Gambar halaman

Treatment of crew and pasBengers.

Prizes to be condemned by established prize courts.

Damages by men of war or privateers to be paid.

Commanders of privateers to give security.

Armed vessels and prizes not to pay duties, and not to be examined.

Restrictions on oreign priva


treated. They shall not be imprisoned or deprived of any part of their wearing apparel, nor of the possession and use of their money, not exceeding for the captain, supercargo and mate five hundred dollars each, and for the sailors and passengers, one hundred dollars each.

ART. XXII. It is further agreed, that in all cases, the established courts for prize causes, in the country to which the prizes may be conducted, shall alone take cognizance of them. And whenever such tribunal of either of the parties shall pronounce judgment against any vessel or goods, or property claimed by the citizens of the other party, the sentence or decree shall mention the reasons or motives on which the same shall have been founded, and an authenticated copy of the sentence or decree, and of all the proceedings in the case, shall if demanded be delivered to the commander or agent of the said vessel, without any delay, he paying the legal fees for the same.

ART. XXIII. And that more abundant care may be taken for the security of the respective citizens of the contracting parties, and to prevent their suffering injuries by the men of war or privateers of either party, all commanders of ships of war and privateers, and all others the said citizens, shall forbear doing any damage to those of the other party, or committing any outrage against them, and if they act to the contrary they shall be punished, and shall also be bound in their persons and estates to make satisfaction and reparation for all damages and the interest thereof, of whatever nature the said damages may be.

For this cause all commanders of privateers, before they receive their commissions, shall hereafter be obliged to give before a competent judge, sufficient security by at least two responsible sureties, who have no interest in the said privateer, each of whom, together with the said commander shall be jointly and severally bound in the sum of seven thousand dollars or thirty six thousand eight hundred and twenty francs, or if such ships be provided with above one hundred and fifty seamen or soldiers, in the sum of fourteen thousand dollars or seventy three thousand six hundred and forty francs, to satisfy all damages and injuries, which the said privateer, or her officers, or men, or any of them, may do or commit during their cruise, contrary to the tenor of this convention, or to the laws and instructions for regulating their conduct; and further, that in all cases of aggression the said commission shall be revoked and annulled.

ART. XXIV. When the ships of war of the two contracting parties, or those belonging to their citizens which are armed in war, shall be admitted to enter with their prizes the ports of either of the two parties, the said public or private ships as well as their prizes, shall not be obliged to pay any duty either to the officers of the place, the judges or any others; nor shall such prizes, when they come to and enter the ports of either party, be arrested or seized, nor shall the officers of the place make examination concerning the lawfulness of such prizes; but they may hoist sail at any time and depart and carry their prizes to the places expressed in their commissions, which the commanders of such ships of war shall be obliged to shew. It is always understood that the stipulations of this article shall not extend beyond the privileges of the most favored nation.

ART. XXV. It shall not be lawful for any foreign privateers who have commissions from any prince or state in enmity with either nation, to fit their ships in the ports of either nation, to sell their prizes, or in any manner to exchange them; neither shall they be allowed to purchase provisions, except such as shall be necessary for their going to the nex

passagers et équipage seront traités avec humanité; ils ne pourront être emprisonnés, ni dépouillés de leurs vêtemens, ni de l'argent à leur usage, qui ne pourra excéder, pour le capitaine, le subrecargue, et le second, cinq cents dollars chacun; et pour les matelots et passagers, cent dollars chacun.

ART. XXII. Il est de plus convenu que dans tous les cas, les tribunaux établis pour les causes de prises dans les pays où les prises seront conduites, pourront seuls en prendre connaissance; et quelques jugement que le tribunal de l'une ou de l'autre partie prononce contre quelques navires ou marchandises ou propriétés réclameés par des citoyens de l'autre partie, la sentence ou décret fera mention des raisons ou motifs qui ont déterminé ce jugement, dont copie authentique, ainsi que de toute la procédure y relative, sera, à leur réquisition, délivrée, sans délai, au capitaine ou agent du dit navire, moyennant le payement des frais.

ART. XXIII. Et afin de pourvoir plus efficacement à la surete respective des citoyens des deux parties contractantes, et prévenir les torts qu'ils auraient à craindre des vaisseaux de guerre ou corsaires, de l'une ou l'autre partie, tous commandans des vaisseaux de guerre et de corsaires, et tous autres citoyens de l'une des deux parties, s'abstiendront de tout dommage envers les citoyens de l'autre et de toute insulte envers leurs personnes. S'ils faisaient le contraire, ils seront punis, et tenus à donner, dans leurs personnes et propriétés, satisfaction et réparation pour les dommages, avec intérêt, de quelque espèce que soyent les dits dommages.

A cet effet, tous capitaines de corsaires, avant de recevoir leurs commissions, s'obligeront, devant un juge compétent, à donner une garantie au moins par deux cautions responsables, lesquelles n'auront aucu intérêt sur le dit corsaire, et dont chacune, ainsi que le capitaine, s'engagera particulièrement et solidairement pour la somme de sept mille dollars ou trente six mille huit cent vingt francs; et si les dits vaisseaux portent plus de cent cinquante Matelots ou Soldats, pour la somme de quatorze mille dollars ou soixante treize mille six cent quarante francs, qui serviront à reparer les torts ou dommages que les dits corsaires, leurs officiers, équipages ou quelqu'un d'eux auraient fait ou commis pendant leur croisière, de contraire aux dispositions de la presénte convention, ou aux lois et instructions qui devront être la règle de leur conduite en outre, les dites commissions seront révoquées et annullées dans tous les cas où il y aura en aggression.

ART. XXIV. Lorsque les vaisseaux de guerre des deux parties contractantes, ou ceux que leurs citoyens auraient armés en guerre, seront admis à relâcher, avec leurs prises, dans les ports de l'une des deux parties, les dits vaisseaux publics ou particuliers, de même que leurs prises, ne seront obligés à payer aucun droit, soit aux officiers du lieu, soit aux juges ou à tous autres; les dites prises entrant dans les havres ou ports de l'une des deux parties, ne pourront être arrêtées ou saisies, et les officiers des lieux ne pourront prendre connaissance de la validité des dites prises, lesquelles pourront sortir et être conduites en toute franchise et liberté aux lieux portés par les commissions dont les capitaines des dits vaisseaux seront obligés de faire apparoir. Il est toujours entendu que les stipulations de cet article ne s'etendront pas au delà des privilèges des nations les plus favorisées.

ART. XXV. Tous corsaires étrangers ayant des commissions d'un Etat ou Prince en guerre avec l'une ou l'autre nation, ne pourront armer leurs vaisseaux dans les ports de l'une ou l'autre nation, non plus qu'y vendre leurs prises, ni les échanger en aucune manière: il ne leur sera permis d'acheter des provisions que la quantité nécessaire pour

Pirates to be prohibited en

port of that prince or state, from which they have received their com


ART. XXVI. It is further agreed, that both the said contracting parties shall not only refuse to receive any pirates into any of their ports, tering the ports havens or towns, or permit any of their inhabitants to receive, protect, of either nation. harbor, conceal or assist them in any manner, but will bring to condign punishment all such inhabitants as shall be guilty of such acts or offences

The ships and goods taken by pirates to be seized.

The fisheries of either party not to be interfered with.

Ratifications exchanged within six months.

And all their ships, with the goods or merchandises, taken by them and brought into the port of either of the said parties, shall be seized as far as they can be discovered, and shall be restored to the owners or their factors or agents duly authorised by them; (proper evidence being first given before competent judges for proving the property;) even in case such effects should have passed into other hands by sale, if it be proved that the buyers knew or had good reason to believe, or suspect that they had been piratically taken.

ART. XXVII. Neither party will intermeddle in the fisheries of the other on its coasts, nor disturb the other in the exercise of the rights which it now holds or may acquire on the coast of Newfoundland, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, or elsewhere, on the American coast, northward of the United States. But the whale and seal fisheries shall be free to both in every quarter of the world.

This convention shall be ratified on both sides in due form, and the ratifications exchanged in the space of six months or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles both in the French and English languages, and they have thereto affixed their seals: declaring nevertheless that the signing in the two languages shall not be brought into precedent, nor in any way operate to the prejudice of either party.

Done at Paris the eighth day of Vendemaire of the ninth year of the French Republic, the thirtieth day of September, Anno Domini eighteen hundred.

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This convention to be in force for eight years.

AND WHEREAS, the Senate of the United States did by their resolution, on the 3d day of this present month of February, two thirds of the Senators then present concurring, consent to and advise the ratification of the said convention: Provided the second article be expunged, and that the following article be added or inserted: "It is agreed that the present convention shall be in force for the term of eight years from the time of the exchange of the ratifications."

NOW THEREFORE, I, John Adams, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the Convention and additional article above recited, do, in pursuance of the aforesaid advice and consent of the Senate of the said United States, by these presents accept, ratify and confirm the said Convention and additional article and every clause and article thereof, as the same are herein before set forth, saving and excepting the second article of the said Convention, which I hereby declare to be expunged and of no force or validity; and I do moreover hereby declare, that the said Convention, saving the second article as

gagner le port le plus voisin de l'Etat ou Prince duquel ils ont reçu leurs commissions.

ART. XXVI. Il est de plus convenu qu'aucune des deux parties contractantes non seulement ne recevra point de pirates dans ces ports, rades ou villes, et ne permettra pas qu'aucun de ses habitans les reçoive, protège, accueille ou recèle en aucune manière, mais encore livrera à un juste châtiment ceux de ses habitans qui seraient coupables de pareils faits ou délits. Les vaisseaux de ces pirates, ainsi que les effets et marchandises par eux pris et amenés dans les ports de l'une ou l'autre nation, seront saisis par tout où ils seront découverts et restitués à leurs propriétaires, agens ou facteurs duement autorisés par eux, après toutefois qu'ils auront prouvé devant les juges compétens le droit de proprieté. Que si les dits effets avaient passé, pavente, en d'autres mains, et que les acquéleurs fussent ou pussent être instruits ou soupçonnaient que les dits effets avaient été enlevês par des pirates, ils seront également restitués.

ART. XXVII. Aucune des deux nations ne viendra participer aux pêcheries de l'autre sur ses cotes, ni la troubler dans l'exercise des droits qu'elle a maintenant ou pourrait acquérir sur les cotes de Terre neuve, dans le golfe de St. Laurent, ou par tout ailleurs, sur les cotes d'Amêrique au nord des Etats-Unis; mais la pêche de la baleine et du veau marin sera libre pour les deux nations dans toutes les parties du monde. Cette convention sera ratifiée de part et d'autre en bonne et due forme et les ratifications seront êchangêes dans l'espace de six mois, ou plutot, s'il est possible.

En foi de quoi les plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signê les articles ci-dessus, tant en langue Française, qu'en langue Anglaise, et ils y ont apposé leurs sceau, déclarant néanmoins que la signature en deux langues ne sera point citée comme exemple, et ne préjudiciera à aucune des deux parties.

Fait à Paris, le huitième Jour de Vendémiaire de l'an neuf de la République Française et le trentième Jour de Septembre mil huit cent.

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APPROUVE la convention ci-dessus en tous et chacun des articles qui y sont contenus; déclare qu'elle est acceptée, ratifiée et confirmée et promet qu'elle sera inviolablement observée.

Le gouvernement des Etats-Unis ayant ajouté dans sa ratification que la convention sera en vigueur l'espace de huit années, et ayant omis l'article second, le gouvernement de la République Française consent à accepter, ratifier et confirmer la convention ci-dessus, avec l'addition portant que la convention sera en vigueur pendant l'espace de huit années, et avec le retranchement de l'article second: bien entendu que par ce retranchement les deux Etats renoncent aux prétentions respectives qui sont l'objet du dit article.

En foi de quoi sont données les présentes, signées, contre-signées, et scellées du grand sceau de la République.



aforesaid, and the said additional article, form together one instrument, and are a convention between the United States of America, and the French Republic, made by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof.

(L. S.)

In TESTIMONY whereof, I have caused the seal of the United
States of America to be hereto affixed.

GIVEN under my hand at the City of Washington, this 18th day of
February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
one, and of the Independence of the said States the twenty-fifth.


By the President,

JOHN MARSHALL, Acting as Secretary of State.

And whereas the said convention was on the other part ratified and confirmed by the First Consul of France in the form of which the following is a translation from the French language, to wit:

Bonaparte, First Consul, in the name of the French People-The consuls of the Republic, having seen and examined the Convention concluded, agreed to, and signed at Paris, the 8th Vendemiaire, 9th year of the French Republic, (30th September 1800) by the citizens Joseph Bonaparte, Fleurieu and Roederer, counsellors of state, in virtue of the full powers which have been given to them to this effect, with Messieurs Ellsworth, Davie, and Murray, ministers plenipotentiary of the United States, equally furnished with full powers, the tenor of which Convention follows:- [Here follows the Treaty.]

Approves the above Convention in all and each of the articles which are therein contained; declares that it is accepted, ratified and confirmed, and promises that it shall be inviolably observed.

The government of the United States having added in its ratification, that the Convention should be in force for the space of eight years, and having omitted the second article, the government of the French Republic consents to accept, ratify and confirm the above convention, with the addition importing that the Convention shall be in force for the space of eight years, and with the retrenchment of the second article: Provided that by this retrenchment the two States renounce the respective pretentions, which are the object of the said article.

IN FAITH whereof these presents are given. Signed, countersigned and sealed with the great seal of the Republic, at Paris, the twelfth Thermidor, ninth year of the Republic (31st July 1801.)

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Final ratifica

19. 1801.

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WHICH ratifications were duly exchanged at Paris on the 31st day tion December of July in the present year, and having been so exchanged were again submitted to the Senate of the United States, who on the 19th day of the present month resolved that they considered the said Convention as fully ratified, and returned the same to the President for the usual promulgation. Now THEREFORE to the end that the said convention may

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