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Renunciation of claims for ransactions in be Floridas.

Satisfaction by the U. S. for injuries to inhabitants of Florida.

Convention of

11th Aug. 1802,

Ante, p. 198.

U.S. to satisfy claims of their citizens to amount of $5,000,000.

Three com

missioners to be appointed, to decide upon claims.


ers to take an oath, &c.

Commissioners may hear

and examine on

oath, &c. Spanish go.

vernment to furnish documents, &c.

Payment of the claims.

3. To all injuries caused by the expedition of Miranda, that was fitted out and equipped at New-York.

4. To all claims of Spanish subjects upon the government of the United States, arising from unlawful seizures at sea, or within the ports and territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Finally, to all the claims of subjects of his Catholic Majesty upon the government of the United States, in which the interposition of his Catholic Majesty's government has been solicited, before the date of this Treaty, and since the date of the Convention of 1802, or which may have been made to the Department of Foreign Affairs of his Majesty, or to his Minister in the United States.

And the high contracting parties, respectively, renounce all claim to indemnities for any of the recent events or transactions of their respective commanders and officers in the Floridas.

The United States will cause satisfaction to be made for the injuries, if any, which, by process of law, shall be established to have been suffered by the Spanish officers, and individual Spanish inhabitants, by the late operations of the American army in Florida.


The Convention entered into between the two governments, on the 11th of August, 1802, the ratifications of which were exchanged the 21st December, 1818, is annulled.


The United States, exonerating Spain from all demands in future, on account of the claims of their citizens to which the renunciations herein contained extend, and considering them entirely cancelled, undertake to make satisfaction for the same, to an amount not exceeding five millions of dollars. To ascertain the full amount and validity of those claims, a Commission, to consist of three Commissioners, citizens of the United States, shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, which Commission shall meet at the City of Washington, and, within the space of three years from the time of their first meeting, shall receive, examine, and decide upon the amount and validity of, all the claims included within the descriptions above mentioned. The said Commissioners shall take an oath or affirmation, to be entered on the record of their proceedings, for the faithful and diligent discharge of their duties; and, in case of the death, sickness, or necessary absence, of any such Commissioner, his place may be supplied by the appointment, as aforesaid, or by the President of the United States, during the recess of the Senate, of another Commissioner in his stead. The said Commissioners shall be authorized to hear and examine, on oath, every question relative to the said claims, and to receive all suitable authentic testimony concerning the same. And the Spanish government shall furnish all such documents and elucidations as may be in their possession, for the adjustment of the said claims, according to the principles of justice, the laws of nations, and the stipulations of the Treaty, between the two parties, of 27th October, 1795; the said documents to be specified, when demanded, at the instance of the said Commissioners.

The payment of such claims as may be admitted and adjusted by the said Commissioners, or the major part of them, to an amount not exceeding five millions of dollars, shall be made by the United States, either immediately at their Treasury, or by the creation of Stock bearing an interest of six per cent. per annum, payable from the proceeds of sales of public lands within the territories hereby ceded to the

3. A los perjuicios causados por la expedicion de Miranda, armada y equipada en Nueva York.

4. A todas las reclamaciones de los subditos de S. M. Ca. contra el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, procedentes de presas y confiscaciones injustas asi en la mar como en los puertos y territorios de los Estados Unidos.

5. A todas las reclamaciones de los subditos de S. M. Ca. contra el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, en que se haya reclamado la interposicion del gobierno de España antes de la fecha de este Tratado, y desde la fecha del Convenio de 1802, ó que hayan sido presentadas al Departamento de Estado de S. M. ó á su Ministro en los Estados Unidos.

Las altas partes contratantes renuncian reciprocamente todos sus derechos á indemnizaciones por qualquiera de los ultimos acontecimientos y transacciones de sus respectivos comandantes y oficiales en las Floridas.

Y los Estados Unidos satisfarán los perjuicios, si los hubiese habido, que los habitantes y oficiales Españoles justifiquen legalmente haber sufrido por las operaciones del Exercito Americano en ellas.

ART. 10.

Queda anulado el Convenio hecho entre los dos gobiernos, en 11 de Agosto, de 1802, cuyas ratificaciones fueron cangeadas en 21 de Diciembre de 1818.

ART. 11.

Los Estados Unidos descargando á la España para lo sucesivo de todas las reclamaciones de sus ciudadanos á que se extienden las renuncias hechas, en este Tratado, y dandolas por enteramente canceladas, toman sobre si la satisfaccion ó pago de todas ellas hasta la cantidad de cinco millones de pesos fuertes. El Sor. Presidente nombrará, con consentimiento y aprobacion del Senado, una Comision compuesta de tres Comisionados, ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, para averiguar con certidumbre el importe total y justificacion de estas reclamaciones; la qual se reunirá en la Ciudad de Washington, y en el espacio de tres años, desde su reunion primera, recibirá, examinará, y decidirá, sobre el importe y justificacion de todas las reclamaciones arriba expresadas y descritas. Los dichos comisionados prestarán juramento, que se anotará en los quadernos de sus operaciones, para el desempeño fiel y eficaz de sus deberes, y en caso de muerte, enfermedad, ó ausencia precisa de alguno de ellos, será reemplazado del mismo modo, ó por el Sor. Presidente de los Estados Unidos, en ausencia del Senado. Los dichos comisionados se hallaran autorizados para oir y examinar bajo juramento qualquiera demanda relativa á dichas reclamaciones, y para recibir los testimonios autenticos y convenientes relativos á ellas. El gobierno Español subministrará todos aquellos documentos y aclaraciones que esten en su poder para el ajuste de las expresadas reclamaciones, segun los principios de justicia, el derecho de gentes, y las estipulaciones del Tratado entre las dos partes de 27 de Octubre, de 1795, cuyos documentos se especificarán quando se pidan á instancia de dichos comisionados.

Los Estados Unidos pagarán aquellas reclamaciones que sean admitidas y ajustadas por los dichos comisionados, ó por la mayor parte de ellos, hasta la cantidad de cinco millones de pesos fuertes, sea immediatamente en su Tesoreria, ó por medio de una creacion de fondos con el interés de un seis por ciento al año, pagaderos de los productos de las ventas de los terrenos valdios en los territorios aqui cedidos á los

Records of proceedings, &c. to be deposited in the De

partment of State.

Copies to the Spanish govern


Treaty of 1795 confirmed, with exceptions. Ante, p. 138.

Neutral flag to cover enemies' property,where. Ante, p. 146.

Sailors deserting to be delivered up on proof, &c.

U. S. certify that they received no compensation from France for

United States, or in such other manner as the Congress of the United
States may prescribe by law.

The records of the proceedings of the said Commissioners, together with the vouchers and documents produced before them, relative to the claims to be adjusted and decided upon by them, shall, after the close of their transactions, be deposited in the Department of State of the United States; and copies of them, or any part of them, shall be furnished to the Spanish government, if required, at the demand of the Spanish Minister in the United States.


The Treaty of Limits and Navigation, of 1795, remains confirmed in all, and each one of, its articles, excepting the 2, 3, 4, 21, and the second clause of the 22d article, which, having been altered by this Treaty, or having received their entire execution, are no longer valid. With respect to the 15th article of the same Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation, of 1795, in which it is stipulated that the flag shall cover the property, the two high contracting parties agree that this shall be so understood with respect to those powers who recognise this principle; but, if either of the two contracting parties shall be at war with a third party, and the other neutral, the flag of the neutral shall cover the property of enemies whose government acknowledge this principle, and not of others.


Both contracting parties, wishing to favour their mutual commerce, by affording in their ports every necessary assistance to their respective merchant vessels, have agreed, that the sailors who shall desert from their vessels in the ports of the other, shall be arrested and delivered up, at the instance of the consul, who shall prove, nevertheless, that the deserters belonged to the vessels that claimed them, exhibiting the document that is customary in their nation; that is to say, the American consul in a Spanish port, shall exhibit the document known by the name of Articles; and the Spanish consul in American ports, the Roll of the vessel; and if the name of the deserter or deserters, who are claimed, shall appear in the one or the other, they shall be arrested, held in custody, and delivered to the vessel to which they shall belong.


The United States hereby certify that they have not received any compensation from France, for the injuries they suffered from her privateers, consuls, and tribunals, on the coasts and in the ports of Spain, for the satisfaction of which provision is made by this treaty; and they claims provided will present an authentic statement of the prizes made, and of their true value, that Spain may avail herself of the same, in such manner as she may deem just and proper.

for in this


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The United States, to give to his Catholic Majesty a proof of their desire to cement the relations of amity subsisting between the two nations, and to favour the commerce of the subjects of his Catholic Majesty, agree that Spanish vessels, coming laden only with productions of Spanish growth or manufactures, directly from the ports of Spain, or of her colonies, shall be admitted, for the term of twelve years, to the ports of Pensacola and St. Augustine, in the Floridas, without paying other or higher duties on their cargoes, or of tonnage, than will be paid by the vessels of the United States. During the said term, no

Estados Unidos, ó de qualquiera otra manera que el Congreso de los Estados Unidos ordene por ley.

Se depositarán, despues de concluidas sus transacciones, en el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, los quadernos de las operaciones de los dichos Comisionados, juntamente con los documentos que se les presenten relativos á las reclamaciones que deben ajustar y decidir; y se entregarán copias de ellos ó de parte de ellos al Gobierno Español, y á peticion de su Ministro en los Estados Unidos, si lo solicitase.

ART. 12.

El Tratado de Limites y Navegacion de 1795, queda confirmado en todos y cada uno de sus articulos, excepto los articulos, 2, 3, 4, 21, y la segunda clausula del 22, que habiendo sido alterados por este Tratado, ó cumplidos enteramente no pueden tener valor alguno.

Con respecto al articulo 15 del mismo Tratado de Amistad, Limites y Navegacion, de 1795, en que se estipula que la bandera cubre la propiedad, han convenido las dos altas partes contratantes en que esto se entienda asi con respecto á aquellas potencias que reconozcan este principio; pero que, si una de las dos partes contratantes estuviere en guerra con una tercera, y la otra neutral, la bandera de esta neutral cubrirà la propiedad de los enemigos cuyo gobierno reconozca este principio, y no de otros.

ART. 13.

Deseando ambas potencias contratantes favorecer el comercio reciproco prestando cada una en sus puertos todos los auxilios convenientes á sus respectivos buques mercantes, han acordado en hacer prender y entregar los marineros que desierten de sus buques en los puertos de la otra, á instancia del Consul; quien sin embargo deberá probar que los desertores pertenecen á los buques que los reclaman, manifestando el documento de costumbre en su nacion; esto es, que el Consul Español en puerto Americano exhibirá el Roll del Buque, y el Consul Americano en puerto Español, el documento conocido bajo el nombre de Articles; y constando en uno ú otro el nombre ó nombres del desertor ó desertores que se reclaman, se procederá al arresto, custodia, y entrega al buque á que correspondan.

ᎪᎡᎢ. 14.

Los Estados Unidos certifican por el presente que no han recibido compensacion alguna de la Francia por los perjuicios que sufrieron de sus corsarios, consules y tribunales, en las costas y puertos de España, para cuya satisfaccion se provee en este Tratado, y presentarán una relacion justificada de las presas hechas, y de su verdadero valor, para que la España pueda servirse de ella en la manera que mas juzgue justo y conveniente.

ART. 15.

Los Estados Unidos para dar á S. M. Ca. una prueba de sus deseos de cimentar las relaciones de Amistad que existen entre las dos naciones, y de favorecer el Comercio de los subditos de S. M. Ca. convienen en que, los buques Españoles que vengan solo cargados de productos de sus frutos ó manufacturas directamente de los puertos de España ó de sus colonias, sean admitidos por el espacio de doce años en los puertos de Panzacola y San Augustin de las Floridas, sin pagar mas derechos por sus cargamentos, ni mayor derecho de tonelage, que el que paguen los buques de los Estados Unidos. Durante este tiempo ninguna nacion

Treaty to be ratified, and ratifications exchanged.

other nation shall enjoy the same privileges within the ceded territories. The twelve years shall commence three months after the exchange of the ratifications of this Treaty.


The present Treaty shall be ratified in due form, by the contracting parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in six months from this time, or sooner, if possible.

In witness whereof, we, the under written Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and of his Catholic Majesty, have signed, by virtue of our powers, the present Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and Limits, and have thereunto affixed our seals, respectively.

Done at Washington, this twenty-second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.

[blocks in formation]

Oct. 24, 1820.

Ratification, by the King of Spain, of the treaty of Feb. 22, 1819.

Ratification by his Catholic Majesty, on the twenty-fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty.

"Ferdinand the Seventh, by the Grace of God, and by the constitution of the Spanish monarchy, king of the Spains.

Whereas, on the twenty-second day of February, of the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen last past, a treaty was concluded and signed in the City of Washington, between Don Luis de Onis, my Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, and John Quincy Adams, Esquire, Secretary of State of the United States of America, competently authorized by both parties, consisting of sixteen articles, which had for their object the arrangement of differences and of limits between both governments and their respective territories; which are of the following form and literal tenor:

"Dn. Fernando Septimo, por la

Gracia de Dios, y por la Constitucion de la Monarquia Española, Rey de las Españas.

Por cuanto en el dia veinte y dos de Febrero del año proximo pasado de mil ochocientos diez y nueve, se concluyo y firmo en la Ciudad de Washington, entre Dn Luis de Onis, mi Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario, y Dn. Juan Quincy Adams, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America, autorizados competentemente por ambas partes, un Tratado compuesto de diez y seis articulos, que tiene por objeto el Arreglo de Diferiencias y de Limites entre ambos Gobiernos y sus respectivos Territorios; cuya forma y tenor literal es el siguiente:

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