Debts provided for by the preceding article. How the said whose result is comprised in the conjectural note (a) annexed to the present convention, and which, with the interest, cannot exceed the sum of twenty millions of francs. The claims comprised in the said note which fall within the exceptions of the following articles, shall not be admitted to the benefit of this provision. ART. III. The principal and interests of the said debts shall be disdebts are to be charged by the United States, by orders drawn by their minister plenipaid. What debts are compre hended by the preceding articles. To what cases they are particularly to apply. Ministers ple nipotentiary of U. S. to appoint commissioners to act provisionally. potentiary on their treasury; these orders shall be payable sixty days after the exchange of ratifications of the treaty and the conventions signed this day, and after possession shall be given of Louisiana by the commissaries of France to those of the United States. ART. IV. It is expressly agreed, that the preceding articles shall comprehend no debts but such as are due to citizens of the United States, who have been and are yet creditors of France, for supplies, for embargoes, and prizes made at sea, in which the appeal has been properly lodged within the time mentioned in the said convention, 8th Vendemiaire, ninth year, (30th September, 1800.) ART. V. The preceding articles shall apply only, 1st, to captures of which the council of prizes shall have ordered restitution, it being well understood that the claimant cannot have recourse to the United States, otherwise than he might have had to the government of the French Republic, and only in case of insufficiency of the captors; 2d, the debts mentioned in the said fifth article of the convention contracted before the 8th Vendemiaire, an. 9 (30th September, 1800,) the payment of which has been heretofore claimed of the actual government of France, and for which the creditors have a right to the protection of the United States; the said fifth article does not comprehend prizes whose condemnation has been or shall be confirmed: it is the express intention of the contracting parties not to extend the benefit of the present convention to reclamations of American citizens, who shall have established houses of commerce in France, England, or other countries than the United States, in partnership with foreigners, and who by that reason and the nature of their commerce, ought to be regarded as domiciliated in the places where such houses exist. All agrements and bargains concerning merchandize, which shall not be the property of American citizens, are equally excepted from the benefit of the said convention, saving, however, to such persons their claims in like manner as if this treaty had not been made. ART. VI. And that the different questions which may arise under the preceding article may be fairly investigated, the ministers plenipotentiary of the United States shall name three persons, who shall act from the present and provisionally, and who shall have full power to examine, without removing the documents, all the accounts of the different claims already liquidated by the bureaus established for this purpose by the French Republic, and to ascertain whether they belong to the classes designated by the present convention and the principles established in it; or if they are not in one of its exceptions and on their certificate, declaring that the debt is due to an American citizen or his representative, and that it existed before the 8th Vendemiaire, 9th year (30th September, 1800) the debtor shall be entitled to an order on the Treasury of the United States, in the manner prescribed by the third article. ART. VII. The same agents shall likewise have power, without re (a) This "conjectural note" was not deposited in the Department of State until May 17, 1832, and is therefore omitted here. le résultat par appercu est compris dans la note annexée à la présente convention, et qui ne pourront, y compris les interéts, excéder la somme de vingt-millions. Les réclamations comprises dans la dite note ne pourront néanmoins être admises qu'autant qu'elles ne seront pas frappées des exceptions mentionnées aux articles suivans. ART. III. Le principal et les intérêts seront acquittés par les EtatsUnis d'Amerique sur des mandats tirés par le ministre plénipotentiaire des dits Etats-Unis sur leur trésor. Ces mandats seront payables soixante jours après l'échange des ratifications du traité et des conventions signées ce jour, et après la remise qui doit étre faite de la Louisiane par le commissaire Francais aux commissaires des Etats-Unis. ART. IV. Il est expressément convenu que les articles précédens ne comprennent que les créances des citoyens de Etats-Unis, ou de leurs représentans, qui ont été et sont encore créanciers de la France pour fournitures, embargos et prizes faites à la mer, et réclamées dans le temps necessaire, et suivant les formes prescites par la convention du 8 Vendémiaire, an. 9, (30 Septembre, 1800.) ART. V. Les articles précédens ne seront appliqués, 1°. qu'aux captures dont le conseil des prises aurait or donné la restitution ou main levée, bien entendu que le réclamant ne pourra avoir recours sur les Etats-Unis pour son payement que de la même maniére qu'il l'aurait eu envers le gouvernement Francais et seulement en cas d'insuffisance de la part des capteurs; 2°. Qu'aux dettes mentionnées dans ce même article 5 de la convention, contractées avant le 8 Vendémiaire, an. 9 (30 Septembre, 1800,) dont le payement a été ci-devant réclamé auprès du gouvernement actuel de France, et pour lesquelles le créancier a droit à la protection des Etats-Unis. Le dit article 5 ne comprend point les prises dont la condamnation a été ou viendrait à être confirmée; l'intention expresse des parties contractantes est pareillement de ne point étendre le bénéfice de la présente convention aux réclamations des citoyens Americans, qui auraient établi des maisons de commerce en France, en Angleterre ou dans des pays autres que les EtatsUnis, en société avec des étrangers, et qui, par cette raison et la nature de leur commerce, doivent être regardés comme domiciliés dans les lieux où existent les dites maisons. Sont pareillement exceptés tous accords et pactes concernant des merchandises qui ne seraient pas la propriété des citoyens Américains. Il n'est d'ailleurs rien préjugé sur le fond des reclamations ainsi exceptées. ART. VI. Afin que lés différentes questions aux quelles l'article précédent pourra donner lieu, puissent être convenablement examinees, les ministres plénipotentiaires des Etats-Unis nommeront trois personnes qui dès à présent et provisoirement, auront tout pouvoir d'examiner, sans déplacement de pièces tous les comptes des différentes créances déjà liquideés par les bureaux établis à cet effet par la République Francaise, et de reconnaître si elles appartiennent aux classes désignées dans la présente convention, et aux principes qui y sont établis, ou si elles ne sont pas dans l'une des exceptions, et sur leur certificat portant que la créance est due à un citoyen Americain, ou à son représentant, et qu'elle existait avant le 8 Vendémiaire, an. 9 (30 Septembre, 1800,) le créancier aura droit à un mandat sur le trésor des Etats-Unis, expédié conformément à l'article 3. ART. VII. Les mêmes agens pourront également, et dès à présent, To examine those not pre moving the documents, to examine the claims which are prepared for verification, and to certify those which ought to be admitted by uniting the necessary qualifications, and not being comprised in the exceptions contained in the present convention. ART. VIII. The same agents shall likewise examine the claims which are not prepared for liquidation, and certify in writing those which in pared for liqui- their judgment ought to be admitted to liquidation. dation, &c. Debts dis charged at the ART. IX. In proportion as the debts mentioned in these articles shall be admitted, they shall be discharged with interest, at six per cent. by treasury of U.S. the Treasury of the United States. with interest. ART. X. And that no debt which shall not have the qualifications above mentioned, and that no unjust or exorbitant demand may be admitted, the commercial agent of the United States at Paris, or such other agent as the minister plenipotentiary of the United States shall think proper to nominate, shall assist at the operations of the bureaus, and co-operate in the examination of the claims; and if this agent shall be of opinion that any debt is not completely proved, or if he shall judge that it is not comprised in the principles of the fifth article above mentioned, and if notwithstanding his opinion, the bureaus established by the French government should think that it ought to be liquidated, he shall transmit his observations to the board established by the United States, who, without removing documents, shall make a complete examination of the debt and vouchers which support it, and report the result to the minister of the United States. The minister of the United States shall transmit his observations, in all such cases, to the minister of the treasury of the French Republic, on whose report the French government shall decide definitively in every case. The rejection of any claim shall have no other effect than to exempt the United States from the payment of it, the French government reserving to itself the right to decide definitively on such claim so far as it concerns itself. ART. XI. Every necessary decision shall be made in the course of a year, to commence from the exchange of ratifications, and no reclamation shall be admitted afterwards. ART. XII. In case of claims for debts contracted by the government of France with citizens of the United States since the 8th Vendemiaire, ninth year, (30th September, 1800) not being comprised in this convention, may be pursued, and the payment demanded in the same manner as if it had not been made. ART. XIII. The present convention shall be ratified in good and due form, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in six months from the date of the signature of the ministers plenipotentiary, or sooner, if possible. IN FAITH OF WHICH, the respective Ministers plenipotentiary have signed the above articles both in the French and English languages, declaring, nevertheless, that the present treaty has been originally agreed on and written in the French language; to which they have hereunto affixed their seals. Done at Paris, the tenth of Floreal, eleventh year of the French Re public, 30th April, 1803. prendre connaissance, sans déplacer, des pieces relatives aux réclama tions dont le travail et la vérification sont préparés, et délivrer leurs certificats sur celles qui réuniront les caractères necessaires pour l'admission, et qui ne seront pas comprises dans les exceptions exprimées par la présente convention. ART. VIII. A l'égard des autres réclamations dont les travaux n'ont pas encore été préparés, les mêmes agens en prendront aussi successivement connaissance, et déclareront par écrit celles qui leur paraîtront susceptibles d'être admises en liquidation. ART. IX. A mesure que les créances mentionnées dans les dits articles auront été admises, elles seront acquittées avec les intérêts à six pour cent, par le trésor des Etats-Unis. ART. X. Et afin qu'aucune dette qui n'aura pas les caractères cidessus mentionnés, et qu'aucunes demandes injustes ou exorbitantes ne puissent etre admises, l'agent commercial des Etats Unis à Paris, ou tel autre agent que le ministre plenipotentiare des Etats Unis jugera à propos de nommer, pourra assister aux opérations des dits Bureaux, et concourir à l'examen de ces Créances, et si cet agent n'est pas d'avis que la dette est completement provée, ou s'il juge qu'elle n'est pas comprise dans les dispositions du 5me article ci-dessus mentionné, et que non obstant son avis les Bureaux établis par le gouvernement Français estiment que la liquidation doit avoir lieu, il transmettra les observations au Bureau établi de la part des Etats Unis, qui fera, sans déplacer, l'examen complet de la Créance et des piéces au soutién, et fera son rapport au ministre des Etats Unis. Le ministre transmettra ses observations à celui du Tresor de la République Française, et sur son rapport le gouvernement Français prononcera définitivement. Le rejet qui pourra avoir lieu n'ayant d'autre effet que de constater que le paiement demandé ne doit pas etre fait par les Etats Unis, le gouvernement Français se réserve de statuer définitivement sur la réclamation, en ce qui pourra le concerner. ART. XI. Toutes les décisions nécessaires seront rendues dans le cours d'une année, à dater de l'echange des ratifications, et aucune réclamation ne sera admise ultérieurement. ART. XII. Dans le cas où il y aurait des réclamations des citoyens des Etats Unis à la charge du gouvernement Français, pour des dettes contractées après le 8 Vendemaire, an. 9 (30 Septembre, 1800) elles pourront etre suivies, et le paiement pourra être demandé, comme n'etant point comprises en cette convention. ART. XIII. La présente convention sera ratifiée en bonne et due forme, et les ratifications seront échangées dans l'espace de six mois, aprés la date de la signature des ministres plenipotentiaires, ou plutôt, s'il est possible. En foi de quoi les plenipotentiaires respectifs ont signé les articles ci-dessus, tant en langue Française qu'en langue Anglaise, déclarant néanmoins que le présent traité a été originairement rédigé et arrêté en langue Française, etils y ont apposé leurs sceau. Fait à Paris, le dixieme jour de Floreal, de l'an onze de la République Française, et le 30 Avril 1803. TREATY OF PEACE AND AMITY, Between the United States of America, and the Bashaw, ARTICLE I. There shall be, from the conclusion of this treaty, a firm, inviolable, and universal peace, and a sincere friendship between the President and citizens of the United States of America, on the one part, and the bashaw, bey, and subjects of the regency of Tripoli in Barbary, on the other, made by the free consent of both parties, and on the terms of the most favored nation. And if either party shall hereafter grant to any other nation, any particular favor or privilege in navigation or commerce, it shall immediately become common to the other party, freely where it is freely granted to such other nation; but where the grant is conditional, it shall be at the option of the contracting parties, to accept, alter, or reject such conditions, in such manner as shall be most conducive to their respective interests. ART. II. The bashaw of Tripoli shall deliver up to the American squadron, now off Tripoli, all the Americans in his possession; and all the subjects of the bashaw of Tripoli, now in the power of the United States of America, shall be delivered up to him; and as the number of Americans in possession of the bashaw of Tripoli, amounts to three hundred persons, more or less, and the number of Tripoline subjects in the power of the Americans, is about one hundred, more or less, the bashaw of Tripoli shall receive from the United States of America, the sum of sixty thousand dollars, as a payment for the difference between the prisoners herein mentioned. ART. III. All the forces of the United States, which have been, or may be in hostility against the Bashaw of Tripoli, in the province of Derne, or elsewhere within the dominions of the said Bashaw, shall be withdrawn therefrom, and no supplies shall be withdrawn therefrom, and no supplies shall be given by or in behalf of the said United States, during the continuance of this peace, to any of the subjects of the said Bashaw, who may be in hostility against him, in any part of his dominions; and the Americans will use all means in their power to persuade the brother of the said Bashaw, who has co-operated with them at Derne, &c., to withdraw from the territory of the said Bashaw of Tripoli; but will not use any force or improper means to effect that object, and in case he should withdraw himself as aforesaid, the Bashaw engages to deliver up to him his wife and children now in his power. ART. 4th. If any goods belonging to any nation, with which either of the parties are at war, should be loaded on board vessels belonging to the other party, they shall pass free and unmolested, and no attempts shall be made to take or detain them. ART. 5th. If any citizens or subjects with their effects, belonging to either party, shall be found on board a prize vessel, taken from an enemy by the other party, such citizens or subjects shall be liberated prize vessels. (a) Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli, November 4, 1796, ante, page 154. |