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Of stock.

May increase.


Open books.

ments, annuities, moneys, goods and chattels, of whatsoever nature, kind and quality, real, personal, and mixed, for carrying on the business of said association, or choses in action, and the same, from time to time, at their pleasure, to sell, alien, demise, dispose of, and convey, in such manner and form as shall be provided by the by-laws of said association; shall have power to erect buildings and manufacture all the material necessary thereto; also to build bridges, construct drains, sewers, culverts, and grade streets; to make and execute, or cause to be executed, and perform, such laws, rules, regulations and contracts, and the same to alter, amend or repeal, as the said association, by its officers, shall deem proper and expedient for the government and conducting of the business of said association; and generally to do all and singular the matters and things for the well-being of the association and the management of its affairs.

SEC. 2. The capital stock of said association shall be ten thousand dollars, which shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and may be increased whenever the holders of at least two-thirds of the stock shall, by vote, so direct. The stock shall be deemed personal property, and shall be transferable in such manner as its by-laws prescribe. SEC. 3. The management of the affairs of said company shall be entrusted to a board of five directors, to be selected by the stockholders, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws, who shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected. Any vacancies occuring in the board of directors may be filled by appointment, by said board, for the unexpired term. Said board shall elect one of their number president, who, when present, shall preside at all meetings of said board; the said directors shall also have power to ap point a secretary and treasurer.

SEC. 4. Such time and place as a majority of the corporators named in this act shall, in writing, appoint, books shall be opened for subscription to the capital stock; and when at least twenty-five shares shall have been subscribed for, the Notice of elec said corporators, or a majority of them, shall appoint a time and place for the election of directors, and shall give written or printed notice thereof to each subscriber, personally, or through the post-office, at least ten days before the day so appointed.


SEC. 5. Nothing within this act shall be so construed as Construction. to allow said association to purchase and hold, or sell, real estate for the mere purpose of speculation, aside from what they may acquire or purchase to secure debts due the association, or upon which they may have a lien acquired in the transactions of the business of said association.

SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of House of Representatives.

Approved February 27th, 1860.



President of the Council.


AN ACT to incorporate the South Platte River Improvement and Lumbering


Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the
Territory of Kansas:

and powers.

SEC. 1. That W. A. McFadding, J. C. Sanders, I. J. Stevens, and John Easter, their associates and successors be and are hereby declared and made a body corporate, under the name and style of the South Platte River Improvement and Lumbering Corpcrate name Company, shall be capable of suing and being sued, in all matters whatsoever; shall have a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; shall have power to hold, convey or lease property, personal, real or mixed; that the company shall have power to make rules and regulations for the government of its affairs.

May improve river.

South Platte

SEC. 2. That said company shall have exclusive right to improve the channel of the South Platte river, from the city of Auraria to a point twenty miles above the mouth of the canon, so as to permit the driving of logs and other loose tim- Purpose. ber down the said river: Providing, the right to improve said river does not interfere with the right of persons or companies to construct dams across said river, at any point between [points] heretofore mentioned, for the purpose of irrigation,



mining, or other purposes: Providing, such dams be constructed, with a slide of not more than fifty degrees elevation, and not less than ten feet wide, across the river, and fifteen feet long, over which logs, lumber, or other material, may


SEC. 3. That the said company shall have the exclusive privilege of rafting logs, timber, and all other materials, within the limits above mentioned, for the term of fifteen years: ProOthers may raft viding, all persons and companies shall have the privilege of rafting all material down said river, by paying the toll allowed said company by the county tribunal. The company shall have the right to build a boom or booms, for the purpose of securing their timber and other material.



Of stock.

SEC. 4. The county tribunal of Arrapahoe county is hereby required to fix the rates of toll on all lumber, timber and other material, for the benefit of said company.

SEC. 5. The said company shall have a lien upon all materials, for their tolls.

SEC. 6. The capital stock of said company shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, but they shall have the Begin business. power to commence business as soon as twenty thousand dollars is subscribed. The stock shall be deemed personal property, and transferable, as the officers of said company shall direct.

When to complete.

SEC. 7. The said company is required to complete said improvements within three years from the passage of this act. The said company shall not have power to collect tolls on any floating material, until the above-named improvements are complete, not [nor] until so authorized by a commissioner appointed to inspect said improvements; said commissioner to be appointed by the Governor of this territory, and paid by this company.

SEC. 8. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

GUSTAVUS A. COLTON, Speaker of House of Representatives. W. W. UPDEGRAFF,

Approved February 27, 1860.



President of the Council.


AN ACT to change the name of Bonheim Katz to Bonheim Kahn.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the
Territory of Kansas:

SECTION. 1. That the name of Bonheim Katz be and is hereby changed to that of Bonheim Kahn.

SEC. 2. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of House of Representatives.

Approved January 28, 1860.



President of the Council.


AN ACT to legalize certain acts therein named.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the

Territory of Kansas:


SECTION 1. The official acts of the directors of the Saint St. George Town George Town Company, heretofore done and performed by and in accordance with the by-laws or constitution of said company, be and the same are hereby legalized, and said directors are hereby authorized to levy upon the stock of said com- Tax. pany such taxes as shall be necessary to carry out the business of the company.

SEC. 2. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of House of Representatives.


Approved February 27, 1860.



President of the Council.

Corporate name and powers.

Hold land.


May build dam.





AN ACT to incorporate the Island Ford Mill Company.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the
Territory of Kansas:

SECTION 1. That Norman Reed, his heirs and assigns, are hereby declared a body corporate under the style and name of the Island Ford Mill Company, and by that name and style shall be competent to make contracts, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all matters whatsoever, both in law and equity, and shall have all the power and privileges which are usually granted to such corporations which may be necessary and proper for carrying the objects of said company into full operation.

SEC. 2. That the corporation hereby granted and created, shall have power to purchase and hold any quantity of land at the said Island Ford on the Marias des Cygnes river, that may be necessary for the purposes of the corporation, not exceeding three hundred and twenty acres.

SEC. 3. That said corporation shall have the exclusive right and privilege of constructing a dam across the Marias des Cygnes at the place designated in Sec. 2nd of this bill, (provided that said company shall not by the erection of a dam, or otherwise interfere with, or destroy the ford at said point,) and of erecting a mill in connection therewith.

SEC. 4. That said corporation shall within one year a ter the passage of this charter, invest on said dam and mill one thousand dollars, and within two years of the passage of this act, shall complete a good and substantial gristmill at the place designated, and may add thereto such machinery as the said corporation may deem expedient.

SEC. 5. A failure to comply with the provisions of section
four of this charter, shall work a forfeiture of said charter.
SEC. 6. This act to be in force from and after its passage.

Speaker of House of Representatives.

Approved February 27, 1860.



President of the Council.

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