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explanation, they would understand that the bread and wine had been changed into his own body and blood?

"CATHOLIC. Do you not, in the same manner, believe that, although there is no direct assertion, no words about Trinity in Unity, which can be compared to This is my body,- This is my blood,' Christ left it to be inferred from scattered passages, by the assistance of philosophical speculations about Nature, Substance, Persons, Mutual-in-being, &c. &c.? and re

"PROTESTANT.-My reason submits in the one case,

sists in the other.

"CATHOLIC.-Are you not guilty of pride,—the PRIDE OF REASON? Do you not reject the clearest declaration that language can be conceived to make, because it offends your PRIDE?" Ibid. pp. 98, 99.

Mr. White intimates a purpose of publishing at some future day, a work under this title, "A Sketch of my Mind in England." We can assure him, that whenever it appears, it will be eagerly read on this side the water by multitudes, who have learned already to respect him for his love of the truth, and the sacrifices he has made to it. ED.


The Sacred Offering. Boston. Joseph Dowe. 1836. 12mo. pp. 216. To those who are looking for a miscellany of religious poetry, in which they may find spiritual nourishment for a solitary hour, or for a quiet family circle, we commend this little volume. It consists of selections, made with taste and judgment, from a series of annuals which have been published in England for a few years past, under the same title, and edited by Mrs. Jevons, the eldest daughter of the late William Roscoe. The authorship also of the greater number of the pieces contained in those volumes may be attributed, we presume, to that lady, and her sister, and other members of the family; though occasional contributions have been furnished from other sources. The pieces which make up the present volume, exhibit a variety of topics, chiefly of a scriptural or devotional character, calculated to interest the mind in its serious moods, and lead it gently to the Father of spirits. The poetry is always above mediocrity, and sometimes very beautiful. We should say that the principal tendency of the selection was to soothe the spirit. It may be conned with profit in the day of affliction. It may be read in the chamber of sickness, and its verses will drop like balm into the patient's heart.

Sacred Memoirs: or Family Instruction, being a History of Moses, the Jewish Lawgiver. Vol. II. Boston: Marsh, Capen, and Lyon. 1835. 12mo. pp. 276.—The first volume in this series appeared some time ago, containing "A History of the Scripture Characters from Adam to Joseph inclusive." A third volume, we are told, is already in preparation for the press, which will give "a history of Joshua, Doborah, Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, Sampson, and Ruth." We cannot go along with the writer in all his speculations; neither can we recommend his work as evincing familiarity with the best authorities in biblical literature. But he has evidently given a good deal of thought to the characters and scenes he undertakes to portray, and expresses himself almost uniformly like a man of sense, candor, and moderation. Accordingly we hardly know of any books easily accessible, and treating on the same subjects, which can be recommended for popular use with so little reserve.


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Lectures on the Atheistical Controversy; delivered in the Months of February and March, 1834, at Sion Chapel, Bradford, Yorkshire. Forming the First Part of a Course of Lectures on Infidelity. By the Rev. B. GODWIN. With Additions by W. S. ANFirst American, from the London Edition. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, & Co. 1835. 12mo. 12mo. pp. 350. We regret not having been able to obtain or prepare as yet a proper review of this volume. We cannot, however, allow this number to go to press without acknowledging our sense of the obligations under which the American editor has laid the public by causing so interesting and useful a work to be reprinted in this country. Mr. Godwin brings to the task he has undertaken two qualifications, without which it is to no purpose to approach the confirmed skeptic; - acquaintance with the ground on which he stands, and a disposition to meet him there with something better than dogmatism or personal abuse.

New Publications, and Works in the Press. We learn from the last number of the Biblical Repository, that Gesenius's Hebrew Lexicon, translated by Professor Robinson, will be published in the course of this spring by Crocker and Brewster. Gould and Newman will soon publish a translation of Eichhorn on the Apocalypse, by the Rev. A. Kaufman, of Andover. Two translations of Calvin's Commentary on the Romans are soon to appear; one, by Professor Alden of Williams College, at New York, the other at Philadelphia. The first volume of Hengstenberg's Christology, translated by the Rev. Dr. Keith, is in the press of Gould and Newman. Professor Bush's Commentary on the Psalms, to appear entire in a single volume, and not in numbers as at first proposed, is in great forwardness.

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ART. I. — Animal with reference to ROGET, M. D., Two Volumes. pp. 593 and 661.

and Vegetable Physiology considered Natural Theology. By PETER MARK Secretary to the Royal Society, &c. In London: William Pickering. 1834. 8vo. American Edition of the same Work, Two Volumes, 8vo. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard. 1836. pp. 408 and 463.

THIS work is the fifth in order of the celebrated Bridgewater Treatises, and is, we think, one of the best of the series. We prefer it to Kirby's treatise in the same series, on the History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals, which is now also before the public, and which we may notice in a future number. Both works are full of entertainment and interest; but Kirby is not unfrequently visionary in his theories, unsound in his inferences, and careless in his facts; faults from which, so far as we can judge, Dr. Roget is remarkably free. They have been equally diligent, however, in the collection of illustrations from the various kingdoms of nature, to bear on the great point which both had in view, the existence and providence of a Supreme Creator, who is nature's Author and God.

Believing with Dr. Roget, that "to Man have been revealed the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of God, through the medium of the Book of Nature, in the varied pages of which they are inscribed in indelible characters;" and believing that the study of that book of nature, is adapted to lead the student to the knowledge, love, and admiration of the VOL. XX. 3D S. VOL. II. NO. II.

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Former and Ruler of all things, we sincerely rejoice in the appearance of treatises, which must promote, in some degree at least, a taste for natural history in its several branches, and prevent by their own serious spirit, a perversion of that taste from the great end. We rejoice to see those who are universally respected as men of science and ability, maintain by their example and authority the noble truth, that as God manifests himself in nature, so the observation of nature will conduct the candid and teachable mind to the acknowledgment of God. It is with us a favorite and delightful opinion, that the influences of the visible universe are elevating and religious, and support a trust in the unseen Creator, and a faith in his invisible world; that holy scripture is engraven on the rocks, and written on the leaves of the trees; that the praise of God is sung by the voice of every creature, and that the frame and powers and life of every creature indicate divine skill, and evince divine care, and direct the contemplative mind to a constantly increasing communion with the Infinite Intelligence, in whom they and we live and move and have our being. We therefore welcome the instructions of every one who holds in sincerity, and preaches with ability, the same opinion, and gains to it more and more converts and disciples. We earnestly desire, that men should be invited and aided, by wise and competent teachers, to become acquainted with nature, convinced as we are, that the knowledge of nature is one great step toward the knowledge of God.

It is nevertheless to be allowed, that some of those who have been eminently versed in the knowledge of God's works, have refused to regard them as God's works, and have been very far from the knowledge and love of God. This has been the case with several of the French naturalists, who have either vitiated the merit of their observations and discoveries by preposterous atheistic theories, or deprived their labors of the moral efficiency which they might have exerted, by maintaining an unbroken and too significant silence concerning the Infinite Cause. But it is altogether unfair to attribute this avowed or understood infidelity, to the influence of the study of nature, or to its want of influence. The source of it is to be looked for in an entirely different direction, among the fields of the revolutionary French philosophy, whence arose that deadly stream of irreligion, which has stolen down through every region of French literature. All that can be said is,

that the naturalists partake of a national taint of unbelief, well known and greatly to be deplored, deeply infused and difficult of cure. We do not expect them to be religious merely because they are naturalists. Their minds have been brought into a state which resists the holy influences of nature. God compels no one to know and love him. If a man pertinaciously denies the works of nature to be the works of God, no force is put in requisition from on high, to oblige him to alter his sentiments and lift up his heart. If, while he explores the boundless treasures of created things, he determines not to ascribe the work to its Maker, the gift to the Giver, the most admirable contrivances to a Designer, he may be very learned, and will doubtless derive much pleasure and profit from his knowledge, for so it is ordered by a kind and impartial Providence, but he will fall far short of the highest end of all attainment; and, choosing to remain deficient, choosing to keep shut his internal eye and ear, no miracle will be worked, no supernatural power will be exerted, to overcome his perversity.

We ought not to omit stating, while speaking of French naturalists, that the acknowledged prince of them all, the sagacious Cuvier, was a believer and a religious man. It is pleasant to be able to say to those with whom great names have great weight, that he who looked more discerningly through nature than any of his countrymen, looked up reverently to nature's God. But, apart from all authority of names, it is evident that the failure of some individuals in the spiritual improvement of knowledge, is no good reason why others may not succeed, by a proper use of their means. No fact can be better established, than that he who takes with him to the observation of nature a candid mind and a feeling heart, will perceive indications of order, adaptation, and design, which are calculated to direct him to the Supreme and Intelligent Cause; and that the more diligently he observes, the more profoundly will he adore.

Nature leads us to God through the paths of design, which are traced with wonderful distinctness and as wonderful variety in all her kingdoms. The principal argument which the study of things visible builds up for the existence and glorious attributes of a Creator, is the argument of design. And it cannot be shaken. It is old, and attempts have been made to prove it unsound; but the mind of man itself is pledged for its solidity.

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