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Third Commercial National Section Session

Thursday, June 2, 1921, 2:30 P. M.

The Chairman, Mr. M. S. Seelman, called the ter, but with the team work of my friends and comeeting to order at 2:30 o'clock P. M. workers which has existed in the past and will improve in effectiveness in the future, the successful

THE CHAIRMAN: The first order of business is accomplishments of the Commercial National Secthe report of the Nominating Committee.

E. W. Lord, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the report of the Committee as follows:

Your Committee begs to report the following nominations for officers and members of the Executive Committee of the Commercial Section for the ensuing year.

Chairman, R. H. Tillman, Baltimore.
Vice-Chairman, O. R. Hogue, Chicago.
Vice-Chairman, N. T. Wilcox, Keokuk.
Vice-Chairman, C. E. Michel, St. Louis.
Members of the Executive Committee:
M. S. Seelman, Jr., Brooklyn, two years.
L. R. Wallis, Boston, two years.
M. C. Morrow, Pittsburgh, two years.
George A. Hughes, Chicago, two years.

THE CHAIRMAN: What action will you take on the report of the Nominating Committee?

MR. LORD: I move that the report be received and approved.

(Motion seconded and carried.)

G. BERTRAM REGAR: I move that one ballot be cast by the Secretary for the election of the nominees reported by the Nominating Committee.

(Motion seconded and carried).

THE CHAIRMAN: In many organizations it is customary to have the new Chairman take the chair, at the meeting at which he is elected, but under our Constitution, the new Chairman does not assume office until the first of July, so we cannot do that; but I know we want to hear a word from our newly elected Chairman, and I will ask Mr. Israel and Mr. Miller to escort the new Chairman to the platform, so that he can say a word or two to us.

Gentlemen, I have the pleasure of presenting Mr. Tillman, of the City of Baltimore, the home of champagne, oysters and terrapin.

R. H. TILLMAN: Gentlemen of the Commercial Section, I wish to thank you for this honor bestowed. upon me. I assure you that I am not unmindful of the obligations which go with the office. The duties of this office are many and varied in charac

tion are assured.

The success of our Section can be attributed largely to the team work spirit that has abounded in all of our undertakings in the past and its greater success in the future will be due to the same cause. Therefore, the incoming administration asks the hearty and enthusiastic support of all men in the industry, especially at this time when our industry is in dire need of the combined efforts of the Commercial, Technical and Financial men in the electrical business. We of the Commercial National Section must give thought to our business in the National way and realize that local questions considered in our deliberations may have far reaching effect.

The most good that perhaps could be done in our industry at the present time would be to properly inform the general public as well as our employes as to what the industry means to the city, state and country and business life of any section. There is no better way to assist in this general business than through the Commercial National Section. We must remember that unless the energy can be properly sold at reasonable rates it can not be generated, distributed and delivered. We must give our generous support to our business organization, the N. E. L. A., and take a more active part in its activities though there may be some personal sacrifice in doing so.

Problems of the day are before us and must be met. Let all of us accept the challenge and solve them effectively, because together there is no reasonable problem that we can not solve.

THE CHAIRMAN: Gentlemen, we have a long and exceedingly interesting program, which includes reports and discussions of the reports of the Lighting Sales Bureau, and I want to compliment the Lighting Sales Bureau and express my very great appreciation, as the Chairman of the Section for the past year, at the wonderful work they have done. I think you will find as the reports are read and discussed there has never been at any time more valuable or useful reports-useful if we take them and use them as the basis for campaigns during the coming yearthan we have had presented at this meeting this


I will ask Mr. Oliver R. Hogue, the Chairman of this Committee, to present the first report, which is a synopsis of the report of the various Division Chair


Report of Lighting Sales Bureau

The Lighting Sales Bureau at the beginning of the present administration deemed it wise to change its aims and scope in order to make them more specific At our meeting held September 2, 1920, the following was unanimously adopted




To promote appreciation of the present and
potential vane of lighting to the electrical

To collect, analyze and disseminate informa-
tion concerning lighting practice
To promote lighting sales.

The Chairmen of Divisions and Committees have carried out the general policy as far as possible in Fading their reports This will be beneficial to the central station commercial manager for the reason that he can readily refer to the particular part of the report which is of interest to him

The second paragraph deals with information to be used by the Handbook Committee in preparing an up to date handbook

The third paragraph (to promote lighting sales i is a timely subject which will be of interest to the central stations' con n, eretai departments Depres sion in all lines of business, in most cases, has reduced the demand on power stations, and given them a breathing spell If they are not already looking for bus.ness, they will be in the very near future On account of the present high price of cal, labor and materials, central stations will favor business of the more profitable nature, e com mercial and in lustrial lighting business of the averge consumer that pays a fair return per kilowatt Bour

The special aim of the Bureau this year was to present to you information on this class of business There are some very splendid reports that will wow the value of this business to the central

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complished by educating the householder to put in an adequate system of lighting Introducing color effects will make the home more beautiful with very little added expense It is also necessary to install more outlets in the home so that lighting standards and household labor saving devices can The Executive Committee of the be freely used. NELA has felt that it is necessary to carry this message to you, and in order to show it in a practical way, has appropriated the sum of $4,000 to the Lighting Sales Bureau so that it can demonstrate to you the value of good lighting and sufficient outlets in the home On the mezzanine floor we have in a room 41x15, a display of lighting which has been installed under the supervision of Dr M Luckiesh, Charman of the Res dence Lighting Committee. Three lecturers will be there to explain this exhibit In addition to this exhibit, there are several booths on this mezzanine floor which will be of interest I sincerely hope that all take the time to inspect these exhibits.

At the last meeting of the Lighting Sales Bureau the following resolution was passed in regard to the necessity of standard.zing the detachable fix ture plug

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time is allotted to present reports. In most cases reports are read in abstract and in some cases by title only. There is little, if any, time given to discussion. With the establishment of permanent committees, committees should present their new ideas from time to time through the medium of the N.E.L.A. Bulletin so that the central station commercial manager will be fed this information in homeopathic doses and will have a chance to absorb them and put them into practical use providing they meet with his approval.

The Geographic Divisions will give the men in their territory an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, which is a step in the right direction.

In addition there should be a Mid-winter conference of the Lighting Sales Bureau where there. would be no parallel meetings to attract delegates and where reports could be read in their entirety, giving ample time for discussion, where the lighting men of all parts of this country could rub elbows and find out what is being done nationally in their end of the business to improve the load factor and increase the lighting income of their companies.

Report of the Lighting Department This Department is a new one created for the express purpose of promoting the installation of Industrial Lighting Exhibits throughout the


The work of organizing bodies, supervising, erecting and promoting the use of these exhibits was delegated to a Field Director and three Field Representatives.

În all there were 32 cities visited by the Field Representatives. As a result there are eight Industrial Exhibits in full operation-three under construction-four cities are about to put in an exhibit. The seventeen remaining cities visited by the Field Director have not as yet reached a decision.

As a result of these exhibits Industrial Lighting

has received nation wide attention.

In addition to the report of the activities in the In addition to the report of the activities in the establishment of permanent lighting demonstration rooms, Mr. Ward Harrison, Field Director,

has included a lecture which is to be used by the speaker in presenting the subject of Industrial Lighting. It also includes an outline of procedure. This lecture probably is one of the finest examples summarizing the benefits to be derived from good Industrial Lighting that is now available.

Residence Lighting Division

This year's report includes data pertinent to and shows the possibilities in residence lighting. Wiring specifications of an adequate wired residence are also included. Suggestions as to the method of interesting the householder in better lighting and its importance to him are given.

It calls attention to the necessity for a campaign to show the physical and aesthetic aspects of lighting and the necessity for re-designing the lighting fixture for high efficiency gas filled lamps.

It points out the charms that can be had from tinted lighting and the necessity of establishing consulting service where authoritative information may be given the householder; and points out the opportunity that the Central Station has of seeing that model homes of house furnishing and department stores use properly designed lighting equipment.

Specifications are also included for adequate wiring of small homes.

Street and Highway Lighting Division

In this report, Mr. W. D'A. Ryan, an eminent authority on street and highway lighting, calls attention to the wonderful strides that High Intensity Street Lighting has taken in the past year;-the growing popularity of the luminous arc lamp and the use of high efficiency electrode; the unusually fine line of lighting standards the manufacturer of posts has to offer; the methods of financing new installations, tables and maps showing the per capita expenditures for Street Lighting throughout the United States. Attention is called to the Central Station Company of the possibilities of increased revenue in better street lighting; to the advantage to the community of Whiteway Lighting, describing the installations that have been com pleted in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Saratoga Springs, etc. Figures are given on installation costs as well as operating costs. In con

clusion recommendations are made for future work of this Division.

Industrial Lighting Division

The report of this Division is divided into three sections: viz:

Section 1-Advantage of Good Lighting to the Customer. This section points out the advantage of good lighting to the employer and to the employes. Curves are included, showing the incost of electricity for lighting;-before and after creased cost of living contrasted with the decreased pictures of lighting installations that have proven successful; accident curves and production curves.

Section 2-The Advantage of Industrial Lighting Load to the Central Station. The size of the automatically increase power consumption. field is pointed out and how better lighting will

be found in its completed form in Electrical SalesSection 3-Lighting Practice. This section will man's Handbook, which will consist of data sheets showing typical floor plans, machine layouts and representative lighting layouts.

Lighting of Large Buildings Division

In this report it is shown that the only true way of grouping or classifying large buildings resolves itself into a room, or space, classification and the use to which such room or space is to be adapted. Tables are given which cover the type of building and the classification of its rooms. It also shows the application or use of the room classification.

Special emphasis is given to the duty of the

Central Station executive to work for good lighting of large buildings.

The report contains a bibliography, as well as a section on how to sell better lighting.

Lamp Equipment Committee

Attention is called to the movement toward higher standards of lighting both as to intensity and quality and the re-designing of fixtures directed toward less glare, ease of maintenance and cleaning and better all around appearance.

The report covers the trend of development in equipment design which has important influence on lighting practice.

With reference to individual equipment, sections are devoted to Commercial and Industrial Equipment; color equipment for show window lighting; residence lighting equipment; motion picture lamp equipment; street and outdoor lighting. Illustrations of typical equipment are also included in this report.

Sign, Display and Billboard Lighting Division Attention is called to the general conditions of Sign, Display and Billboard Lighting in the industry, and why Sign and Display Lighting are entitled to special consideration by the Central






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Station Company. The field to attack is also pointed out; what electrical advertising does for the Consumer, and cost of electrical advertising from the users' standpoint. Attention is drawn to the use of higher wattage lamps for electric sign service. A section on billboard or out-door advertising is included.

The report also points out the large revenue this type of business will produce for the Central Station Company.

Store Lighting Division

This report is a forcible presentation of the present deplorable conditions of Commercial Lighting. Results of a survey conducted to ascertain the present status of Commercial Lighting is given in the form of tables and curves. Estimates are given which show what an immense additional income is to be derived from this class of business without increasing the Central Station's investment charges.

It also covers the necessity for proper maintenance of lighting fixtures, and the use of color in show window lighting.

The Lighting Sales Bureau has been very active this year and attendance at meetings has been splendid.

Respectfully submitted,

LR WALLIS, Vice-Chairman

LC SPAKE, Secretary

P B ZIMMERMAN, Chairman of Publicity




Educational Exhibit Committee

G BERTRAM REGAR, Vice-Chairman

Commercial Aspects of Lamp Equipment Division
A B O'DAY, Vice-Chairman

Industrial Lighting Division
GH STICKNEY, Vice-Chairman
Lighting of Large Buildings Division
WT BLACKWELL, Vice-Chairman

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