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Consulting Physician in Cases of Insanity,

Office, 57 Washington Street,

Office Hours, 1 to 2 P. M. on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


Mental Diseases treated at Bellevue Place, an Hospital for the Insane of the Private Class.





Medical and Electrical Treatment of Invalids


Medical and Electrical Institute

For the care and treatment of Ladies and Gentlemen suffering with

Nervous and Chronic Diseases,


123 Calumet Ave. is within two blocks of 22d St. Depot of the Illinois Central and Michigan Central Railroads. It is within one block east of the Cottage Grove horse cars at 23rd St. crossing, which line makes connection with all the other street car lines.

JUSTIN HAYES, M. D., Resident Physician.

Orthopedic Surgery and Mechanical Therapeutics.

By E. D. HUDSON, M.D. (Specialty.)

For the cure and amelioration of PHYSICAL DEFORMITIES and DISABILITIES, cause d by disease or injuries, as:

Talipes (Club Feet); Weakness of Ankles and Legs, and Infantile Paralysis Wrist-Drop (Lead Palsy), Chronic Hemiplegia, and Paraplegia ; Chronic Synovitis of Ankle, Knee, and Hip Joints (Coxalgia); Ununited Fractures; Ruptured Ligaments, Patella, etc.; Shortened Limbs ; Curvatures of Spine.

Artificial Limbs, of the best possible construction and material--representing the natural joints, muscles, te dons, symmetry, and functions of the natural limb; with "Socket" (or bucket) adapted to every variety, form and condition of stump.

NEW YORK: 696 Broadway.

Manufactured on the Sea-Shore by HAZARD & CASWELL, from Fresh and Selected Livers.

PROF. PARKER, of N. Y., says. "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's Oil, and give yours the decided preference."

PROF. HAYS, State Assayer of Massachusetts, after a full analysis of it, says: "It is the best for foreign or domestic use."

After years of experimenting, the Medical profession of Europe and America, who have studied the effects of different Cod-Liver Oils, have unanimously decided the light straw-colored Cod-Liver Oil to be far superior to any of the brown Oils.

The Three Best Tonics of Pharmacopoeia: IRON-PHOSPHORUS -CALISAYA.

CASWELL, HAZARD & CO. also call the attention of the Profession to their preparation of the above estimable Tonics, as combined in their elegant and palatable Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark, a combination of the Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya never before attained, in which the nauseous inkiness of the iron and astringency of the Calisaya are overcome, without any injury to their active tonic principles, and blended into a beautiful Ainber-colored Cordial, delicious to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. This preparation is made directly from the Royal Calisaya Bark, not from its Alkaloids or their Salts--being unlike other preparations called "Elixir of Calisaya and Iron," which are simply an Elixir of Quinine and Iron. Our Elixir can be depended upon as being a true Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Iron. Each dessert-spoonful contains seven and a half grains Royal Calisaya Bark, and two grains Pyrophosphate of Iron.

Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Strychnia. This preparation contains one grain of Strychnia added to each pint of our Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark, greatly intensifying its to ic effect.

Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Bismuth, containing eight grains Ammonio-Citrate of Bismuth in each table-spoonful of the Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya Bark.

Elixir Phosphate Iron, Quinine, and Strychnia. Each tea-spoonful contains one grain Phosphate Iron, one grain Phosphate Quinine, and one sixty-fourth of a grain of Strychnia. Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Gentian, containing one ounce of Gentian, and one hundred and twenty-eight grains Pyrophosphate Iron to the pint, making in each dessert-spoonful seven and one-half grains Gentian and two grains Pyrophosphate Iron.

Elixir Valerianate of Ammonia. Each tea-spoonful contains two grains Valerianate Ammonia. Elixir Valerianate of Ammonia and Quinine. Each tea-spoonful contains two grains Valerianate Ammonia and one grain Quinine.

Ferro-Phosphorated Wine of Wild Cherry Bark. Each fluid drachm contains twentyfive grains of the Bark, and two grains Ferri-Pyrophosphate.

Wine of Pepsin. This article is prepared by us from fresh Rennets and pure Sherry Wine. Elixir Taraxacum Comp. Each dessert-spoonful contains fifteen grains of Taraxacum. Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth, and Strychnine. Each fluid-drachin contains one sixty-fourth of a grain of Strychnine.

Juniper Tar Soap. Highly recommended by the celebrated Erasmus Wilson, and has been found very seviceable in chronic eczema and diseases of the skin generally. It is invaluable for chapped hands and roughness of the skin caused by change of temperature. It is manufactured by ourselves, from the purest materials, and is extensively and successfully prescribed by the most eminent Physicians.

Iodo-Ferrated Cod-Liver Oil. This combination holds sixteen grains Iodide of Iron to the ounce of our pure Cod-Liver Oil.

Cod-Liver Oil, with Iodine, Phosphorus, and Bromine. This combination represents Phosphorus, Bromine, Iodine, and Cod-Liver Oil, in a state of permanent combination, containing in each pint: Iodine, eight grains; Bromine, one grain; Phosphorus, one grain; Cod Liver Oil, one pint.

Cod-Liver Oil, with Phosphate of Lime. This is an agreeable emulsion, holding three grains Phosphate of Lime in each table-spoonful.

Cod-Liver Oil, with Lacto-Phosphate of Lime.


Family and Manufacturing Chemists, New York.

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