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"I adopted a plan," says Mr. Mark Moore, 66 a few months ago, in order to ascertain what number of persons went into the leading gin-shops, in various parts of London. I selected fourteen houses, and have made out a tabular account of the number of men, women, and children, who went into each house, on each day, for one week. The result of the whole calculation is, that in the fourteen houses, in one week, there were one hundred forty-two thousand, four hundred, and fifty-three MEN; one hundred and eight thousand, five hundred, and ninety-three wOMEN ; and eighteen thousand, three hundred and ninety-one CHILDREN; making a grand total of TWO HUNDRED SIXTYNINE THOUSAND, four HUNDRED, AND THIRTY-EIGHT, who went into those fourteen houses in ONE WEEK.". Rep. on Drunk: p. 2.

As few persons visit gin-shops but such as are more or less intemperate, what must be the amount of intemperance produced in one week, by all the gin-shops of

London !!

"I have myself," says the author of the "Great Me

tropolis,' ," "in some of these gin-temples, seen nearly ONE HUNDRED persons, at one time, busily engaged in doing homage to Bacchus.-Vol. I., p. 47.

"In the year 1833, EIGHTEEN THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED, AND SIXTY-EIGHT men, and ELEVEN thousand, SIX HUNDRED AND TWELVE Women, were taken up, by the Metropolitan Police, for being found drunk."—App. to Rep. on Drunk., No. 5.

According to the evidence of Colonel C. Rowan, Commissioner of the New Police, there would be twice this number of drunkards not taken into custody, making altogether nearly NINETY THOUSAND cases.-Rep. on Drunk., p. 26.

"From the Pentonville-hill to King's Cross, a distance of one hundred yards, there are three first rate gin-palaces. On Sunday week, a gentleman took the trouble of ascertaining the number, who were turned out of each gin-shop at the hour of closing, 11 o'clock. From the Maidenhead NINETY-THREE, including women. From the White Hart SEVENTY-SIX; and, from the Bell Tavern, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN. Out of the TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX, one hundred were quite drunk; another hundred stupified, and the remaining ninety-six, had scarcely sufficient brains left to enable them to stagger home."-Watchman.

"Contiguous to Clare Market, in the west, are NINE gin-palaces, within the range of less than one hundred yards. One of them was opened on Saturday evening, with a band of music on the first-floor, with placards announcing that the first customer should receive a bounty of five shillings, and all those who entered afterwards

spirits for the price of one.

during the evening and Sunday, should have two glasses of Both on that evening, and on Sunday (yesterday) morning, the concourse was so great that two policeman were compelled to be in attendance to prevent a riot."-Public Paper, October, 1836.

"There are (in London) 1,887 bakers; 1,479 butchers; 940 cheesemongers; 265 fishmongers; 163 poulterers; 218 dairymen; and 1,933 grocers; making a total of 6,890 provision shops; and there are in London 3,636 licensed victuallers, exclusive of beer-shops. Thus there are seven more licensed victuallers, all of whom are spirit sellers, than there are bakers, butchers, and fishmongers."-Rep. on Drunk., p. 4.



"Were you on arising to-morrow morning, to find that by some satanic enchantment, temples had been erected, during the night, in your various streets-temples to the heathen idols, Venus, and Bacchus, and Mercury, and the Indian Juggernaut-patrons of the vices - and that all those temples were thronged with worshippers-and thousands of them preparing to immolate themselves in honour of their gods-would you not wither with amazement? But here is all the most fearful part of the scene, passing, in vivid reality, before your eyes. The very temples themselves virtually exist; nothing but the names are wanting; and the votaries flock to them in crowds. Were you on arising to-morrow morning, to find, that by some unaccountable means, a colony of hundreds of thousands of heathens had come from the ends of the earth, and set themselves down in the outskirts of the metropolis; and

could you easily go, and assure yourself of the fact; could you see the great living mass of heathenism fermenting there in ignorance and depravity, would you not fear some moral contagion from their vicinity; and would you not take some instant means for penetrating that threatening mass with the healing influence of the gospel?-But here they are-and the reality is worse than the suppositionthey are BRITISH HEATHENS; they are not in your suburbs merely, but in your midst—-living at your doors— dwelling around your sanctuaries, and they have done so for years. The contagion, arising from their presence, has not now to begin-it has long been in wide, active, fatal operation, endangering your children, contaminating your servants, attacking your friends, destroying your neighbours, and keeping thousands in a state of weeping, and wasting anxiety."-Christian Citizen, p. 49.

"And in the grey of the Sunday morning, at the sound of the matin-bell, the gin-temples open wide their portals to all comers. Time was when gin was to be found only in by-lanes and blind alleys-in dirty obscure holes, yclept dram-shops; but, now, thanks to an enlightened and paternal government, gin is become a giant demi-god-a mighty spirit, dwelling in gaudy gold-beplastered temples erected to his honour in every street, and worshipped by countless thousands, who daily sacrifice at his shrine their health, their strength, their money, their minds, and their bodies, wives, children, sacred home and liberty. Juggernaut is but a fool to him!-for the devotees of Juggernaut do but put themselves in the way of being crushed to death beneath his chariot wheels, and are put out of their misery at once; but the devotees of the Great Gin devote themselves to lingering misery; for his sake they are con

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