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Chapter 228.

AN ACT to incorporate the Thomaston Meadow Lime Rock Company.

Approved April 1, 1836.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Aaron Austin, Richard Robin- Names of Corpeson, Jonathan Cilley Wm. R. Keith and Edwin Smith, their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they hereby

rail road.

are created a Corporation by the name of the Thomaston Corporate name. Meadow Lime Rock Company, for the purpose of quarrying, manufacturing and dealing in Lime Rock and Marble, in Thomaston, and of transporting the same to market, with power to construct and maintain a Rail Road, com- Power to make a mencing at or near the quarries of Lime Rock, upon the Blackington Farm, so called, in said Thomaston, and extending by the most convenient routes to the shore village, in an easterly direction, and also to George's River in a westerly direction, from said quarries-and for these purposes shall have all the privileges and powers granted to similar Corporations, subject to all the duties and requirements of the several Acts of this State, defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations, and also to the provisions of an Act concerning Corporations, passed February sixteenth one thousand eight hundred and thirty six, and an Act additional thereto passed the present session, and may take hold and manage to the amount of any real estate not exceeding at any one time two hundred $400,000. thousand dollars, and personal estate not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars--Provided, that said Company Provise. shall not construct, or maintain any Rail Road over any lands not owned by them, or without the permission, in writing, under the hand and seal of the owners thereof, nor across or over any public road or private way, so as to obstruct the safe and convenient use of the same.

May hold estate


Chapter 229.

AN ACT to incorporate the Megunticook Bank.

Approved April 1, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepreNames of corpo- sentatives, in Legislature assembled, That William Carleton, Joseph Huse, Warren Rawson, Alex. Ogier, Stephen Barrows, Joshua Dillingham, Jacob Trafton, Jonathan Huse, Nathaniel C. Eastabrook, John Eager, John Harkness, Joseph Andrews, Thomas Spear, Cornelius Thomas, Job Hodgman, Thomas Annis, their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they hereby are created a Corporation Corporate name. by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Megunticook Bank, and shall so continue until the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty seven. Provided, That the persons above named, or such of them as shall be living at the time when said Corporation shall go into operation, shall become stockholders in said Bank to the amount of at least fifty per centum of its Capital Stock, and continue to hold that proportion of said stock, from the commencement of the operations of the Bank until the whole Capital named in the second section of this Act shall have been paid into said Bank.

Capital Stock, $50,000.

Powers, &c.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock of said Bank shall consist of fifty thousand dollars, in gold and silver divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and said Bank shall be established at Camden in the County of Waldo.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities, specified in an Act, entitled "an Act to regulate Banks and Banking" passed the thirty first day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Bank shall Shall not issue not emit, issue, pay out, or receive in payment for debts denomination. due the Bank or otherwise, any bill or note of a less de

bills of a certain

nomination than five dollars and increasing only by five or ten dollars to the higher denominations.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting First meeting &c. of said Corporation, may be called by any three of the persons named, by publishing the time and place thereof, fourteen days previously in any newspaper printed in Belfast; and at said meeting a Board of Directors may be chosen, and any other Corporation business transacted.

Chapter 230.

AN ACT to regulate Private Booms on Kennebec River.

Approved April 2, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That whenever any logs, masts or spars, shall hereafter be taken up and secured by any individual or individuals, being owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors of any boom or booms on Kennebec River below Augusta Bridge, the person or persons so taking up and securing such logs, masts or spars, shall be entitled to demand and receive of the owner or owners thereof, before the same shall be delivered to such owner or owners, the following toll or boomage-viz., for each Toll or boomage. log and all sufficient to make a thousand feet board measure, forty cents; for each ton of pine timber, fifteen cents; Provided, That no such private boom shall be so Proviso. constructed as in any way to impede the navigation of said river, or to infringe upon, or impair any right, public or private, Provided further, That the owners of private booms established, or which may hereafter be established, on said River below the town of Bath, shall be entitled to such additional price for boomage as shall be just and reasonable not to exceed fifty per cent. additional on the rates. hereby established; but such additional boomage shall not accrue for any logs run down the river from above in rafts. And if any person or persons shall, for the purpose of

owners of private booms, beled to addition

low Bath, enti

al boomage.

all logs, &c. and

owner, when

called for.

claiming any such additional boomage, turn any logs adrift from any part of the River in the town of Bath, or above Bath, or shall run any logs down said River for such purpose, then all claim for boomage, or picking up such logs shall be forfeited, and the owner or owners of such logs, shall be entitled to take such logs from the possession of such person or persons, any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said individual or Shall take care of individuals shall from time to time, and as soon as such logs, deliver same to masts or spars, can be conveniently secured, take care of and secure all such lumber as may be taken into any such boom or booms and deliver the same to the owner or owners thereof when called for; he or they first paying or tendering payment of all charges for toll or boomage, or other expenses accruing by virtue of any provision of this


SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any such logs, masts or spars, shall remain and be in such boom or booms after the fifteenth day of October in each year, without any person or persons appearing to claim the same and pay said toll or boomage, or other expenses accruing as aforesaid, the person or persons so taking up and securing the Entitled to addi- same, shall be entitled to demand and receive of the ownin certain cases. er or owners thereof, in addition to the compensation

tional boomage,

heretofore mentioned, one fifth part of said toll or boomage for each and every month that such logs, masts, or spars, shall remain in such boom or booms from and after said fifteenth day of October, in each year, until they shall be claimed by the owner or owners thereof, and said toll or boomage and other expenses accruing as aforesaid shall be paid or tendered, or until they are disposed of as hereafter provided; and the person or persons so collecting and securing such logs, masts, or spars, shall have a lien thereon for all toll or boomage, or other expenses accruing by virtue of any provision of this Act.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the person or persons so taking up and securing any logs, masts, or spars,

cure all logs, &c.

Owners shall pay pensation for

a reasonable com


parties cannot

agree as to the

amount of claims,


as aforesaid shall as soon as practicable thereafter raft and shall raft and sesecure such logs or timber, and shall raft into separate rafts, unless otherwise directed by the owner or owners thereof all the logs or timber of each owner or Company of owners, who shall seasonably furnish him or them, their respective marks; and the owner or owners of such logs shall make to such person or persons so collecting, securing and rafting the same, a reasonable compensation for the warp or rope used for rafting the same; or shall furnish and substitute his or their own warp for that of the person or persons so collecting, securing and rafting the same. SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That whenever the person Procedure when or persons so taking up and securing any logs, masts, or spars, as aforesaid, and the owner or owners thereof, which may be boomed or rafted as aforesaid, shall be unable to agree as to the amount of any claim for damages or otherwise, each party shall choose a person as arbitrator, and in case such arbitrators cannot agree, said arbitrators shall make choice of a third person, the decision of whom or a major part of whom, shall be final both as respects the costs of said reference, and all other matters and things. which may be submitted to their decision; reserving however to either party a right to appeal from such decisionand a trial at common law, if claimed by either as in other cases-Provided however, that the provisions of this section Proviso. shall not be so construed as to prevent any such person or persons, so taking up, securing and rafting such logs, masts, or spars, having recourse to legal process for collecting toll or boomage or other expenses, accruing by virtue of the provisions of this Act.

SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That if any such logs, masts, or spars, shall remain and be in any such boom or booms, unclaimed, and paid for as aforesaid, on the first day of May in each year as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the person or persons so collecting and securing the same, to advertise for the space of sixty days, in the To advertise logs, Towns of Bloomfield, Waterville, Augusta, Brunswick, when not claimGardiner and Bath, or in a newspaper printed in each of time.

&c. taken up,

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