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No. 419.


To incorporate the Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Plaingrove, in
Mercer county.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the members of the Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Plaingrove, in the county of Mercer and State of Pennsylvania, citizens of Pennsylvania, be, and they are hereby created into one body politic and corporate in deed and in law, by name, style, and title, of "The Presbyterian Church of Plaingrove," and by the same name have perpetual succession, and be able to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, in all courts of law or elsewhere, and shall be able and capable in law Privileges. and equity to take and to hold to them and their successors, for the use of the said church, lands, tenements, goods and chattels of whatsoever kind, nature, or quality, real, personal, or mixed, which now are or shall hereafter become the property of the said church or congregation by gift, grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, devise, bequest, or otherwise, from any person whomsoever capable of making the same, and the same to grant, bargain, sell, mortgage, or dispose of for the use of said church or congregation: Provided, That the yearly value or income of the said estate shall not at any time exceed two thousand dollars.

SECTION 2. The trustees of said church and congregation shall be six in number, and until others shall be elected shall consist of the following named persons: Alexander McBride, David Armstrong, Henry Jordan, William Martin, George Book, and George A. Rodgers, to continue in office until the first Monday in January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, on which day the members of said congregation shall elect six persons to serve as trustees, two of whom shall serve three years, two of them two years, and two one year from the said date; the time of service for each to be designated by the electors at the time of election, and their places shall be supplied respectively at




Powers and privileges.

the annual election to be held on that day in every year hereafter, by the election of two persons to serve for three years, so that each trustee's term of office after the first election shall be three years: Previded, That in case of vacancy by death or otherwise the remaining trustees shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy or vacancies until the next annual election, at which time an election shall be held to fill such vacancy during the unexpired time or term of the member occasioning the same.

SECTION 3. That said trustees and their successors shall have power to enact and enforce such by-laws and ordinances as they shall think proper for the regulation and transaction of the business of the congregation, and to make, have, and use one common seal, with such device and inscription as they shall think proper, and the same to break, alter, or renew at their pleasure. And if the said congregation neglect on the day of the annual meeting to hold their election, the majority of the existing trustees may appoint any subsequent day on which the election may be held: Provided, That notice thereof be given from the pulpit or clerk's desk, or in such other manner as the majority of the trustees may think proper to direct, at least two weeks before said election: Provided, That the said by-laws and ordinances shall not be inconsist ent with the laws of this State or of the United States.

SECTION 4. No enumeration of powers, privileges, and duties herein contained, shall be so construed as to exclude others not enumerated which are necessary to the proper fulfilment of the design and purpose of this corporation, and not inconsistent with the express provisions and limitations thereof, or of the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth or of the United States..

WILLIAM F. PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The tenth day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight.


No. 9.


Relative to a new county to be called "Forrest."

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That so much of Jefferson county as will be included in the following boundaries, viz. Beginning at the termination of the straight line running west on the south side of Elk county, and from thence a due west course until the same intersects the north and south line on the west side of Jefferson county, thence along the Jefferson county line to its termina

tion, thence east along the Jefferson county line to the Elk county line, thence along the Elk county line to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby erected into a new county, to be called "Forrest county."

Resolved, That Joseph Y. James, of Warren county, William P. Wilcox, of Elk county, and Hiram Payne, of McKean county, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to cause the lines of the said new county to be run and located, and to locate in said county a proper site for the seat of justice of said county, and that they make report of the same to the commissioners of Jefferson county which location shall be the seat of justice for said county.

Resolved, That until the said county shall be organized for judicial and county purposes, it shall remain attached to Jefferson county for such purposes; and elections shall be held in the townships as they now are without reference to the lines of said new county and the returns made as heretofore to Jefferson county.

Resolved, That township officers shall be elected as usual, and generally the business of each township transacted as if such new county had not been created.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The eleventh day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight.



No. 467.


To authorize David Burger, of Blair county, to make sale of certain real estate

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That

David Burger, surviving trustee in and under a deed dated the fifth David Burger, day of December, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-surviving trussix, from Jacob Shenafelt, late of North Woodbury township, in the tee, empowered county of Blair (formerly Bedford county), deceased, to Abraham to sell certain Longenecker, now deceased, and the said David Burger, for "a certain lot or piece of ground situate in the town of Martinsburg, in said county, being thirty feet in front on the main street run

real estate.


ning east and west, and one hundred and fifty feet deep, on which are erected a two-story log house, weather-boarded and painted white, and a frame stable," in trust after the death of the said Jacob Shenafelt for the support, use, and benefit of his son John Shenafelt, and after his death in trust and for the use of the right heirs of the said John Shenafelt, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell the said lot of ground and premises for the best price that can be gotten for the same, and convey the same to the purchaser thereof in fee simple, and to invest and secure the proceeds of such sale in or on other real estate for and to the like purposes, uses, and trusts as declared and appointed in the said original deed of trust and no other whatever: Provided, That before a deed shall be made to the purchaser of said lot and premises for the same, the sale thereof and the security of or for the proceeds of said sale shall be reported to and approved and directed by the Orphans' Court in and for the said county of Blair; and the said David Burger shall on making such report of sale give bond with security therein approved of by said court, in double the amount of said sale, to faithfully perform, comply with, and discharge the order and directions of said court in the premises, and the trusts and purposes declared and appointed in the said original deed of trust.

WILLIAM F. PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twelfth day of February A. D., one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.


No. 468.


To incorporate the White Deer Bridge Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Joseph Moore, William Ellmaker, Jacob Stitzel, Thomas Bennett, Commissioners Charles Gudykunst, William Piatt, junior, John Hunter, Thomas W.

Lloyd, Robert Montgomery, Matthew Brown, John Bower, Adolphus D. Wilson, and Benjamin F. Pauling, of Lycoming county, Christian Gosh, James Pollock, William Beard, and William Heiner, of Northumberland county, and William Cameron, Abbot Green, and George Schnabel, of Union county, be, and they are hereby created commis sioners authorized to receive subscriptions to the capital stock hereby created, at such times and places as a majority of them may direct, previously giving at least three weeks' notice thereof in a paper printed in Lycoming county, of the time and place when and where the sub

scriptions will be received; and at the time of subscribing for said stock, two dollars on each and every share subscribed shall be paid to the commissioners or some one of them, which money shall be paid over to the treasurer of said company as soon as one shall be appointed; and the residue of said subscriptions shall be paid in such instalments and at such times and places and to such persons as the president and managers of the company may direct.


SECTION 2. When one hundred shares shall have been subscribed, the persons holding the same are hereby created and incorporated into company by the name and title of "The White Deer Bridge Com- Style. pany;" and by that name those who have subscribed and those that may thereafter subscribe shall have perpetual succession, with all privileges and franchises incident to a corporation, and shall be capable of taking and holding their capital stock and the increase and profits thereof, and of enlarging the same from time to time by new subscriptions, in such manner and form as they shall think proper, if such enlargement shall be found necessary to build the bridge or fulfil the intent of this act; and of purchasing and holding to them and their successors, in fee simple or otherwise, any real or personal estate that may be deemed necessary, and the same to sell and dispose of at their pleasure, and of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts of justice.

SECTION 3. That the capital stock of said company shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of twentyfive dollars each; and the subscribers to said capital stock shall pay the sum or sums of money for the shares by them held respectively or by them subscribed, at such period and in such instalments as the directors of said company may order and determine.

Capital stock.

SECTION 4. As soon as one hundred shares of the said capital stock shall have been subscribed, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to Organization. give notice in one paper printed in Lycoming county of the time and place of meeting of the stockholders, who shall at such meeting proceed to organize the said company, and shall choose by ballot, in person or by proxy, one president, seven directors, one treasurer, and such Officers. other officers as they shall deem necessary to conduct the business of said company until other officers shall be appointed; and the said president and directors shall make such by-laws and regulations for the government of said company as they shall think necessary and proper, consistent with the laws of this Commonwealth, for the well ordering of the affairs of said company and fixing upon the site or location of said bridge; and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock by him or her held at the time of such election: Pro- Proviso. vided, That no stockholder shall have more than twenty votes. And the stockholders shall meet on the first Monday in January in every year at such place as shall be fixed on by the president and directors, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year.



SECTION 5. The president and directors first chosen shall issue certificates of stock to the several stockholders, signed by the president and Certificates of countersigned by the treasurer of said company, which certificates shall be transferable at the pleasure of the holder in person or by attorney, Transferable. subject to the payment of any balance that may be due thereon; and the assignee holding such certificate, having caused the assignment to be entered in a book of the company to be kept by the treasurer for that purpose, shall be entitled to his or her just proportion of the capital stock, and of all the estate and emoluments of the company in proportion to the number of shares by them held, and to vote at the meetings thereof as aforesaid. And the president and directors shall meet at such

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