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ment erected by the American Institute, this committee had become the representative of all the Homoeopathic physicians of the United States, fourteen hundred members of this Institute, and twelve thousand physicians of the country. National and sectional societies wrote us that they wanted to have something to do with it. Therefore it has been held in abeyance, and correspondence has been opened with all the societies to interest them and the whole profession in the different localities, and, through them, the laity. I would suggest that a special hour be set apart by the Institute to receive in full the report of the committee and have the matter discussed, and that this hour be 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning.

The recommendation of the committee making the report the special order for 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning was adopted.


Dr. Henry. M. Smith, was then read. It is hereto annexed. During the past year six of our members have been called away by death. Their names are:

Frank M. Clark, M.D., of Salem, O.

Caspar L. Crandall, M.D., of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Charles Cullis, M.D., of Boston, Mass.

John J. Drysdale, M.D., of Liverpool, England.

George E. Shipman, M.D., of Chicago, Ill.

George A. Hall, M.D., of Chicago, Ill.

Continuing his report, Dr. Smith said:

"There have been in the Institute, since its organization, about 2900 members. There are at present 1378, leaving about 1500 names of those who are not now members of the Institute. Of these there is a list of deceased numbering 615. In looking over the list of names since the date of the organization, it was found that many had died prior to the date of their names being dropped from our annual catalogue, and of each of these there should be a biographical sketch, as is our custom. A few of these only were regularly and easily obtained, and others were obtained with difficulty and only after long delay, and many we have been unable to get at all. We have gone over the list as published last year in the TRANSACTIONS, and have been able to make several corrections in the names and dates of those published in the necrological list."

The report was accepted, and referred to the Committee of Publication.

THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEMORIAL SERVICE was presented by its chairman, Bushrod W. James, M.D., of Philadelphia, Pa., recommending that the service be held at 9 o'clock on Friday morning; the programme to be published in the Medical Century before that date and the speakers therein announced. The report was accepted and adopted.


E. M. Kellogg, M.D., of New York, N. Y., was next presented. It shows a balance from last year's account of $822.22. Received from admission fees and annual dues, $5384.40. Expenditures, $5123.40. Balance on hand, $1082.82. It was referred to an Auditing Committee consisting of Drs. J. B. G. Custis, William Webster, and Winthrop T. Talbot. (See "Report of the Treasurer.")

President McClelland then introduced several of the foreign delegates to the World's Congress, who were present on the platform.

Dr. C. Bojanus, of Moscow, Russia, who, with his accomplished wife, was present at the session, addressed the Institute in the French language. The following is a translation of his remarks, as prepared by Madame Bojanus.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It is with the deepest feelings of gratification and satisfaction that I address these few words to the honorable assembly of my Trans-Atlantic brethren. This personal feeling of gratitude is, however, outweighed by the thanks which I feel bound to express in the name of the divine doctrine of Homoopathy, which has found a second home in the United States. According to historical data collected by one of the most ardent disciples of Hahnemann in Russia, Count Mordvinoff, Minister of the Navy in the reign of Emperor Alexander I., it appears that in 1834 there were only four Homeopathic practitioners in the United States. At the present time there are fifteen thousand. Numerous hospitals have been founded for the relief of suffering humanity, flourishing schools have sprung up for the instruction of youth, and a considerable number of journals proclaim all over the world the progress of

the New School in America. And all this has been achieved during the short period of sixty years, a period during which Germany, the cradle of Homœopathy, has done nothing but recede in the development of its own offspring. I consider myself, therefore, fully entitled to exclaim: Long live the United States and its laborers in the vineyard of Hahnemann!"

The President then introduced Dr. P. C. Majumdar, of Calcutta, who spoke as follows:

English is not my language; it is my adopted language, so it is very difficult for me to speak. I have long wished to visit America. When it was announced that there would be a Congress of Homoopathists at Atlantic City, I wished to attend it, but could not, as there were some difficulties in my way. This time, when I heard of the World's Congress, I determined to come, and I put aside all the obstacles, and now come to America to see this vast country and its prosperity, and to meet some of the people whose names I have had the honor to read in the journals for so many years. I am very glad to see them here and to be acquainted with them. And I am very glad to see so many ladies who attend this great Congress and who are believers in our doctrines. I shall feel well repaid for the travel and the trouble it has cost me to come. When I left my home my friends said, "What benefit will you derive from going to such a vast country and to such a great distance away?" I replied, "I do not know." But now I come here and see, and I expect to derive the very greatest benefit from my visit to America. I will be very glad and very happy to convey my hearty thanks to these gentlemen with whom I come in contact, and present to them and this Institute the good wishes of my far-off people. (Applause.)

DR. H. C. ALLEN: I want to make a little addendum to what Dr. Majumdar has just stated, his modesty having forbidden him to mention it. He is the editor of a medical journal published in Calcutta, one-half of which is printed in English, and the other half in his native tongue. He is also the author of a work on Homœopathic practice of upwards of 1000 pages; a work on materia medica of 800 pages, a domestic practice of 250 pages in addition to being an active practitioner and a graceful and prolific journal writer. It is well that we should know this. (Applause.)

The next speaker to be introduced by the president was Dr. Alfred E. Hawkes, of Liverpool, England, President of the British Con

gress of Homœopathic Physicians. He said: It is very kind of you to wish to listen to a few words from me. I have enjoyed the meeting very greatly, and will enjoy it still more as I meet with the authors of the many books I have read and which we in the Old Country all have read. If I represent anything now it is more. particularly a branch of the British Homoeopathic Society located in Liverpool, of which I happen to be chairman, and also as chairman-elect of the British Homœopathic Congress to be held in Northampton in August or September, and that will probably call up in your minds the name of an old friend of some of you-Dr. Arthur Clifton. I have the kindest messages for all whom it may concern from Dr. Hayward, of Liverpool, whose letter kindly introducing me must have gone astray or come over in a later vessel, for my departure was hurried and almost unexpected. I want to say this, that before entering your magnificent harbor I saw one of the great warships of the world, I think it was an Italian warship; as we passed the Campagnia she very gracefully dipped her colors; and our little society in the Old Country and its greater branch dips its colors to the American Institute here assembled. (Applause).

Dr. J. C. Molson, of London, was next called by the President and introduced and said:

I too, came away in a great hurry; only a few days before I went I was notified by the President of the British Homoeopathic Society that I must represent them. Dr. Richard Hughes whom all remember, sends a few kind words to his American friends. He came down and wished me bon voyage and a safe return, and expressed his regret that he could not come himself. We look across the ocean with pardonable pride to you; it is true that the homoeopathic infant was born in our continent, but you have reared him; you have brought him up to be a full grown man; and we are thankful for all we have received from you. The literature that we value in particular comes from your land. Dr. Pope said to me some years ago, invest in Dr. Farrington's Materia Medica, it is the product of a born teacher; I did so, and I have never regretted following his excellent advice. I have the honor to be associated with the London Homœopathic Hospital; the building is now being pulled down, and in the course of a few months we hope the Princess May, the fiancée of the Duke of York, will lay the foundation-stone of our new hospital. (Applause).

President McClelland then introduced another foreign visitor and delegate, Dr. Charles F. Fisher, from Sidney, Australia, who said: I come from the antipodes. But we also have good Homœopathy in my far-off country. In 1854 I went out to New Zealand and introduced Homœopathy in that Island. There we established a small hospital, and it lives yet in the affection of the people. We have in Melbourne a very fine hospital with 120 beds; and have had especially fine results there with typhoid fever; that is a fever not merely epidemic but endemic. We have yet many things to struggle for in my country that you in your great and free country have already attained; but every day the powerful government is becoming more softened to our efforts and the day may not be far distant when we shall have as great liberties there as you have here. (Applause).

Dr. R. B. Johnson, of Ravenna, Ohio, was added to the Board of Censors, whereupon the Board presented the names of 31 applicants for membership, who were ordered posted as per the requirements of our by-laws.


was presented by its Chairman, Thomas Franklin Smith, M.D., of New York, and was accepted and referred to the Committee of Publication.

Following is the report:

Fellow-members of the American Institute of Homeopathy :

During the past year Homoeopathy has made good, substantial, healthful progress in the United States.

The years of phenomenal growth have long since passed; we have seen the seed abundantly sown, we have witnessed the growth of the blade and also that of the ear, and now we are seeing the development and ripening of the full corn in the ear, and thus it will go steadily on until it shall cover the entire earth. Many of the old societies are increasing in number of members and also in influence; they are spreading out new branches which are affording help and succor to many thousands of suffering humanity.

New hospitals have come into existence, and very many of the old ones are putting on new and more vigorous active life.

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