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Chapter 233.

AN ACT to incorporate the Ellsworth Bank.

Approved April 2, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Andrew Peters, Names of corpoJoseph A. Wood, David Dyer, Joseph Otis, Benjamin Jor- rators. dan, William W. Chase, Samuel Greely, Henry Bowers, Charles Peters, Edward P. Blood, Jno. M. Hale, Moses Hale, H. A. Dutton, George Hathaway, Seth Paddleford, Charles Lowell, R. Long, Richard Tinker, John Hopkins, Joseph S. Rice, Elias Lord, William Bennett, James Whiting, Newell Adams, J. W. Hathaway, Galen Hathaway, Thomas Robinson, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they hereby are incorporated into a Company by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Corporate name. Ellsworth Bank and shall so continue until the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty seven;Provided, that the persons above named, or so many of them as may be living when said Bank shall go into operation shall become stockholders therein to an amount not less than fifty per centum of the Capital Stock and shall continue stockholders as aforesaid until the whole of the Capital Stock mentioned in the second section of this Act shall have been paid into said Bank.



SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock Capital Stock, of said Bank shall be fifty thousand dollars, in gold and silver divided into shares of one hundred dollars each and said Bank shall be established in the Town of Ellsworth. SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation Powers, &c. shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities, specified in an Act entitled, "an Act to regulate Banks and Banking" passed the thirty first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.

SECT 4. Be it further enacted, That said Bank shall not shall not issue emit, issue, pay out, or receive in payment for debts due denomination.

bills of a certain

the Bank or otherwise, any bill or note of a less denomination than five dollars, and increasing only by five or ten dollars to the higher denominations.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any five of the perFirst meeting &c. sons above named may call the first meeting of said Cor

poration by publishing the time and place thereof in the Radical, a paper printed at Ellsworth fourteen days previous to the time of said meeting, and at the said meeting the said Corporation shall have power to choose a Board of Directors, and do any other Corporation business which may then and there come before it.

Chapter 234.

AN ACT to provide for the Expenditures of Government.

Approved April 4, 1836.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That in order to provide for the operation of certain Acts and Resolves of the Legislature requiring the payment of money from the Treasury, and also to provide for the necessary expenditures of the Government for the current year, the following sums be and the same hereby are appropriated, to be paid out of Appropriations in any moneys in the Treasury, the same to be in room of all other existing appropriations whatsoever. And the Governor, with advice of the Council, is hereby authorized, prior to 1st day of at any time prior to the first day of January next, to draw his warrants upon the Treasurer for the same; viz:— Pay Roll of the Pay Roll of the Council, Two thousand four hundred Dollars,

room of all others.

Governor may

draw his warrant

January next.



Pay Roll of the Pay Roll of the Senate, Six thousand Dollars,
Pay Roll of the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives,

House of Reps.


Thirty seven thousand Dollars,
Salaries of the Governor, Justices of the Judi-

2,400 00

6,000 00

37,000 00

cial Courts, Attorney General, Reporter,
Secretary, Treasurer, Land Agent, Sur-
veyor General, Adjutant General, Warden
of the Prison, Keeper of the Public Prop-
erty at Portland, and Superintendent of
Public Buildings, Eighteen thousand Dol-
Repairs of Public Buildings, Purchase and
Repair of Furniture, finishing of Public
Grounds, Setting ornamental trees and
Shrubberry, Two thousand Dollars,
Stone Flagging, Two hundred and fifty Dollars,
Roll of Accounts No. 17, with its additional,
Twenty three thousand, seven hundred,
eighteen Dollars, ninety eight cents,
Principal and Interest of Public Debt, Two
thousand seven hundred and fifty Dollars,
Pensions, One thousand Dollars,
Annuity to Penobscot Indians, and income of
their fund, Six thousand, two hundred

State Prison, compensation to Subordinate
Officers and Inspectors, Four thousand

Costs in Criminal Prosecutions, Thirteen thou-
sand, five hundred Dollars,

Law Reports, One thousand, eight hundred
Annual School Fund, being the amount of

Bank Tax received in the year 1835,
Twenty six thousand, three hundred and
ninety Dollars and forty nine cents.
State Arsenal at Bangor, Three thousand Dol-
Purchasing, altering and repairing Artillery and
. Carriages, purchase of Musical Instru-
ments, erecting and repairing Gun Houses,
Flannel, Match ropes, Laboratory Stores,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

and transportation, Harnesses, Tumbrils
and apparatus, Three thousand, one hun-
dred, fifty two dollars,

3,152 00 at disposal of Gov. Contingent Fund, at the disposal of the Governor and Council, Four thousand Dollars, 4,000 00

and Council.

at disposal of the Treasurer.

Contingent Fund Contingent Expenses, for the expenditure of which the Treasurer is to render his account to the Legislature, One thousand Dollars,

School comm'r, School Commissioner for Somerset, Fifty Dol

Somerset county.



Clerks in Sec'y's Clerks in the Secretary of State's Office and
Library, One thousand and eight hundred

-in Treasurer's Clerks in the Treasurer's Office, for the years



1835 and 1836, One thousand Dollars,

--in Adj. Gen's Clerks in Adjutant General's Office for the years 1835 and 1836, Six hundred Dollars, --in Land Office. Clerks in the Land Office, One thousand Dol



Agricultural So- Agricultural Societies, Six hundred Dollars,
Deaf and Dumb. American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb one

thousand, eight hundred Dollars,

Education of the Education and Relief of the Indigent Blind,


One thousand Five hundred Dollars,

Literary Institu- Literary Institution, St. Albans Academy, Two



Hundred Dollars,

Stationery, Seven hundred Dollars,

Insane Hospital. Insane Hospital, Eight thousand Dollars,

Postage, Five hundred Dollars,

1,000 00


1,800 00

1,000 00

600 00

1,000 00

600 00

1,800 00

1,500 00

200 00

700 00

8,000 00


500 00

S. Littlefield.

Solomon Littlefield, repayment for land, One
hundred Dollars,

100 00



Board of Internal Board of Internal Improvements, Six thousand


For purchase of Library, Five hundred Dollars, Indexes in Sec's Preparing Indexes for Journals and Records


in Secretary of State's Office, Two hun-
dred Dollars,

6,000 00

500 00

$200 00

Belfast and Quebec Rail Road, Five thousand

Revolutionary Soldiers and their Widows,

Fifteen thousand Dollars,

Ichabod Bucknam, for returning warrants,
Twenty seven Dollars,

Mars Hill Road, Eleven hundred forty two
Dollars, ninety cents,

Phineas R. and John Hartford, Two hundred


Geological Survey of the State, Five thousand

Commissioners to examine Penitentiaries, Six
hundred and ninety seven Dollars, and
nine cents,

Road in Argyle Plantation, Five hundred Dollars,

[blocks in formation]

Passamaquoddy Indians' Deposit, Six hundred


[blocks in formation]

Land Agent, for services for 1834 and 1835,
Two thousand one hundred and forty five

Making an Aggregate of Two hundred, twelve
thousand and twenty three dollars, forty
six cents,

Land Agent.

2,145 00


212,023 46


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