousand inhabitants.

2. It was first permanently settled at Marietta, in the year 1788. This was a year famous in the history of western emigration, for no less than twenty thousand persons—men, women and children—passed the mouth of the Mus-king'-um River, during the season, on their journey down the Ohio! The party which stopped at Marietta consisted of forty-seven persons, under General Rufus Putnam.

3. Their first business was to build a stockade fort, of sufficient strength to resist the ordinary attacks of the savages. They killed the standing trees by cutting the bark, taking care, however, to hew down enough of them to admit of their planting fifty acres of corn. In the autumn, twenty more families joined them. Both of these companies were New Englard people.

4. The Indians, for many years, gave the settlers of Marietta but little trouble. Nor did the latter make war upon or molest the Indians, except in one or two instances. Twice, some of the inore thoughtless of the settlers fired upon the Indians, when they came too near them, by which means one Indian was killed and another wounded.

5. The earliest settlers of Cincinnati, about twenty in number, ar

8. What of the ballot in the present case? Describe the result of the balloting. CHAP. CL.--1. What of Ohio in 1802? How many states were there in the Unio at that time? 2. For what was the year 1788 remarkable? Describe the emigration 8. What was their first business? 4. What of the Indians? The settlers?



rived there in 1790. Twenty acres of corn were soon planted, and, for food, they shot down game and caught fish. They ground their corn in handmills. Their garments were chiefly of their own manufacture. 6. It has been said that Ohio was first permanently settled in 1788. There was a settlement of Christian missionaries and converted Indians, from Pennsylvania, formed on the Muskingum River about fifteen years earlier; but, after the lapse of a few years, they were gradually broken up, and the remnant were massacred some time after.

7. Until the year 1795, there was much difficulty in settling most parts of this state, on account of the Indian wars. But after the victory over the Indians by General Wayne during the administration of Washington, the population increased very rapidly, and has continued to increase till the present time, when it numbers about two and a half millions.


JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION, CONTINUED.-Cession of Indian Lands.-Duel between Burr and Hamilton.Jefferson's Second Election.

1. Ar the first session of Congress after the election of Jefferson, the


system of internal taxation, which had been introduced during Adams's administration, was repealed, as well as several other laws which the new administration did not approve. Many public officers, who were strongly attached to the old order of things, were removed to make way for those who were of a different political character.

2. Louisiana was ceded by Spain to France, in 1802, and the United States bought it of France for fifteen millions of dollars, the next year. Governor Claiborne took possession of it in December, 1803. By a treaty with the Indians at Fort Wayne, a large extent of Indian lands was also ceded to the United States this year. Much of what

5. Describe the settlement of Cincinnati. 6. What of the first settlement of Ohio? 7. What difficulty was there in settling this state? What is its population at the present time? CHAP. CLI.-1. What was done by the first Congress after the election of Jefferson? 2. Give some history of Louisiana.

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