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Chapter 207.

AN ACT to incorporate the City Bank.

Approved April 1, 1836.

Names of Corpo


Corporate name.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Parker McCobb, Oliver B. Dorrance, James B. Cahoon, Marshall French, Martin Gore, Joshua B. Osgood, Samuel Farnsworth, Thomas Perley, Levi Cutter, William Cutter, John D. Gardiner, William Willis, Edward Howe, David Webster, Erastus Hayes, William W. Woodbury, Jacob Knight, Rufus Emerson, John Oxnard, Luther Jewett, Samuel Hanson, John Purinton, Philip Greely, Alexander Hubbs, Thomas Chadwick, George Warren, Nathaniel F. Deering, Daniel F. Emery, Jonathan Tucker, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and hereby are created a Corporation by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the City Bank, and shall so continue until the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven: Provided, That said above named persons, or such of them as may be living at the time when said Bank shall commence operations, shall be stockholders, at that time, to an amount, in the aggregate, equal at least to fifty per centum of the Capital Stock mentioned in the second section of this Act, and continue stockholders, as aforesaid, until the whole of said Capital Stock shall have been paid into said Bank. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Bank shall be established in the City of Portland in the County of Cumberland, and the Capital Stock thereof shall be two hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver, divided into $200,000. shares of one hundred dollars each, and seven persons shall constitute a Board of Directors.

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Capital Stock,

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and sub- Powers, &c. ject to all the duties, liabilities and requirements, specified in an Act, entitled "an Act to regulate Banks and Banking," passed the thirty first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one.

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SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Bank shall not emit, issue or pay out, or receive in payment for debts. due the Bank, or on deposite, any bill or note of a less denomination than five and ten dollars and their multiples.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That the four persons first aforenamed, or any three of the said four, may call the first meeting of said Corporation, by publishing the time and place thereof in some newspaper, printed in said City of Portland fourteen days previously; at which meeting a Board of Directors may be chosen, and all other necessary Corporation business transacted.

Name of Corporators.

Chapter 208.

AN ACT to incorporate the Lime Rock Bank.

Approved April 1, 1836.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, in Legislature assembled, That Iddo Kimball, Knott Crockett, Charles Holmes, Edwin S. Hovey, John Lovejoy, Josiah Tolman, Joseph Ingraham Jr., Reuben Sherer, George Thomas, Michael Achorn, Joseph Hewett, Jacob Ulmer, Charles Crockett, Oliver Fales, Calvin Tolman, Bernard Ingraham, John O'Brien, John Spofford, William Singer, Barnabas Webb, Hezekiah Prince Jr., John Merrill, William Thomas and Jeremiah Berry, with their associates, successors and assigns, be and hereby are, Corporate name. created a Corporation by name of the President Directors and Company of the Lime Rock Bank, and shall so continue until the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty seven: Provided, That the persons above named, or such of them as shall be living at the time when said Corporation shall go into operation shall become stockholders in said Bank, to the amount of at least fifty per centum of its Capital Stock, and continue to hold that proportion of said stock from the commencement of the

operations of the Bank, until the whole Capital named in the second section of this Act, shall have been paid into said Bank.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock of said Bank shall consist of fifty thousand dollars in gold Capital Stock, and silver, divided into five hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. And said Bank shall be established at Thom- Location. aston in the County of Lincoln.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation

shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and sub- Powers, &c. ject to all the duties, and liabilities specified in an Act entitled "an Act to regulate Banks and Banking" passed the thirty first day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty one. Provided however, that said Bank shall not Proviso. emit, issue, pay out or receive in payment for debts due the Bank, or otherwise any bill or note of a less denomination than five dollars, and increasing only by five or ten dollars to the higher denominations.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That Iddo Kimball, Knott Crockett and John Spofford, or any two of them, may call the first meeting of said Corporation by publish- First meeting. ing the time and place thereof in the Lincoln Patriot a paper published in Waldoborough in said County fourteen days previous to said meeting; at which meeting a Board of Directors may be chosen and all other necessary Corporation business transacted.

Chapter 209.

AN ACT to incorporate the Machias Bank.

Approved April 1, 1836.

Names of corpo

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That John Holway, Samuel A. Morse, Stephen J. Bowles, George S. Smith, rators. Aaron L. Raymond, Jacob Longfellow, Stephen Sprague, William A. Crocker, John Dickinson, Joshua A. Lowell, Walter Robbins, Benjamin Mathes Jr., George Burnham,

Francis Libby, Nathan Longfellow, William F. Penniman, Peter Talbot Jr., Micah J. Talbot, Isaac Ames, Foster and Norton, George W. Simpson, John Kellar, Jeremiah Foster, their associates, successors and assigns, be and they hereby are incorporated into a Company by the name of Corporate name. the President, Directors and Company of the Machias Bank, and shall so continue until the first day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty seven; Provided, that the persons above named, or such of them as may be living when said Bank shall go into operation, shall become stockholders to the amount of at least fifty per centum of the Capital Stock, and continue to hold that proportion of said Stock until the whole Capital named in the second section of this Act, shall have been paid into said Bank.

Capital Stock, $75,000.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock of said Bank shall be seventy five thousand dollars in gold and silver, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. And said Bank shall be established in the Town of Machias in the County of Washington.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation Powers and pri- shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and sub


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ject to all the liabilities and duties specified in an Act to regulate Banks and Banking, passed the thirty first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, and to all other Acts in addition or relation thereto.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said Bank shall not emit, issue, pay out, or receive in payment, for debts due the Bank or otherwise, any bill or note of a less denomination than five dollars, and increasing only by five or ten dollars to the higher denominations.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any three of the five persons above named, may call the first meeting of said Corporation, by an advertisement in the Eastern Democrat, a newspaper published at Calais in said County of Washington, at least fourteen days before the time of said meeting, and at said meeting said Corporation shall have power to choose a Board of Directors, and do any other Corporation business.

SECT. 1.

Chapter 210.

AN ACT to incorporate the Frontier Bank.

Approved April 1, 1836.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Samuel Wheeler, Names of CorpoCharles Peavey, Aaron Hayden, Samuel B. Wadsworth, Leonard Shaw, Samuel Stevens, George A. Peabody, John Hinkley, Joshua Hinkley, Eliphalet Y. Sabine, Lorenzo Sabine, George Hobbs, Isaac Hobbs, Henry B. Williams, Jesse Gleason, William Shackford, Jacob Shackford, William M. Brooks, Archibald Heney, John Beckford, Henry Bates, Partmon Houghton, Gilman Lamphrey, Charles S. Carpenter, Edward Gilligan, John A. Balkam, Seward C. Bucknam, William A. Sabine, Stephen Bartlett, Daniel Kilby, Isaac Ray, Zebulon A. Paine, Jona. Buck, William Billings, John G. Faxon, Jeremiah Fowler, Fowler and Root, Mary Thacher, James W. Lyman, James Nason, Solomon Thayer, John Kilby, Bela Wilder, Ebenezer Wilder, Peter G. Farnsworth, Simeon Howe, James M. Balkam, and John N. M. Brewer, with their associates, successors and assigns be and hereby are created a Corpo=ration by the name of the President, Directors and Com- Corporate name pany of the Frontier Bank and shall so continue until the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty seven; Provided, That the persons above named or, such of them as shall be living at the time when said Corporation shall go into operation, shall become Stockholders in said Bank, to the amount of at least fifty per centum of its Capital Stock and continue to hold that proportion of said Stock from the commencement of the operation of the Bank, until the whole Capital named in the second section of this Act shall have been paid into said Bank.


SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Capital Stock Capital Stock, of said Bank shall consist of one hundred thousand dollars, in gold and silver, divided into one thousand shares of

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