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Manner of calling first meeting.

dent and Direc

several Counties in this State, and elsewhere as they shall appoint, to remain open for ten successive days, of which time and places of subscription, public notice shall be given in some newspaper printed in the Cities of Portland and Bangor, and in the Towns of Augusta and Belfast twenty days at least previous to the opening of such subscription, and in case the amount subscribed shall exceed fifty thousand shares, the same shall be distributed among all the subscribers, according to such regulations, as the persons having charge of the opening of the subscription books shall prescribe before the opening of said books.And any seven of the persons named in the first section of this Act, are hereby authorized to call the first meeting of said Corporation, by giving notice in one or more newspapers published in the Towns and Cities above named, of the time and place, and the purposes of such meeting, at least twenty days before the time mentioned in such notice. SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the President and Powers of PresiDirectors for the time being, are hereby authorized and tors. empowered by themselves or their agents to exercise all the powers herein granted to the Corporation, for the purpose of locating, constructing, and completing said Rail Road, and for the transportation of persons, goods and property of all descriptions, and all such power and authority for the management of the affairs of the Corporation, as may be necessary and proper to carry into effect the objects of this grant; to purchase and hold land, materials, engines, and cars and other necessary things, in the name of the Corporation for the use of said road, and for the transportation of persons, goods and property of all descriptions; to make such equal assessments, from time to time, on all the shares in said Corporation as they may deem expedient and necessary, in the execution and progress of the work, and direct the same to be paid to the Treasurer of the Corporation. And the Treasurer Duty of Treasshall give notice of all such assessments; and in case any subscriber or stockholder shall neglect to pay any assessment on his share or shares for the space of thirty days


for payment of assessments certain cases.

after such notice is given as shall be prescribed by the lan of said Corporation, the Directors may order the Tre Shares to be sold urer to sell such share or shares, at public auction, ak? giving such notice as may be prescribed as aforesaid, the highest bidder, and the same shall be transferred to purchaser, and such delinquent subscriber or stockhol shall be held accountable to the Corporation for the bi ance if his share or shares shall sell for less than the asses ments due thereon, with the interest, and costs of sale; an shall be entitled to the overplus if his share or shares sh sell for more than the assessments due, with interest costs of sale: Provided however, That no assessments be laid upon any shares in said Corporation,of a greater amount in the whole than one hundred dollars.


May make by-laws.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said Corporatio shall have power to make, ordain and establish all nece sary by laws and regulations, consistent with the Constit tion and the Laws of this State, for their own Government, and for the due and orderly conducting of their affairs, and the management of their property.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That a toll be and hereby is granted and established, for the sole benefit of said Corporation, upon all passengers, and property of all descriptions, which may be conveyed or transported upon | Rate of toll to be said road; at such rates per mile, as may be agreed upon and established from time to time by the Directors of said Corporation. The transportation of persons and property -the construction of wheels, the form of cars and car Powers of Direc- riages, the weights of loads, and all other matters and

established by Di




things in relation to the use of said road, shall be in con formity with such rules, regulations and provisions as the Directors shall from time to time prescribe and direct: Provided however, That if at the expiration of fifteen years from and after the completion of said road, the net income or receipts from tolls and other profits shall amount to more than twelve per cent. per annum upon the cost the road and incidental expenses, the Legislature may alter and reduce the rate of tolls, and other profits, so that the


exceed 12 per ct.


may be connected


et income shall not exceed twelve per cent. and annually Net income not to hereafter the same proceedings may be had—and further rovided that the Legislature shall not at any time, so reduce Legislature not to he tolls and other profits, as to produce less than twelve low 12 per cent. er centum upon the cost of said Rail Road without the onsent of said Corporation, Provided however, That the Proviso. Legislature may authorize any other Company or Com- Other rail roads panies to connect any other Rail Road or Rail Roads with said rail with the Rail Road, of said Corporation at any points of intersection on the route of said Rail Road. And said Duties of said Corporation. Corporation shall receive and transport all persons, goods and property, of all descriptions, which may be carried and transported to the Rail Road of said Corporation, on such other Rail Roads as may be hereafter authorized to be connected therewith, at the same rates of toll and freight, as may be prescribed by said Corporation, so that the rates of freight and toll on such passengers, goods and other property as may be received from such other Rail Roads, so connected with said Rail Road as aforesaid, shall not exceed the general rates of freight and toll on said Rail Road received for freight and passengers, &c., at any of the depots of said Corporation. And said Corporation, after they shall commence the receiving of tolls shall be bound at all times to have said Rail Road in good repair, and a sufficient number of suitable carriages and vehicles for the transportation of persons and articles and be obliged at all proper times and places to receive and convey the same when the appropriate tolls therefor shall be paid or tendered, and a lien is hereby created upon merchandize and property transported upon said Rail Road for the appropriate tolls therefor.

To keep said rail pair to provide

road in good re

suitable number &c.



SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That the Directors of said Corporation for the time being are hereby authorized Powers, &c. to erect toll houses, establish gates, appoint toll gatherers and demand toll on the road, when completed, and upon such parts thereof as shall from time to time be completed. SECT. 7. Be it further enacted, That when said Corporation shall take any land, or other estate, as aforesaid, of

Guardians may

dispose of proper

any infant, person non compos mentis, or feme cover whose husband is under guardianship, the guardian of such infant, or person not compos mentis, and such feme cor ert, with the guardian of her husband shall have full power ty in certain ca- and authority to agree and settle with said corporation, for damages, or claims for damages, by reason of taking such land and estate aforesaid, and give good and valid releases and discharges therefor.


structing the pas

sage of said road,

or otherwise damaging the


SECT. 8. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall Penalty for ob- wilfully and maliciously, or wantonly and contrary to law obstruct the passage of any carriage on said Rail Road, or in any way spoil, injure or destroy said Rail Road, or any part thereof, or any thing belonging thereto, or any material or implements to be employed in the construc tion or for the use of said road, he, she, or they, or any person or persons, assisting, aiding, or abetting such trespass, shall forfeit and pay to said Corporation for every such offence, treble such damages as shall be proved before the Justice, Court or Jury, before whom the trial Penalty, how re- shall be had, to be sued for before any Justice, or in any Court proper to try the same, by the Treasurer of the Corporation, or other officer, whom they may direct, to the use of said Corporation. And such offender or offend ers shall be liable to indictment by the Grand Jury of the County, within which said trespass shall have been com mitted, for any offence, or offences, contrary to the above provisions, and upon conviction thereof before any Court Fine not to ex- competent to try the same, shall pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, to the use of the State, or may be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year, at the discretion of the Court before whom such conviction may had.


Offenders liable to indictment.

ceed $100.

1st Monday in June.


SECT. 9. Be it further enacted, That the annual meeting Annual meeting, of the members of said Corporation shall be holden on the first Monday in June, at such time and place as the Directors for the time being shall appoint, at which meeting, the Directors shall be chosen by ballot, and one share shall be entitled one vote, and every two shares above

be entitled to


one shall be allowed one vote, Provided, that no stock- No stockholder to holder shall be entitled to more than fifty votes, and the more than fifty Directors are hereby authorized to call special meetings of the stockholders, whenever they shall deem it expedient and proper, giving such notice as the Corporation by their by laws shall direct.

obstruct any private way, canal or highway.

SECT. 10. Be it further enacted, That if the said Rail Road, in the course thereof, shall cross any private way, the said Corporation shall so construct said Rail Road as not to Rail Road not to obstruct the safe and convenient use of such private way: and if the said Rail Road shall, in the course thereof, cross any canal, turnpike, rail road, or other highway, the said Rail Road shall be so constructed as not to obstruct the safe and convenient use of such canal, turnpike or other highway; and the said Corporation shall have power to raise or lower such turnpike, highway or private way, so that the Rail Road, if necessary, may conveniently pass under or over the same, and erect such gate or gates thereon, as may be necessary for the safety of travelers on said turnpike, rail road, highway or private way.


SECT. 11. Be it further enacted, That if the said Corporation shall not have been organized, and the location according to actual survey of the route filed with the County Commissioners of the Counties through which the same shall pass, on or before the thirty first day of December To be located bein the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fore 1840. thirty nine, or if the said Corporation shall fail to complete

before 1847.

said Rail Road on or before the thirty first day of Decem- To be finished ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six, in either of the above mentioned cases, this Act shall be null and void.

SECT. 12. Be it further enacted, That said Rail Road Corporation shall constantly maintain in good repair all Requirements. bridges with their abutments and embankments, which they may construct for the purpose of conducting their Rail Road over any canal, turnpike, highway or private way, or for conducting such private way or turnpike over said Rail Road.

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