United States Congressional Serial Set, Masalah 11208

Sampul Depan
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1948
Reports, Documents, and Journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

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Relief of Elbert Spivey
Relief of Hardy H Bryant
Relief of Mae H Fitzgerald
Relief of Emeline Lartigue
Knox Lumber Sales
Relief of Lester L Elder and Esther E Elder 1487 Repealing Federal charter of Choctaw Oklahoma Gulf Railroad Co 1488 Enforcement of penal law...
Confer jurisdiction on courts of New York over offenses committed on Indian reservations
Providing nonreimbursable allocations on Carlsbad project 1492 Providing educational facilities for dependents of persons engaged in con struction ...
Emergency fund for Reclamation Bureau to assure continuous operation of its irrigation and power systems
Enlarging Gettysburg National Cemetery
Transferring Pelican Rock in Crescent City Harbor Del Norte County Calif to that county
Extending publicland laws to lands consisting of islands in Red River in Oklahoma
Providing for acquisition of lands for grazing and related purposes 1498 Extension of leases of land in Hawaii 1499 Issuance of patent to Roman Cat...
Validate conveyances of Oregon Short Line R R and Union Pacific R R to Colorado Milling Elevator
Authorizing appropriation for publicschool facilities at Winnebago Nebr
Promoting interests of Fort Hall Indian irrigation project 1503 Issuance of patent in fee to Florence A W Arens 1504 Transfer of Slowe and Carver H...
Disposal of temporary veterans reuse housing 1506 Continuing system of nurseries and nursery schools for day care of children in D C
Creating corporation to operate Government cafeterias etc 1508 Refer to Court of Claims bill for relief of American Elevator Machine Co 1509 Refe...
Care and custody of insane Federal prisoners
Relief of Carrie M Lee 1513 Relief of Helen E Scofield 1514 Amending Bankruptcy act relative to property transfer 1515 Adjustment payments to P...
Amend act authorizing Secretary of Agriculture to adjust titles to lands subject to his administration
Delaying liquidation of mineral interests reserved to United States 1518 Making alcohol plants at Muscatine Iowa Kansas City Mo and Omaha Nebr ...
Transferring land in Langlade County Wis to Forest Service as addition to Nicolet National Forest
Amending title 1 of BankheadJones farm tenant act 1521 Rates of compensation for disabilities incurred in peacetime active military or naval service
Maternity leave for Government employees
Regulating review of judgments of conviction in certain criminal cases
Regulating habeas corpus proceedings in courts of United States 1528 Relief of Tampa Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy 1529 Relief of ...
Relief of Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe
Amend Trading with the enemy act so as to extend statute of limitations on claims
Payment of employees of veterans canteen service from funds of service 1534 Administrator of veterans affairs to contract for investigation reports i...
Establishing presumption of service connection for chronic and tropical diseases under veterans regulations
Extending benefits of Civil service retirement act to certain employees involuntarily separated
Issuance of free passes to time inspectors of railroads
Amending Canal Zone Code
Extending authority to provide for maintenance of domestic tinsmelting industry
Attendance of Marine Band at national assembly of Marine Corps League Milwaukee
Providing for administration of military justice in Air Force 1543 Army and Air Force vitalization and retirement equalization act of 1948
Relief of Hayward O Brandon
Relief of estate of John Deiman 1549 Conferring jurisdiction on district court to settle claims of land owners at site of Camp Wheeler
Establishing Saratoga National Historical Park
Increase compensation of veterans with service connected disabilities who have dependents
Relief of Ernest L Godfrey
Relief of Mr and Mrs M C Lewis
Relief of Walter Vandahl and others
Relief of Ernest F Lutzken
Relief of W W DeLoach
Revision and enactment into law of title 28 of United States Code entitled Judicial code and judiciary 1560 Ratifying amendments to contracts for fur...
Amending Veterans preference act of 1944 to extend benefits to certain mothers of veterans
Compensation of certain railway postal clerks
Payment of compensation to customs employees for inspectional services on Sundays and holidays
Recommendations of the Joint Committee on the Economic
Report of Western Subcommittee 19
Report of Midcontinent Subcommittee
Senate Concurrent Resolution 19 Eightieth Congress
Authorizing public works on rivers and harbors for navigation and flood
Continuing study of national health problems
Amending Philippine rehabilitation act of 1946 rel to training of Filipinos
Establishment of internships in Department of Medicine and Surgery
Amending Public Health Service act to permit certain expenditures
Aiding in development of improved prosthetic appliances
Amending Public Health Service act relative to eligibility of States
Conferring jurisdiction over Fort Des Moines veterans village upon Iowa
Amending Immigration act relative to deportation hearings
Extension of admiralty jurisdiction
Increasing pay of former members of Lighthouse Service
Navy Department appropriation bill 1949
Federal antilynching
Issuance of stamps commemorative of 300th anniversary of Annapolis Md
Relief of certain Basque aliens
Relief of Engebert Axer
Relief of Wisis Paryzenberg
Relief of Frantisek J Pavlik
Relief of George C Williams 1644 Relief of William R Ramsey
Relief of Dennis Stanton
Relief of Sumner County Colored Fair Association 1647 Relief of Petrol Corporation
Relief of William J Burns International Detective Agency 1649 Relief of sundry residents of Alaska veterans of World War II
Relief of Anthony Arancio
Relief of Kam Fong Chun and others 1652 Relief of Hiro Higa and Kana Higa
Relief of estate of Vito Abarno 1654 Relief of James W Adkins and Mary C Adkins 1655 Relief of legal guardian of Rose M Ammirato 1656 Relief ...
Relief of Sarah L Cregg 1660 Relief of Rosella M Kostenbader 1661 Relief of Joseph M Henry
Relief of Aubrey F Houston
Relief of William C Reese
Relief of Douglas L Craig
Relief of Gerald S Furman
Relief of John Watkins
Relief of Horace J Fenton
Costofliving increase in salaries of policemen and firemen in District of Columbia
Increased pensions for widows and children of members of Police and Fire Departments of D C
Reimbursement to District of Columbia by private enterprise requiring special police and fire assignments
Amending act to regulate practice of optometry in D C
Issuance of license to practice chiropractic in D C to Samuel O Burdette 1678 Investigate matters relating to District of Columbia parking lots
Continuing authorization for appointment of 2 additional Assistant Secre taries of State for 1 year
Transfer to United States Section International Boundary and Water Com mission portion of Fort Brown
Relief of Richard T Charett
Relief of Alamo Irrigation
Relief of Winona Machine Foundry
Assistance to schools overburdened with warincurred or postwar national
Assistance to Republic of the Philippines in providing medical care
Amend sec 11 of act approved June 5 1942 relative to Mammoth Cave
Reclassify salary grades for clerks in airmail field railway post offices
Refund or credit to brewers of taxes paid on beer lost in bottling operations
Authorizing Navy Department and San Diego Calif to exchange certain
Erection of postoffice building at Bunker Hill
Conferring citizenship posthumously upon Vaso B Benderach
Relief of George Haniotis
States to disregard certain income received by blind persons in determining
Relief of East Coast Ship Yacht Corporation
Relief of Chester O Glenn
Relief of Otto Kraus receiver of Neafie Levy Ship Engine Building
Veterans Administration to convey land to Washington County
Relief of Ellen Hudson as administratrix of estate of Walter R Hudson
Attorney General to adjudicate claims resulting from evacuation of persons
Amending Reconstruction Finance Corporation act relative to disaster
Relief of George Bailey
District court of U S for Hawaii to hear claims of executors and trustees
Amend Migratory bird hunting stamp act relative to fees
Supplemental independent offices appropriation bill 1949
Bridge across Rio Grande near Hidalgo
Second deficiency appropriation bill 1948
Amending National housing act rel to veterans housing
Review of record
Credibility of witnesses
Introductory statement
The Eightieth Congress second session
Action initiated and completed during second session
AppendixSelected texts
S Repts 802 vol 4 106

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Halaman 22 - That the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United States shall extend to and include all cases of damage or injury, to person or property, caused by a vessel on navigable water, notwithstanding that such damage or injury be done or consummated on land.
Halaman 3 - CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW MADE RY THE BILL, AS REPORTED In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italic...
Halaman 23 - Congress, to employ such clerical and other assistants, to require by subpena or otherwise the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers, and documents, to administer such oaths, to take such testimony, and to make such expenditures, as it deems advisable.
Halaman 104 - The expenses of the committee under this resolution, which shall not exceed $15,000, shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee.
Halaman 5 - Code, in the same manner and to the same extent as decisions of the district courts in civil actions tried without a jury; and the judgment of any such court shall be final, except that it shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari, in the manner provided in section 1254 of title 28 of the United States Code.
Halaman 1 - State court shall not be granted unless it appears that the applicant has exhausted the remedies available in the courts of the State, or that there is either an absence of available State corrective process or the existence of circumstances rendering such process Ineffective to protect the rights of the prisoner.
Halaman 3 - For the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges, in national parks, monuments, and other areas administered by the National Park Service, including areas authorized to be established as national parks and monuments, and national park and monument approach roads authorized by the Act of January 31, 1931 (46 Stat. 1053) as amended, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $10,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955...
Halaman 2 - ... such land shall not be subject to pre-emption, homestead entry, or any other entry under the land laws of the United States, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, but shall be reserved for school purposes only.

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