On Gas Engines: Wih Appendix Describing a Recent Engine with Tube IgniterC. Lockwood and Son, 1893 - 80 halaman |
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atmospheric pressure Author axis boiler chamber charge of gas chimney circular Civil Engineering cloth coal gas compressed connecting rod construction crank shaft Crown 8vo curve cylinder D. K. CLARK diameter dotted lines drawing Electric Light ENGINEER'S Enlarged exhaust passage exhaust valve explosion finger F firing the charge flame fly wheel Formulæ Fourth Edition gas and air gas engine gas inlet gases heat HEAT ENGINES horizontal hydrogen indicator diagram INNER COVER Lenoir engine marked marsh gas Mechanical Engineer Minerals Mining mixture of gas modern motion numerous Illustrations operation Otto engine OUTER COVER pipe piston Plates POCKET-BOOK port position Practical Handbook Practical Treatise Railway regulator Revised rotary valve rotation Science Second Edition shown square inch steam engine Strength of Materials student supply of gas Surveyor Tables Tangential Angles temperature text-book Theodolite Third Edition tion Tramways TUBE IGNITER valuable valve spindle vertical WEALE'S SERIES whereby Woodcuts
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