Gambar halaman

ject had been brought before the committee of ways and means? by the secretary of the treasury, some time since-who from the difficulties attending the transaction had at the first instance declined to interfere; recently however, the committee had been given to understand that a portion of the sum of the 115,000 francs instead of being applied to the payment of the debts due to the claimants, in whose favor they had been liquidated, had been divert ed and applied for the benefit of a person in no wise entitled to it under the provisions of the convention, and to whom nothing had been allowed. Under these circumstances, and in concurrence with the opinion of the secretary of the treasury, and agreeable to the wish of general Armstrong, the committee had thought it theig duty to report a bill authorising the treasury department to suspend the payment of the bills, whenever they should be presented, until the French government should have furnished satisfactory proof that the amount of the bills has been applied for the purpose pro

or other judges, but to the erring individual him
self, acting as the sole judge in the appellate court.
Because the additional services to be required,
may by distances of places and casualties contempla
ted by the bill, become disproportionate to the strength
and health of the justices who are to perform them,
the additional service being moreover entitled to
no additional compensation; nor the additional
expences incurred to reimb.sement. In this view,
the bill appears to be contrary to equity, as well as
a precedent for modifications and extensions of ju-
dicial services encroaching on the constitutional te-vided for in the convention,
nure of judicial offices.

The bill was passed to a second reading, and referred to a com mittee of the whole house on Wednesday.

Messrs. Wheaton and Law obtained leave of absence to the end

of the session.

Because, by referring to the president of the United States questions of disability in the district judges, and of the unreasonableness of delaying the suits or causes pending in the district courts, and leaving it with him in such cases to require the justices of the supreme court to perform additiona! services, the bill introduces an unsuitable relation of members of the Judiciary department, to a dissenate to the bill for the admission of Louisiana into the union, cretionary authority of the executive department.

Mr. Grundy said that he was instructed by a committee to make a report on a subject, which having been first agitated with closed doors, it was perhaps proper that the report should be made in the same manner. He therefore moved that the galleries be cleared. On the suggestion of the speaker, Mr. G. withdrew his motion to make way for the consideration of the following business. The house resumed the consideration of the amendments of the and to extend the laws of the United States to that state. The amendments were severally considered; and one relating to sala ries was discussed in committee of the whole; Mr. Basset in the chair. The amendments were all agreed to, including that which separates from this bill the provision for extending the limits of the On motion of Mr. Gold, the message was order-new state so as to include a portion of the Florida territory. ed to be printed; and on motion of Mr. Stanford, it was ordered that to-morrow be assigned for the re-consideration of the said bill, in the mode pre scribed by the constitution.

April 3, 1812.


The bill further providing for the government of the territory of

Louisiana, was read a third time.

Mr. M.Kee opposed its passage on the ground of the incompatiquility. And concluded his objections by moving to postpone the |bility of the second grade of government with public peace or trau

bill to the first Monday in December next.

Mr. Alston opposed the motion. He drew a comparison be Mr. Porter said he was instructed by the committween the first and second grades of government, favorable to the tee of foreign relations to submit to the house a pro latter, though he expressed his abhorrence of the territorial form of position in their opinion requiring secrecy. Where government in any shape. upon the galleries and house were cleared of all other persons than the members and officers of the honse, and so remained till 11 o'clock, when the house adjourned.

Saturday, April 4.-Immediately after the reading of the jour. nal the doors were closed, and so remained until the house adjourn, ed, about two o'clock.

LOUISIANA CONVENTION. Monday, Apri! 6.-Mr. Bacon from the committee of ways and means, upon leave given, reported a bill, authorising the secretary of the treasury to suspend the payment of certain bills drawn by John Armstrong, late minister of the United States at the court of France, upon the treasury of the United States.

Mr. Porter observed, that this subject appeared likely to occupy considerable time, and as it appeared to him of minor importance to topics which were before the house, he moved that it lie on the And the bill was accordingly ordered to lie, after a few words of objection by Mr. Rhea.


Mr. Porter then stated, that he was instructed by the committee of foreign relations to make a proposition to the house, which was deemed by them to require confidential consideration. He there fore moved that the galleries be cleared; and they were cleared accordingly.

The doors remained closed for about half an hour. When the doors were opened, a report was read from a select committee, which it appears had been appointed on the subject during the secret sittings, on the subject of a publication in the Alexandria Herald of Friday last, stating the passage on Wednes day evening, of the embargo law in the house of representatives, the division on the question of its passage, and several other parti


The report stated the evidence of Mr. N. Rounsevall, one of the editors of that paper, and that he had refused to answer certain ques ries put to him by the committee-whereupon they had reported the case to the house.

The house had this subject under consideration till five o'clock In the course of the sitting, Mr. Rounsevall was called to the bar and, refusing to answer a question propounded to him by the speak er, and declaring his intention to persist in so refusing, he was, after much debate, recommitted to the custody of the sergeant at arms, until the further orders of the house.

Mr. B. said, that the reasons which had induced the committee to report this bill, were founded on a transaction which he would briefly state. It would be recollected, that by the convention be tween the United States and France, commonly called the Louisiana convention, the government of the United States had agreed to assume the payment of a sum not exceeding twenty millions of franes on account of debts due by the government of France to citizens of the United States. This mode of liquidating and ascertaining these debts was provided for in the convention, and by the 2nd section of the act of November 10th, 1803, it was provided, that the payment of the claims thus ascertained should be made by orders drawn by the minister of the United States in France, upon the treasury of the United States, who should be charged with the whole amount of such payments, until he should exhibit satisfactory proof that such orders were issued conformably to the convention. These orders had generally been drawn in favor of the persons in Tuesday, April 7.-Mr. Newton reported a bill to whose favor such debts had been liquidated, and there had been no authorise the secretary to purchase for the use of the difficulty in giving the American minister credit for this amount when they were presented and paid in that form. Towards the United States, the city Hall in New York, [for a close of that adjustment, however, there remained about 115,000 custom-house.] Twice read and referred to comfrancs to be applied for the benefit of claimants, in order to committee of the whole. plete the twenty millions-the amount of which was liquidated in favor of sundry persons having debts due from the French govern- Mr. Porter obtained, from considerations of both ment. Instead, however, of drawing bills for the sum as usual in public and private nature, leave of absence from the favor of the claimants, the French governinent insisted, for rea sons which did not distinctly appear, that our minister should draw service of the house for six weeks. for this amount in favor of the cashier of the French treasury, that A message was received from the president of the government assuming upon itself the payment of the particular claims on whose account they were drawn. This arrangement was United States transmitting a report of the superinresisted for some time but ultimately acceded to by general Arm- tendant of public buildings, in conformity to a restrong, under a wish finally to close so important a transaction. Notice of the manner in which it had been conducted was given solution of this house calling for information of by him to the government; and the treasury officers being of opi-debts due for work done on the public buildings, nion that the amount of the bills if paid could not under the circumstances be credited to him, he requested that the payment of them together with a letter of Mr. Latrobe on the same might be refused or suspended until evidence of their proper appli- subject.

cation should be furnished by the French government. It was howe

ver the opinion of the secretary of the treasury that under the law i

[The letter of the superintendant transmits to

of 1803 he had no discretion given him to refuse the payment of the president a statement in detail made by Mr. the bills whenever presented which had not yet been done, and

there was still an opportunity to prevent their payment. The sub Latrobe, by whom the expediture had been authori,

[blocks in formation]

$14,425 06 1.4 The message and documents were referred to the committee of ways and means.

ledge, Boyd, Breckenridge, Brigman, Brown, Calhoun, Cheves, Clopton, Crawford, Davis, Dawson, Desha, Dinsmoor, Earle, Findley, Gholson, Goodwyn, Green, Grundy, B. Hall, O. Hall, Hawes, Hufty, Hyneman, Johnson, King, Lacock, Little, Lowndes, Lyle, M'Bryde, MCoy, MKee, M•Kim, Metcalf, New, Newbold, Ormis by, Piper, Pleasants, Quincy, Randolph, Ringgold, Rhea, Roane, Roberts, Sage, Seaver, Sevier, Seybert, Shaw, Sheffey, Smilie, G. Smith, J. Smith, Stanford, Stow. Strong, Troup, Wheaton, White hill, Williams, Widgery, Wilson, Winn.-70.

So the bill is lost.

Mr. Calhoun then stated that it had become his

duty to call for the consideration of business of a confidential nature; and upon his motion the galleries were cleared and strangers excluded, and so remained until the house adjourned.

For Thursday's proceedings-see last page.

Political Notices.

The house took up for consideration the amend ments of the senate to the bill authorising a detach ment of the militia of the U. States. The amendments are all matters of detail, excepting a new provision for abolishing corporal punishment. All the amendments of the senate were agreed to, a light verbal amendment however having been It is our fortune to REGISTER several articles of made to one of them, which required the sending high importance this week-among them is the the bill again to the senate. law for laying an embargo on the ships and vessels A letter was received from Mr. Rounsevall, the of the United States-an account of the capture, if witness who yesterday refused to answer at the bar the phrase may be allowed, of Amelia Island from of the house, explanatory of his motives, &c. for the Spaniards, and the act of prorogation of the refusing to answer. legislature of New York by governor Tompkins,

Much desultory conversation and some warm with the after proceedings of the adverse parties discussion took place, which resulted in Mr. Roun thereon. savell's being again called to the bar, and, having THE EMBARGO-which we consider as the incianswered in the affirmative to a question whether pient measure of war, is limited to 90 days durahe was willing to answer such interrogatories as tion-it will terminate on the 4th of July, a day should be propounded to him by the speaker; and it eminently calculated to exercise an act of firmness having in the meantime appeared to the house that and energy. This act was designed for a double there was no occasion to question him farther; Mr. purpose-to keep the property of the people and Rounsavell was declared to have purged himself from our seamen at home; and prevent the enemy from the contempt offered to the house by now submit-receiving a stock of those supplies which are indisting to answer, and was accordingly released from pensably necessary to him, and which can be got the custody of the sergeant at arms. Intending from no other place on as good terms, or in such hereafter to present a detail of the proceedings, the abundance. But these designs have been materially reporter has here omitted going into particulars. defeated by certain persons, of whose conduct I Wednesday, April 8.-Mr. Fisk asked, through shall not speak in the terms I think it deserves. A the speaker, leave of absence to the end of the ses-member of the committee of foreign relations, it sion. Refused. seems, "authorized" some of the other members of Mr. Blecker asked the same leave. Granted-42 congress, to announce the fact, that a proposal to lay an embargo would be offered 'to the house of re

to 40.

Mr. Lacock, one of the majority on the former presentatives; and those members, being friends of vote, moved to reconsider the question of leave to "free trade," felt it their duty to give it general Mr. Fisk, as leave had been given to another mem-currency, in the form of circular letters, in all the ber. The vote was reconsidered, and the required chief ports of the United States; (see the note* ) thus, leave given. *OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK EVENING POST, Thursday Morning, April 2, 1812. We received by express this morning, in 36 hours from Washington, the following highly important information :

The speaker laid before the house a memorial from Edward Clarke, stating that he has invented a mode of defending ports and harbors by means of floating forts or batteries, &c. which he prays the house to cause to be examined, &c. The memorial was referred to the committee on military af fairs.

"Dear sir,


Tuesday, March 31, 1812.


The house then proceeded to reconsider the bill to provide for cases of disability or absence of the "I am authorised, on the information of a memjudges of the district courts of the United States, to-ber of the committee of foreign relations, to state, gether with the message of the president of the that a resolution for an embargo, will be reported United States stating his reasons for refusing his and acted upon to-morrow. The nature of the measignature thereto. sure, whether temporary or permanent, and what

Mr. Gold spoke at considerable length in expla- is to follow it, I am not acquainted with. nation of the objections made by the president to the "As this information is not to be doubted, I have bill and exhibiting the reasons upon which he thought it my duty to apprise you of it as early as founded the opinion that these objections were not such as ought to defeat the passage of the bill. The question was then put- Shall the bill pass, the objections of the president notwithstanding?' The following was the state of the vote on this question:

YEAS.-Messrs. Alston, Bleecker, Burwell, Butler, Chittenden, Davenport, Ely, Emott, Fitch, Gold, Kent, Lewis, Macon, Moseley, Nelson, Pearson, Pitkin, Pond. Potter, Rodman, Stewart, Sturges, Taggart. Tallmadge, Tracy, White-26.

possible in order that it may be made known to our
citizens generally and without delay. My name of
course is at your service. I say nothing about the
fate of the resolution, as I am not able to form any
conclusion on this subject which is satisfactory.
"In haste,

"Your obedient servant,
The above information is confirmed by letters re-

NAYS.—Messrs. Anderson, Bacon, Baker, Bard, Bibb, Black-ceived by the same express, addressed to the mer

four or five days were allowed to blunt the effect of the times that appear to be coming? If Great Brithe law; nay, perhaps, to render it altogether tain shall resolve upon war, or even to adopt what nugatory as to its ulterior operation for its contem- she may consider measures of precaution, her grand plated period. Judging from what was transact object will be, at least, to "detain" these useful memed under our own eye, (and the same things took bers of society, if by virtue of the cat-o'-nine tails she place in all the other ports from whence we have cannot compel them to enter her service. had time to receive intelligence) we venture to It is a subject of boasting with some, that, by antisay, that at least two hundred thousand bls. of flour, cipating the law, Spain and Portugal (i. e. the Briwith large quantities of other provisions and stores, tish armies in those countries) are thereby secured were shipped from the United States within the from want for the whole time of its supposed duralast fifteen days, for the ports of Great Britain tion. Is this a cause for honest exultation?—The and her allies, the Spaniards and Portuguese.-United States have ordered a large army to be raisBut this supply to the enemy is less important than ed, and made many great and expensive arrangethe drain of seamen it has caused--tempted by prof-ments predicated on a war against Great Britainfers of 50 and 60 dollars a month, our gallant sailors if hostilities shall ensue, and they appear inevitable, have generally risqued the crisis, and on Sunday the war will last fully six months longer in conlast, perhaps, twenty sea-faring men, able to do du- sequence of these supplies-they may cost this naty, could not have been found in all Baltimore. The tion five thousand lives, and 6 or millions of drays were working night and day--they commenc, dollars. This latter is a moderate calculation-but ed on Tuesday night the 31st ult. and continued what are these trifles to the members of congress who their incessant toil till Sunday morning-many communicated the intelligence-or to the merchants horses were absolutely killed in the streets from ex- who used it? On the first of January there were ou cessive fatigue, and some draymen, we are told, are hand at Lisbon nearly 150,000 bbls. flour-by the seriously indisposed from their mighty exertions. 10th of May this stock will be augmented by 100,000 In this hurly burly to palsy the arm of the govern- barrels more; and, supposing it to keep sound, there ment, justice compels us to say, that a parties will be a twelve months' supply.

to recollection the words of the celebrated Edmund


united. The common effort powerfully brought But while we thus reprehend the procedure, let Burke-"Talk not to me (he indignantly said) let us be just, and fairly adduce circumstance of the patriotism of the merchant-his counting that may be plead in extenuation. On a former ochouse is his temple; his desk his altar; his ledger casion (page 7) we noticed the prevailing belief, though an army was ordered to be raised, &c. that his bible; and money his god." This lack of раtriotism, I believe, will be punished by a general loss war was not really contemplated. On this ground of the property so sent away-this may be retriev. the great body of the people have acted, as though ed; but what will compensate the unthinking sai an adjustment of differences with Great Britain, lor for the calamities in store for him-what will instead of an appeal to the sword, was at hand. indeninify his country for the loss of his services in Some years ago it was a general complaint with British merchants that they could not get their funds from the United States-but "the tables have turned," and there is owing to the merchants of the United States by the British merchants fifty mil

chants in New-York, signed by the hon. Jas. Lloyd, the hon. Josiah Quincy, and the hon. James Emott, esqs. These letters state the embargo to be an ex-lions of dollars, as is asserted by many who pretend ecutive measure.

BOSTON, April 4. EMBARGO. By express from Washington, in seventysix hours.

to an ability to form an estimate. Shipments to Great Britain have been made as heretofore; but the usual returns, in goods, are intercepted by the non-importation act--the stock of debts owing in Last evening at 6 o'clock the hon. Mr. OTIS re this country was soon exhausted-specie could not ceived the following letter from Washington, con- be had, or, if to be had, could not be exported; taining the highly alarming information, that an and our merchants were compelled to let their dues embargo would be proposed to congress on Wed-remain dormant, waiting for a change of circumnesday last.

stances, for the best bills could not be sold but at a ruinous loss. It is not our province, supposing we had the ability, to reprehend and point out the absurdities of these gambling speculations--they were permitted by the government, and therefore sanctioned by the law: we have only to regret that

"Washington, Tuesday, 31st March, 1812,2 2 o'clock P. M. "Hon. HARRISON G. OTIS, "Mr. Calhoun(*) of Soath Carolina, a member of the committee of foreign relations, has this moment informed Mr. Quincy, that the committee of foreign such has been the uncertainty of our measures, that relations have decided to lay a proposition for an emburgo on the table of the house of representatives to-morrow. This information may be depended on from the respectability of the source from whence it is derived; and the measure to be recommended, it is understood, meets the approbation of the execu tive. JAMES LLOYD, JOSIAH QUINCY, JAMES EMOTT.

almost any event other than efforts of the national spirit and feeling, might have been looked for; and, in that issue, Messrs. Calhoun, Emott, Lloyd & Quincy MAY have rendered a service to the United States by divesting us of a great quantity of extra provisions, and in giving to our seamen a profitable employment!!!-The vessels that cleared out to evade the embargo; may make profitable voyages and return in safety--and our seamen may again embrace their sweethearts and wives, without being generally molested.

(*)" Et tu Brute !" Mr. Milnor, a member of congress, on a visit to Philadelphia at the time, received a similar letter, By referring to the law itself, (page 92) its pro and on the 1st of April, gave publicity to its con visions will be found much stronger than those of tents in that city. We have no reason to believe the former act-and the frequent and flagrant yiolathat particular censure should attach to the gentle-lations of the old law, will dictate to government man named-such conduct appearing to be gene the means and necessity of enforcing strict obedirul! among the members! ence to the present important and salutary ordi


The Hornet was to sail from Cherbourg about the 14th of March. The Russians are still briskly engaged with the Turks, who appear to manage their matters much better than heretofore. It is possible they may be encouraged by the French. Since our last we have received London dates to the 13th of March. The proposed motions for an address to the prince regent to repeal the orders in council, were made as noticed in our last, by the marquis of Lansdowne in the house of lords, and by Mr. Boughman in the house of commons. In the former, the proposition was rejected by a majority of 61-in the latter, by a majority of 72. The debates on the question were animated and interest ing-but we have so many matters of our own to attend to that we cannot notice them at present.

In contradiction to what was stated in our last, it now appears probable that an immediate war will ensue between France and Russia. Immense bodies of French troops are assembling in Poland. Berthier is to have the command ad interim, but Bonaparte will head them in person. 50,000 Prussians are to aid the French, and the German states, with Austria, will swell the torrent to overwhelm the emperor Alexander; who, it is said, expects to be assisted by the Swedes; the English, of course, becoming his allies. If these things be true, events of great importance may be expected. But there is so great a manufacture of news in Great Britain to answer the purposes of her various speculators, that it is impossible to discern what is the truth.

We have also the French official account of the fall of Valentia. Gen. Suchet describes the investitute of this city as one of the most brilliant and gallant affairs of the war. In three days and nights he threw 2700 bombs into the town. He bestows great praise on the artillerists and engineers. Mines were placed under the two principal gates, and the batteries were fully prepared to play upon the city, when Blake capitulated. Valentia possessed 374 pieces of artillery, 180,000lbs, of powder, 3,000,000 cartridges, &c. 16.131 prisoners of the line fell in the hands of the French, besides 1,030 sick in the hospitals, 1,800 cavalry and artillery horses, with 893 officers and 22 generals. We have nothing else of great importance from Spain-the usual predatory war is still carrying on with various



From the 1st to the 5th of April there cleared at the custom house in Baltimors-7 ships, 7 brigs, and 19 schooners; burthen 5,795 tons.

Their cargoes, exclusive of colonial produce, consisted of-32,809 bbls flour; 8,236 bush. wheat; 11,469 do. corn; 756 do. rye; 421 tierces rice; 116 bbls Fish; 60 do. beef; 60 do. pork; 230 do. bread; 2,800 do. rye-meal.

Congressional dissricts of Pennsylvania according to the late apportionment.

1. City and county of Philadelphia and county
of Delaware,
Four members.

2. Chester and Montgomery,
3. Lancaster and Dauphin
4. York,

5. Cumberland, Franklin and

6. Bucks, Northampton and

7. Berks and Schuylkill

8. Bedford, Somerset and Cam-

Two members.







[blocks in formation]

9. Mifflin, Huntingdon, Centre,
Clearfield and M⚫Kean,
Northumberland, Luzerne,
Bradford, Susquehanna,



12. Washington,

13. Fayette and Green,
14. Allegheny and Butler,

15. Beaver, Mercer, Crawford,

Erie, Venango & Warren, One
Fifteen districts, twenty three members.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Thursday, April 9.-The doors were closed immediately after prayers, and so continued till about 1 o'clock. The speaker read a letter from an impressed seaman--referred to a select committee of five.

Mr. Archer had leave of absence for ten days.

Mr. Bibb offered a resolution for the appointment of a committee to join such committee as the senate may appoint, to consider and report what business demands the immediate attention of congress, and whether a recess be compatible with the public interest, and the term of such recess.

The resolution was laid on the table for one day, the rules of the house so requiring.

The prince regent shews great anxiety to place some of his old friends in his ministry-but it seems they have indignantly refused to participate in it. As the politics of Great Britain have, "some how Mr. Newton called up the bill authorising in ceror other got themselves so much engrafted in the tain cases the importation of goods [British] purconcerns of the United States, we propose to conchased anterior to the second of February, 1811. solidate the various statements from the British Mr. Rhea moved to postpone the bill till the first papers relating to the matter, and insert them in Monday in December next. After short debate our next number, with some remarks suited to the this motion was lost, six only rising in its favor. subject. The house in committee of the whole, Mr. Breckenridge in the chair on the bill.

Mr. Rhea moved to strike out the first section, and said a few words in support of it.

Mr. Lowndes spoke at considerable length in support of the bill and against striking out. For striking out 26.

Various reports about the seizure of despatches from Mr. Russel our charge des affaires at London to our minister in France, are afloat in the news market. Some say they were seized by the French, while others alleged they were "detained" by the British government. For ourselves, we believe there Mr. Lowndes proposed amending the bill by has not been any seizure or detention at all. The A few striking out" and which were purchased or actupresent are fit times for wonderful news. days ago, we had the United States sloop of war, ally contracted for in Great Britain, her colonies or Hornet, transferred to the French marine, by a lit-dependencies, before the 1st of Feb. 1811.” tle paragraph made in Philadelphia, in less time than a man could count twenty!

The committee rose reported progress and had leave to sit again, without taking the question on

Au ambassador is about to be sent from the Swe- the amendment. dish government to the United States.

House adjourned half past 3.

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[No. 33.

Hæc olim meminisse juvabit.-VIRGIL.

[ocr errors]

Printed and published by H. NILES, Water-street, near the Merchants' Coffee-House, at $5. per annum


Laws of Pennsylvania.

meant that it shall lead directly to it; that with any other view there can be no propriety in it; as a peace measure, he had no idea the president would have recommended it, nor would the committee have agreed to it. He hoped the gentleman from Penti sylvania would now be satisfied, and prepare his mind to vote

for it.

AN ACT to authorise any incorporated bank within the city of Philadelphia, to make loans to the government of the United Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of Mr. McKee objected to the last section, on account of the penalties the commona caith of Pennsylvania, in general assembly met, and it which it proposed, which he considered altogether unimportant, as is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That the president it is to be a precursor to war, it being mercy preantionary, and and directors of any incorporated bank in the city of Philadelphia, for a short une. He made some other inquiries respecting the in the capital stock of which this commonwealth hath an interest section, and why such provisions were in it.

may loan any sum or sums of money to the government of the Mr. Porter said the bill was drafted according to the wishes and United States which in the opinion of the said president and direc- directions of the secretary of the treasury.

tors will not be prejudicial to the interest of such bank any former Mr. Stow (of New-York) said, the subject before the committee law to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, that this ought to be considered of very great importance. If, as some commonwealth shall have the preference in obtaining loans should gentlemen say, it is a precursor to war, there were some very se the same be authorised by law for the purpose of advancing the rious questions to be asked-What is the situation of our fortresses? quota of taxes which may be required from this state for the support What is the situation of our country generally? He would of the government of the United States and in order that said banks answer, they are defenceless, particularly the fortifications in may at all times be in a situation to make such loans to this state, New-York, which are unmanned and unarmed. He said this all loans as aforesaid to be made by them to the United States, from fact appeared by a letter now in possession of a member of either of the said incorporated banks shall be regulated in their the house, which has very lately been received from judge Livingamount by the approbation of the governor. And provided always ston, of New-York. Mr. S. said, that to try the question whether that nothing in this act shall be deemed or taken to authorise any we will now lay an embargo, he moved that the first section of the of the said banks to create debts amounting to more than double bill be stricken out. the amount of their capital stock as provided by their respective charters of incorporation. Approved the 31st of March, 1812.

Mr. Clay (the speaker) then warmly expressed his satisfaction and full approbation of the message, and the proposition now be fore the committee. He approved of it, because it is to be viewed An Act providing for the payment of such portion of a direct tax as a direct precursor to war. He did not wish upon this occasion as may be laid by the general government on this common-to hear of the opinion of Brockholst Livingston or any other man. No gentleman can question the propriety of the proposition.


Sec. 1. Be it enacted, c. That in case congress should think Gentlemen who said so much about the want of preparation are proper to lay a direct tax the governor is hereby authorised and not for war. He considered this as a war measure, and as such he should discuss it. Sir, said Mr. Clay, after the pledges we live required to negotiate a loan with all or any of the incorporated banks within this commonwealth in the stock of which this state made, and the stand we have taken, are we now to cover ourselves have an interest or elsewhere provided the same can be had at an and ground we have taken.-He then stated our measures, our with shame and indelible disgrace by retreating from the measures interest not exceeding six per cent. for such portion of said tax as shall be called for, for the year one thousand eight hundred and pledges, and the great injuries and abuses we have received. He twelve from this commonwealth and the same to pay over in such said, what would digrace an individual under certain circumstances, would disgrace a nation.-And what would you think of one indi manner as congress may direct. vidual who had thus conducted to another, and should then retreat. He did not think we were upon this occasion in the least embarassed by the conduct of France in burning our vessels-that may be a

Approved the 31st day of March, 1812.

An Act for facilitating the due administration of justice. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c. That from and after the passing of subject of future consideration.-We have complete evidence as to this act, when a cause at issue shall be regularly set down for trial, the enemy whom we have selected: As weak and imbecile as we in any court of record within this commonwealth by the plaintiff are, we would combine France if necessary. He said there was or the defendant and the plaintiff is not ready for trial when the no intrinsic difficulty or terror in the war: there was no terror cause is called up in its order, the court, on motion of the defen-except what arises from the novelty. Where are we to come in dant, may order a non-suit to be entered without previously grant-contact with our enemy? On our own continent. If gentlemen ing a rule to try or non pros unless the plaintiff shall adduce such please to call these sentiments Quixotic, he would say he pitied reasons for postponing the said cause as would have been a suffi- them for their sense of honor. We know no pains have been sparaj cient ground for postponement if the application therefor had been to vilify the government. If we now proceed we shall be supported made on behalf of the defendant.

Secret Session.

[We have been favored by a friend at Washington, a member of congress, with the following sketch of the debate on the embargo message.] [Polit. and Comm. Register.


by the people. Many of our people have not believed that war is to take place. They may have been wilfully blinded. He was willing to give them further notice. It remains for us to say whether we will shrink or follow up the patriotic conduct of the president. As an American and a member of this house, he felt a pride that the executive had recommended this measure.

Mr. Randolph said, he was so impressed with the importance of the subject and the solemnity of the occasion, that he could not be silent. Sir, said Mr. K. we are now in conclave; the eyes of the surrounding world are not upon us.-We are shut up here from the light of Heaven; but the eyes of God are upon us. He knows the spirit of our minds. Shall we deliberate upon this subject with Wednesday, April 1.—Mr. Porter, chairman of the committee of foreign relations, moved that the message be referred to said com- often characterized our discussions upon occasions like the present. the spirit of sobriety and can or, or with that spirit which has too mittee, which was agreed to. It was then observed by Mr. P. that the committee had been informed that such a message would We ought to realize that we are in the presence of that God who be received from the president on that day, and that they were der an account for the deeds done in the body. He hoped the knows our thoughts and motives, and to whom we must hereafter ready to report a bill for laying an embargo-but they wished to retire first for a short time. Mr. Porter very soon after returned to the house, and asked leave to introduce the bill, which was granted, and read the first and second time, after which it was) committed to a committee of the whole house, and made the order of the day for this day. The horse resolved itself into a commit. tee of the whole on the same, Mr. Basset in the chair. The bill was read through by the chairman.

spirit of party and every improper passion would be exorcised, that our hearts might be as pure and clean as fall to the lot of hu

Dan nature.

He was confident in declaring that this was not a measure of the executive-that it was engendered by an extensive excitement upon the executive. He agreed with the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Seybert) that it comes to us in a very questionable shape, or Mr. Boyd then moved to amend it by striking out of the first rather in an unquestionable shape-Whose ever measure it is, the section 60 days, and insert 120 days. He said agentleman declared people of the United States will consider it as a subterfuge for war; the measure to be a precursor to war-the time will be much too as a retreat from the battle. We some years ago resolved that we short for the great amount of American property now abroad, to must have war, embarge, or submission--we have not had war or return: the motion was negatived. submitted-we must therefore have embargo. It appears to be

Mr. Seybert viewed the subject as of vast importance, he con-limited to sixty days; at the expiration of that time will any one sidered that the proposition came to the house in a very questiona-say we shall be prepared for war? Sir, we are in the situation of ble shape; be wanted information, and he called upon the commit-a debtor who promises to pay his note at the bank in sixty daystee of foreign relations to say whether it is to be considered as a weshall prolong the time sixty days, and sixty days after that, un peace measure or a precursor to war? til deferred hope takes the heart sick. He would & Il the honorable

Mr. Grundy (one of the committee) said he was willing to an-speaker, that at the end of sixty days we shall not have war, and swer the very proper inquiry of the gentleman from Pennsylvania the reason is, the executive dare not plunge the nation into a war (Mr. Seybert ;) that he understonds it as a war measure, and it is in our unprepared state, ii


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