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DR. BUSHROD W. JAMES: The question of the different States taking up this matter was first thought of in Washington; and the State of Pennsylvania took action at once. The president of the State society appointed a committee, and that committee appointed a treasurer, and the society is at work. The city of New York, I understand, has the same method. I found that my best method of obtaining subscriptions was to tell the people what had been subscribed. Therefore, as soon as I was appointed, I obtained from Dr. Smith the names and amounts of those who had subscribed, and had the information printed. We have already had subscribed about $2400.

THE PRESIDENT: We have taken up a good deal of time with other matters that might, perhaps, have been given to this plan. We want to explain the aim of this monument committee. It represents the American Institute of Homoeopathy. It simply is, in a word, that this great body of Homœopathic doctors say, we will see justice done to the memory of Samuel Hahnemann. Now, it will come very gracefully from this Institute to say, at the National Capital, where people from all parts of the earth are flocking year after year, that there shall stand a magnificent monument to the greatest reformer of modern or ancient times. I don't believe it is necessary to explain the object of this movement; it speaks for itself. We are anxious to give the members of this Institute an opportunity to push it forward, and all we desire to do this morning is to say that, although the movement has but just begun,—very few really knowing of it,—the subscriptions have run up into the neighborhood of $6000. I hope that each member of this body will put down his name on the list; then he can take it to others and enlist them in the same work, and so help to spread the name and fame of our great Master, Hahnemann. I think I have had subscribed, through my own efforts, in the neighborhood of $400 or $500. It is not necessary that we shall get so much from every member's efforts. Some of the members have started with $100, others $50, others $25, and so it will go on through to the bottom of the list. What we are especially anxious for is the names of those who will start the ball. You know perfectly well that every name that is put down. on a subscription list helps us to get another name.

Here the President told how he had succeeded in interesting a patron of Homœopathy so that he subscribed $100 for himself and another

$100 for his wife. He also spoke of some little dime-savings-banks that he had made use of by placing them on the mantels of some of his families, and asked if this was not a good way to raise fifty or seventy-five thousand dollars. He closed by exhorting the Institute to take the matter in hand at once and let no effort be spared to put this seal of our love and reverence for Hahnemann in a prominent spot in the city of Washington.


was presented by its Chairman, Dr. T. Y. Kinne, of Paterson, N. J. The report was accepted and the committee discharged. Following is the report:

"The Special Committee appointed at the request of the Committee on International Pharmacopoeia to advise regarding some questions arising from the action of the American Institute of Homœopathy, at its session in 1892, beg leave to submit their report.

"WHEREAS, Doubts have arisen in the minds of some of the Committee on Pharmacopoeia as to the intent of a resolution adopted by the Institute at its last session-which resolution is as follows:

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Resolved, That the Committee on Pharmacopoeia be instructed to give precedence to the old Latin names of drugs in common use and to place the new chemical name to the right and on the same line, therefore,

"Resolved, That there is nothing in the said resolution which prevents the Committee on Pharmacopoeia from adding a third title to those already mentioned, whenever it shall be deemed best so to do, provided the ordered arrangement be not interfered with.

"Resolved, That the Committee on International Pharmacopoeia be directed to proceed with all posssble dispatch in the publication of this valuable work so nearly completed; so much needed, and already too long delayed."




was presented by Dr. J. P. Dake, of Nashville, Tenn., as follows:

"The preparation of the work which we fondly hoped would be in your hands before this date is almost entirely ready for the printer. Through the efficient aid given us by your special committee, asked for early in the session, we are pleased to say that all obstacles to our progress are now removed."

Dr. J. B. G. Custis, of Washington City, Chairman of the Auditing Committee, reported that the committee had examined the accounts and vouchers of the treasurer and find his report correct. The report, with that of the treasurer, were then accepted and referred to the Committee of Publication. (See "Report of the Treasurer.")

The Board of Censors then presented the names of 45 applicants for membership. These were laid over under the rule governing the subject. Adjourned till 9.30 Thursday morning.


JUNE 1, 1893.

The Institute reconvened at 9.30 o'clock, President McClelland in the chair.

Dr. Rush, Chairman of the Board of Censors, moved the election of the candidates for membership reported the previous day. His motion was adopted and the candidates declared elected.

Dr. Kinyon, of the same board reported a number of additional




was called for and Dr. Kinne, Chairman of the Committee, said that his committee had had a conference with the Committee on the Revision of By-Laws, so as to harmonize their action; and he would ask that the latter committee report first; then will be given the changes arranged by the committee to fix the time-limit.


was then presented by Dr. Pemberton Dudley, Chairman of the Committee, in a printed pamphlet which had been placed in the hands of the Institute members. The report opens as follows:

Your committee, to whom was assigned the task of revising the Institute By-Laws, has endeavored to retain every operative feature of the present government of the organization, and to eliminate all that has become useless by reason of changes in our methods. We have included in the revised by-laws all the Standing Resolutions that have acquired the force of society law; have recommended the discontinuance of all that have become inoperative from whatever cause, and have corrected that feature of our rules under which, in several instances, they either repeat or contradict each other. And finally we have so re-arranged the by-laws as to bring each of the subjects to which they pertain under its own proper heading and in its own separate Article. This was particularly needed in Article VII. of the old By-Laws, as that article treated of almost every subject connected with the government of the Institute.

The Institute then considered the recommendations of the Committee seriatim. At the request of the chairman these were read by Dr. Kinne.

Article II. Change "Vice-President" to "Vice-Presidents;" and "Treasurer" to "Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer."

Insert after "which shall" the words "arrange the business of the session." Adopted.

Article III., Section 1, strike out the words: "He shall deliver an address at the opening of each session, embodying a résumé of the progress of Homœopathy during the year past, and make such suggestions as he may deem necessary for the Institute to take action on during the session; and he may also consider any subject relating to medical science." Adopted.

Section 2 change to read, "The Vice-Presidents, in their order, shall perform," etc. Adopted.

Section 3 strike out the words "and the titles of the subjects selected by said Bureau," and add "He shall have printed, during the session, a daily list of the members and visitors registered, which shall give the registration number, residence, and local habitation of each person, and shall provide a number sufficient to furnish a copy to each and all those in attendance. He shall be empowered to employ clerical aid necessary to the performance of this duty."

Dr. Fisher moved the interpolation of the words "wherever practicable" after words "He shall have printed." Adopted as amended.

Add the following:

SEC. 5. It shall be the special duty of the Provisional Secretary to make, or provide, stenographic reports of scientific discussions of the Institute and of its Bureaus, and of all debates upon the reports and papers presented by the standing committees. He shall send copies of these discussions or debates for revision and correction to their authors respectively, who shall be required to return. them within one week after their reception, when they shall be furnished to the General Secretary for publication in the TRANSACTIONS. Add to the above Section as follows: "The Provisional Secretary shall receive a salary of two hundred dollars, and his actual expenses in the performance of his official duties shall be paid by the Institute."

DR. KINNE: According to the rules of the Institute in years. past, the compensation of the Provisional Secretary has been determined by the officers of the Institute with the exception of the General Secretary; and it has required him to furnish an itemized statement of his accounts and upon that statement the officers have declared he should receive a certain compensation. The committee have found that in years past his actual compensation for his own work has averaged about $200. In the payment to the Provisional Secretary have been included all other stenographic work. It is now proposed to pay him a fixed sum or salary the same as to the General Secretary, and the Institute paying the bills for stenographic assistance as heretofore.

DR. TALBOT: We are dividing the duties in an improper way. The General Secretary should be the one responsible for the work done. He is given a Provisional Secretary who shall assist the General Secretary, and in his absence perform his duties. It seems to me that the General Secretary is the one who should have direction of all these reports. If we put this power directly in the hands of the Provisional Secretary the matter becomes very much mixed. I move that the article stand as it originally stood: "The Provisional Secretary shall assist the General Secretary, and in his absence perform his duties."

DR. KINNE: No changes have been made in the rules of the Institute. It is simply taking Resolutions 17, 18, and 38, which have been passed by the Institute and which control the Provisional Secretary, and simply combine them so that they will be uniform,

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