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"Resolved, That the beauties of scenery and the curiosities of nature to be seen by the tourist over the road, together with safety in traveling, make the journey by this route one of the most picturesque, agreeable, and safe to be enjoyed on the continent, and as such we commend it to the traveling public."

Resolutions at a Temperance Meeting.

"Mr. Chairman: Your committee on resolutions respectfully submit the following:

"WHEREAS, The saloons of this city are being kept open at all hours of the day and night, in violation of the ordinances governing the same; and

"WHEREAS, Drunkenness is evidently on the increase, in consequence of the total lack of necessary legal restraint, which should close their doors at proper hours of night, and Sundays; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by this meeting to investigate the extent of this violation, and report the same to the city council at their next meeting.

"Resolved, That we call upon the mayor, aldermen, and city marshal of this city to enforce the law relating to the sale of liquors, and we hereby remind them that the people will hold them to strict accountability for allowing the ordinances governing and restraining saloon keepers to be violated."

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Resolved, That we accept the resignation which severs our relation as pastor and p、ople with feelings of heartfelt sadness.

“Resolved, That the ten years of faithful service rendered by him to this society have been greatly blessed in upbuilding our church, increasing its membership, and creating feelings of Christian fellowship and good will among other denominations.

Resolved, That for his ministering to the temporal wants of the poor, and the spiritual needs of all; for the tender solicitude and carnest sympathy which have always brought him to the bedside of the sick and dying; for his efforts in behalf of the education of the mass s; and for his exertions to ameliorate the condition of suffering humanity at all times and under all circumstances, the members of this parish, and the people of this city, owe him a debt of gratitude which they can never repay.

Resolved, That, in parting, our kindest wishes will ever attend him, and that we recommend him to the parish to which he is to minister as one worthy their full confidence and highest esteem.


Resolutions on the Departure of a Sunday School Teacher.

"WHEREAS, Mr. Grant Watkins is about to remove from our midst and sever his connection with this school, in which he has so long and faithfully labored as teacher; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That we deeply regret the necessity of losing him in the Sunday School work, and most fervently wish for him a future of active usefulness in his chosen field of new associations and interests, ever praying that by a well ordered life and a Christian consecration he may at last unite, with all the truly faithful, in sweeter songs of redemption in the bright hereafter."

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'WHEREAS, Our county is being infected by a band of organized horse thieves and highwaymen, making property and human life insecure; and

"WHEREAS, The safety of the people demands that some immediate action be taken looking to the protection of life and property; therefore, be it

"Resolved, That an association of citizens favorable to such protection be formed, to be known and styled 'The Grant County Protective Association.'

"Resolved, That this association be governed by five directors, chosen by this meeting. Such directors to choose their president, secretary, and treasurer from their number, any one of whom, upon hearing of the loss of property belonging to any member of this association, shall have authority, upon consulting with two other directors, to take the necessary steps to recover the same, and punish the thief, the expenses of recovery not to exceed the value of said property.

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Resolutions Remonstrating against a Nuisance.

"Resolved, That the continuance of the bone boiling establishment and glue factory of Messrs. Smith & Jones in the midst of a densely populated neighborhood, is an intolerable nuisance, which is incompatible with the health and comfort of those who reside in the vicinity. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chair, whose duty it shall be to apprise the authorities of the existence and nature of the nuisance; and, in case such action shall not produce its abatement, then, to employ counsel, and take such other legal steps as the case may require."

Resolutions at a Stockholders' Meeting, in Favor of a Certain Route.

"Resolved, That the proposed railroad bridge of this company, at Jackson, be located north, rather than south, of the village, for those


"1. To build a bridge south of the town will necessitate placing a depot so far from the center of the village as to prevent the people of Jackson from patronizing the road, inasmuch as the South Western railway already has a depot near the center of the town.

"2. The south line will require more than double the amount of trestle work for the bridge.

"3. The right of way by the southern route is much the most expensive. Even with the purchase of the Jackson foundry grounds (which will remove the abrupt curve in the upper route), the right of way will cost less than by the south survey, to say nothing of bringing the depot nearer the center of the village, and lessening the expense of trestle work; therefore

"Resolved, That, for the foregoing and other reasons, the directors are recommended to take the northern instead of the southern route, for the proposed railway through the town of Jackson."

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Resolved, That the thanks of this convention are hereby given to the president, for the able, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has presided over its deliberations, and to the other officers for the satisfactory manner in which they have fulfilled the duties assigned to them."



PETITION is a formal request or supplication, from the persons who present or sign the paper containing it, to the body or individual to whom it is presented, for the grant of some favor.

It is a general rule, in the case of petitions presented to Courts that an affidavit should accompany them, setting forth that the statements therein made, so far as known to the petitioner, are true, and that these facts, by him stated as within his knowledge and that of others, he believes to be true.


The people of a town or city very frequently have occasion to petition their town authorities or city government for the granting of favors or the enactment of laws.

The following are among the forms of petition to a City Council.

For Opening a Street.



Gentlemen:- The undersigned respectfully solicit your honorable body to open and extend Walnut street, which now

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Remonstrating against a Nuisance.

Gentlemen: -Your petitioners respectfully represent that during the past summer John Jones has converted the barn located at No. 184 Monroe street, between Van Buren and Jackson into a slaughter house, which, with the decaying offal about the premises, produces a stench that is unbearable to the citizens living in that vicinity. In all respects the affair

is a nuisance to the neighborhood, and we ask your honorable body to have the same removed.

(Here insert city, state, and date.)

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orable body to appoint a night policeman to have supervision of the streets and alleys from Harrison to Walnut streets, on Broadway.

(Here give city, state, and date.)

[Signed by one hundred tax-payers, more or less.]

PETITIONS TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Petition from Farmers, asking for the extermination of the Canada Thistle.


The undersigned, citizens of - County, respectfully
represent that this, and neighboring counties, are becoming
infested with that pest, the Canada thistle. As yet they are
not in sufficient quantity to be beyond control, but it is feared
if they are allowed to go without restraint two years longer,
they will be so spread as to make their extermination next to
impossible. We, therefore, respectfully request your honorable
body to take some action looking to their immediate subjection,
thus saving the farming community from an evil which cannot
be removed if allowed to exist much longer.
(Here give county, state, and date.)

[Signed by one thousand farmers, more or less.]

Petition from Farmers, relative to Stock run-
ning at large.


Your petitioners, residents and tax-payers of
County, respectfully represent to your honorable body that the
farmers of this State are at present subjected to an immense
drain on their resources, by being compelled to build thousands
of miles of fence, not for their own use, but for the purpose


of preventing the encroachment of others. At a low estimate, it is costing millions of dollars every year for this needless fencing. The man who wishes to keep stock may fence the necessary pasturage for the same, but to compel the farmer who does not have stock in any considerable quantity to keep up miles of fence, continually to rot down and be rebuilt, is an oppression which is causing many farmers to remain in poverty, who otherwise might be in comparatively independent cir


We, therefore, petition you to enact a law that will prevent stock of every description from running at large. (Here give county, state, and date.)

[Signed by five hundred farmers, more or less.]

Petition to the Governor, asking for Pardon. TO JOHN M. PALMER, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS : The Petition of the undersigned Citizens respectfully represents:

That on the ninth day of July, 1871, John Jones, of the city of Chicago, was convicted before the Criminal Court, in said city of the crime of manslaughter, and sentenced therefor to the State prison at Joliet, where he now remains, for the term of twelve years: that the evidence upon which he was convicted, as will be seen by the summary appended, was not altogether conclusive : that previous to that time the said Jones had maintained the reputation of being a peaceable and upright man and that his conduct since imprisonment, according to the letter of the warden, filed herewith, has been most exemplary. The said Jones has a family who need his support: and under the impression that the well-being of society will not be injured by his enlargement, and that the ends of justice, under the circumstances of the case, have been sufficiently answered, they respectfully implore executive clemency in his behalf.

(Here give town, state, and date.)

[Signed by, etc., etc.]


PLEASING variety in the routine of life is an occasional celebration. These are given often by certain societies, and comprise festivals, public dinners, picnics, excursions, reunions, etc.

Fourth of July.

A very appropriate day for a general celebration, in the United States, is the Fourth of July. In preparing for such a celebration, it is first necessary to appoint suitable committees to carry out the details of the work incident to such an

occasion. This is done by calling a meeting of the citizens at some public place, "for the purpose of making arrangements for celebrating the forthcoming anniversary of American Independence!" which meeting should organize in the usual form, by the appointment of president and secretary.

The meeting should consider the feasibility of such celebration, and, if it is deemed advisable to celebrate this anniversary, should appoint an executive committee of three, to have general supervisionof the whole affair, to be assisted by:

1. A finance committee, who will solicit the interested, at first, in the celebration, to make necessary funds.

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the same a success. The resolve by one person to have a grand celebration, who will call a public meeting, associate with himself two others, as an executive committee, and follow by the appointment of the necessary committees, publishing the whole to the world, and going ahead, will generally make a very successful celebration.

In the smaller towns so many committees may not be necessary, but having a good Ex

5. Committee on procession, who will induce the various societies, and a representation from the different trades, to appear in street proces-ecutive Committee, the work is made much sion, along with a representation of the different states in the Union.

6. Committee on military display, who will organize any military exhibition that may be thought advisable, take charge of firing guns,


7. Committee on fireworks, who will attend to the arrangements for such exhibition in the evening.

8. Committee on amusements, whose especial duty it shall be to organize such street display of burlesque, etc., as will entertain and amuse the people.

The executive committee may appoint the president of the day, the necessary marshals, and arrange for additional attractions and novelties calculated to secure the success of the celebration.

Let these arrangements be made three or four weeks before the "Fourth." Now, let the executive committee thoroughly advertise the list of committees, and what it is proposed to accomplish. In the meantime, the finance committee should report to the executive what amount of money may be relied upon, and the committee on orator should report the names of their speakers, while the various other committees will report what the attractions are to be in their several departments.

Then the executive committee should prepare their posters and programmes, descriptive of what strangers from abroad will see who attend the celebration, and crowds of people will come from near and far.

It is not necessary for many people to be

lighter, by being distributed among a good many persons, though it will always devolve upon two or three individuals to carry the affair through to a successful conclusion.

Public Dinners.

The same regulations, to a certain extent, as in the Fourth of July celebration, may be observed in other public entertainments, though it may not be necessary to have as many committees.

Where it is resolved to give a public dinner to a distinguished man, the first move is to extend to the person an invitation, as numerously signed as possible. If he accepts, he either fixes the day himself, or leaves that to the option of the party inviting him. In the latter case, they designate a time that will best suit his conveni


Arrangements having been made thus far, committees may be appointed on table, invitations, toasts, etc., the affair being conducted according to the etiquette of such occasions.

Picnics and Festivals.

These social entertainments, which are usually conducted in the interest of certain societies, are mostly pleasant affairs in proportion as they are agreeably conducted by the managers.

They should be especially noticeable for the absence of all formality, jollity and mirth reigning supreme. If another committee is appointed, outside of the executive, let it be a committee on fun.

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For the Thanksgiving Festival.

"Our opinion on the Eastern Question: We agree with Russia, that Turkey ought to be gobbled."

"The health of our venerable host: Although an American citizen, he is one of the best Grand Seniors that ever presided over Turkey.” "Thanksgiving: The magnetic festival that brings back erratic wanderers to the Old Folks at Home."

"The thanksgiving board: While it groans with plenty within, who cares for the whistling of the wind without."

"Thanksgiving: The religious and social festival that converts every family mansion into a Family Meeting House."

"The Wooden Wedding of our Friends: And may all the children be chips of the old block."

"The Hero and Heroine of this Wooden Festival: May they flourish like green bay trees in their youth, and retain all their pith when they become elders."

For the Tin Wedding.

"The Golden Rule of Matrimony: Marry the first time for love-the second time for Tin."

The Fair Bride: She blushed at her first marriage, but she shows more metal to-day."

"Tin Weddings: And the bright reflections to which they give risc."

For the Crystal Wedding.

"Crystal Weddings: The medium through which the bliss of enduring affection is magnified, reflected, and made transparent to everybody."

"The fifteenth year of Wedlock: A matrimonial Stage, chiefly remarkable for its Tumblers."

"Our Hospitable Hostess: And may it never be her fate to look on life as through a glass darkly.'”

"The New Married Couple: They will not find the friendship of their friends as brittle as their gifts."

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