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Le rapport de l'Officier Commandant fut, que sa course avait été infructueuse, qu'il n'avait rien découvert, que les patrouilles le long de la Côte entre Warappa et Matopicea n'avoient trouvé que quelques vestiges d'une espêce de campement, au sujet desquels ni les perquisitions ouvertes, ni les informations récueillies sous main, auprès de quelques Nègres des Plantations du Voisinage, dans l'espérance que ceux-ci seraient le plus en état et le mieux disposés à faire des révélations, avaient abouti à rien. Le Gouverneur De Veer, n'en avaient pas moins cru devoir communiquer ces détails et ces présomptions aux Autorités des Endroits désignés, avec l'ordre de renouveller les perquisitions dans tout le District, mais le résultat en avait été également infructueux, et tous les renseignemens donnés furent reconnus inexacts. Le Gouverneur en informa par écrit le Juge Lefroy, en lui exprimant sa satisfaction que les soupçons ne se fussent pas réalisés, mais que c'était un nouvel avertissement du peu de fond qu'il y avait à faire sur les informations reçues.

L'activité et le zèle du Gouverneur ont remplis les Ordres réitérés du Roi, de s'opposer avec toute l'énergie possible au Trafic des Esclaves, lui ont mérité les éloges du Gouvernement Anglais. Et il n'y a aucun lieu de douter, qu'il n'approfondisse, avec le même soin les autres présomptions mentionnées dans l'Office de Son Excellence Le Comte de Clancarty.

Quant aux deux moyens de répression proposés dans cet Office, le Soussigné se permettra de se référer à sa Note du 26 de ce mois, pour ce qui regarde l'établissement de Régistres d'Esclaves, et se bornera ici à l'article de la nécessité d'une Force Navale.

Il peut avoir l'honneur de communiquer à Son Excellence que l'envoi d'un Batiment armé dans ces parages a déjà été prescrit il y'a longtems, et sans l'accident arrivé au Bric De Merkuur, qui a été jeté à la côte à Curaçao, le Bric De Zwalurr aurait pu remplir pleinement sa destination primitive pour Surinam, mais quoi qu'il en soit, par le départ du Bric De Eendragt, et l'envoi d'hommes pour le complettement de l'équipage du Bric De Kemphaan, tous les obstacles qui ont empêché le batiment De Zwalurr, de se rendre à Surinam doivent avoir été levé, et le Gouverneur De Veer se trouvera en état d'opposer la surveillance maritime désirée aux tentatives frauduleuses, contre lesquelles le Gouvernement Anglais a cru devoir appeler de nouveau l'attention du Gouvernement des Pays-Bas.

S. E. Le Comte de Clancarty.

Le Soussigné, &c.


No. 47.-The Earl of Clancarty to Mr. Secy. Canning.—(Rec. April 7.)


Brussells, April 4, 1823.

I HAD yesterday the honour of receiving your Despatch of the 25th of March, with its Inclosures.

The only new fact which the Inclosures in that Despatch contain, is, that the landing of the Slaves was effected upon a particular Point of the Coast, viz. about twenty miles to the Westward of Bram's Point.

In the Note which I have addressed to M. de Nagell upon this subject, (a Copy of which is herewith inclosed), I have pointed out the additional fact, and endeavoured to press the whole of this subject, already under their consideration, upon the serious attention of this Court. I remain, &c.

The Right Hon. George Canning.


(Inclosure.) The Earl of Clancarty to The Baron de Nagell.

Brussells, April 3, 1823.

THE Undersigned, &c. &c. has the honour to refer M. de Nagell to the latter part of a Note addressed to His Excellency by the Undersigned, upon 22d February last, and to the two Inclosures therewith transmitted, respecting the debarkation of about 500 new African Negroes, in the month of November last, in the Colony of Surinam. The accompanying Copies of Letters upon this subject have subsequently been received by His Majesty's Government, from the British Commissary Judge at that Settlement; and the Undersigned has received the Commands of The King, his Master, to communicate the facts therein conveyed to The Netherlands Government, as serving to confirm the contents of the Inclosures transmitted in the Note above referred to, with the additional information, that the debarkation of these new African Negroes upon the Coast of Surinam, was effected about twenty miles to the Westward of Bram's Point.

As the facts of this Case are incontrovertible, the Undersigned has been instructed to press it most seriously upon the attention and immediate exertion of this Government; to express the anxious hope of that of Great Britain, that such orders will be issued thereupon to The Netherlands Colonial Authorities, as the case appears to require, and as may prevent the recurrence of such infractions of the Treaty between the Two Countries; and he has further to request the attention of this Court to the reference made, in both his Notes of the 22d February last, to the establishment of Colonial Registries, as a measure by which, in conjunction with the strenuous efforts of the Government, and of their Authorities in their Settlements, effectual advantage may be derived in putting down this execrable Traffick.

The Undersigned, &c. &c.

His Excellency M. le Baron de Nagell.



No. 48.-The Earl of Clancarty to Mr. Secy. Canning.—( Rec. Apr. 10.)
Brussells, April 8, 1823.
I SEND herewith, for your information, the Copy of a Note received
by me on Saturday last from M. Le Baron de Nagell.
The Right Hon. George Canning.


(Inclosure.) The Buron de Nagell to The Earl of Clancarty. Bruxelles, le 5 Avril 1823.


LE 19 Mars dernier, le Soussigné a eu l'honneur d'informer Son Excellence le Comte de Clancarty, &c. que Le Roi déférant à l'invitation du Gouvernement Anglois, venait de faire recommander par Ministre des Colonies, au Gouverneur De Veer à Surinam, la surveillance particulière du Navire l'Aurore, Capitaine C. H. Andres, Maître, soupçonné de vouloir introduire frauduleusement des Esclaves dans cette Colonie.

Par les Dépêches de ce Gouverneur, en date du 15 Janvier 1823, reçues dans l'intervalle, il avait déjà prévenir à cet égard les ordres de Sa Majesté.

Il y fait rapport que le Sieur Lefroy, Juge Anglois en la Cour Mixte à Surinam, lui avait donné connoissance par écrit, que, selon des avertissemens dignes de foi, mais dont il ne lui était pas permis de révéler la source, le Capitaine Andres, pendant sa relache à Maranham, aurait annoncé l'intention d'attendre dans ce Port un Navire Négrier Portugais, dont il transporteroit à son bord des Esclaves pour les introduire en fraud à Surinam.

Qu'il fit réponse au Juge, que bien que des informations anonymes, et des discours du Capitaine Andres à un tiers, ne fussent pas des preuves démonstratives; neanmoins la nature de ces inculpations, était trop grave pour ne pas engager à prendre les plus rigoreuses précautions qu'à cet effet, il avait de suite transmis au Fiscal, Copie de la Lettre du Sieur Lefroy, ainsi que d'une Proclamation antérieure de la Cour de Police de Demerary, y annexée, laquelle promettait 500 livres sterlings, de récompense aux dénonciateurs de ces sortes de tentatives; autorisant le Fiscal à instituer les perquisitions les plus exactes pour parvenir à la découverte, la conviction et le châtiment des infracteurs de la Loi contre ce barbare Trafic; et pressa le Sieur Lefroy de le mettre en état de procurer au Fiscal des renseignemens propres à seconder ses enquêtes.

Son Excellence Le Comte de Clancarty est invité à vouloir bien communiquer à son Gouvernement cette nouvelle preuve du zèle du Gouverneur De Veer qui, sans s'arrêter à l'absence de preuves dans les informations du Sieur Lefroy, avait rempli spontanément les Instructions, et les ordres itératifs du Roi, de surveiller énergiquement le Trafic des Esclaves dans la Colonie de son ressort.

S. E. Le Comte de Clancarty.

Le Soussigné, &c,


No. 49-Mr.Secy. Canning to The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
Foreign Office, April 19, 1823.

IN reference to the Letter addressed by the late Marquess of Londonderry to Your Lordships on the 19th of February 1819, inclosing Copies of certain Treaties entered into with Foreign Powers for preventing illegal Slave Trade; I furnish Your Lordships with 50 Copies of Articles Signed at Brussells, December 31, 1822, and January 25, 1823, Explanatory of, and Additional to, the Treaty concluded at The Hague, May 4, 1818, between His Majesty and The King of The Netherlands for the prevention of that Traffick.

I am to signify to Your Lordships The King's commands, that you do issue to the Officers commanding His Majesty's Ships and Vessels, such Instructions, in conformity with the purport of these Articles, as shall be judged necessary for more effectually carrying into execution His Majesty's intentions in the Stipulations therein recorded. I have the honour to be, &c. GEORGE CANNING.

The Lords Commrs. of the Admiralty.

No. 50.-Lord Francis Conyngham to Robert Wilmot, Esq. SIR, Foreign Office, April 19, 1823. IN reference to the Letter from this Department of the 19th of February 1819, inclosing, for the information of Earl Bathurst, Copies of the Treaties entered into with Foreign Powers for preventing illegal Slave Trade :-I am directed by Mr. Secretary Canning to send to you the 10 Copies accompanying this Letter, of Articles signed at Brussells, December 31st 1822, and January the 25th 1823, Explanatory of, and Additional to, the Treaty concluded at The Hague, May the 4th 1818, between His Majesty and The King of The Netherlands, for the prevention of that Traffick.

I am to request that you will submit to Earl Bathurst the propriety of communicating these Articles to the Colonial Authorities at Sierra Leone, and in the neighbourhood of Surinam.

Robert Wilmot, Esq.

I am, &c.


No. 51.-J. W. Croker, Esq to Lord Francis Conyngham. MY LORD, Admiralty Office, April 21, 1823. In reference to Mr. Secretary Canning's Letter to My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty of the 19th instant, transmitting Copies of some Explanatory and Additional Articles to the Treaty concluded with The King of The Netherlands on the 4th of May 1818, for the prevention of the Traffick in Slaves, I am commanded by My Lords to асquaint you, for, the information of Mr. Canning, that their Lords hips have instructed the Commanding Officer of His Majesty's Ship:s on the Coast of Africa, to observe and carry into effect, so far as dep ends

upon him, the Stipulations contained in those Articles, and to give corresponding Instructions to the Commanders of the Vessels under his orders; and that their Lordships have also directed the Vessels, upon other Stations, which, under the Treaty of the 4th May 1818, are furnished with the Instructions relative to Vessels engaged in a Traffick in Slaves under the Dutch Flag, to be supplied with Copies of the Additional Articles for their information and guidance.

Lord Francis Conyngham.


I am, &c.


No. 1.-Lionel Hervey, Esq, to The Marquess of Londonderry.


(Received April 21.)

Madrid, April 4, 1822. WITH reference to Your Lordship's Despatch of the 10th ultimo, directing me to make application to the Spanish Government to forward such Instructions to the Captains of the Spanish Navy as may enable them to stop all Ships engaged in the Slave Trade; I have to state that, having spoken to M. Martinez de la Rosa, he desired that I would address him a Note upon the subject, of which the inclosed is a Copy.

He told me last Saturday that he had referred my Note to the Minister of Marine, and that he hoped to be soon able to return me a satisfactory Answer.

The Marquess of Londonderry, K.G.

I have the honour, &c.


(Inclosure.)--Lionel Hervey, Esq. to Don F. Martinez de la Rosa. Madrid, March 12, 1822.


I HAVE received Instructions from my Government to express the satisfaction with which His Britannick Majesty has learnt, that the Spanish Commissioners at The Havannah have received Orders from their Government to carry punctually into effect, in all their proceedings, the Stipulations of the Slave Trade Abolition Treaty; and that Circular Orders to the same effect have been received by the CaptainGeneral, the Admiral, and the Intendants, with directions to communicate the same to the several branches of their respective Depart


As, however, His Britannick Majesty's Government have reason to believe, that the several Spanish Vessels of War cruizing in those seas, are not furnished with the Special Instructions annexed to the Slave

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