Gambar halaman

Manner of

not under convoy.

the vessel, as also the name and dwelling of the master, which passport shall be made out in good and due form, shall be renewed as often as the vessel shall return into port, and shall be exhibited whensoever required, as well in the open sea as in port. But if the vessel be under convoy of one or more vessels of war, belonging to the neutral party, the simple declaration of the officer commanding the convoy, that the said vessel belongs to the party of which he is, shall be considered as establishing the fact, and shall relieve both parties from the trouble of further examination.

2. A charter-party; that is to say, the contract passed for the freight of the whole vessel or, the bills of lading given for the cargo in


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3. The list of the ship's company, containing an indication by name and in detail of the persons composing the crew of the vessel. These documents shall always be authenticated according to the forms established at the place, from which the vessel shall have sailed.

As their production ought to be exacted only, when one of the contracting parties shall be at war, and as their exhibition ought to have no other object than to prove the neutrality of the vessel, its cargo and company, they shall not be deemed absolutely necessary on board such vessels, belonging to the neutral party, as shall have sailed from its ports, before or within three months after the government shall have been informed of the state of war, in which the belligerent party shall be engaged. In the interval, in default of these specific documents, the neutrality of the vessel may be established by such other evidence, as the tribunals, authorised to judge of the case, may deem sufficient.


And to prevent entirely all disorder and violence, in such cases, it 18 visiting vessels stipulated, that when the vessels of the neutral party, sailing without convoy, shall be met by any vessel of war, public or private, of the other party, such vessel of war shall not send more than two or three men in their boat on board the said neutral vessel, to examine her passports and documents. And all persons belonging to any vessel of war, public or private, who shall molest or insult in any manner whatever, the people, vessels or effects of the other party, shall be responsible in their persons and property for damages and interest, sufficient security for which shall be given by all commanders of private armed vessels before they are commissioned.

Of embargoes.

Seizures, detentions and ar

rests to be made in due course of law only.


In times of war, or in cases of urgent necessity, when either of the contracting parties shall be obliged to lay a general embargo, either in all its ports, or in certain particular places, the vessels of the other party shall be subject to this measure, upon the same footing, as those of the most favoured nations, but without having the right to claim the exemption in their favour stipulated in the 16th article of the former treaty of 1785. But on the other hand the proprietors of the vessels which shall have been detained, whether for some military expedition, or for what other use soever, shall obtain from the government that shall have em ployed them, an equitable indemnity, as well for the freight as for the loss occasioned by the delay. And furthermore, in all cases of seizure, detention or arrest, for debts contracted or offences committed by any citizen or subject of the one party, within the jurisdiction of the other, the same shall be made and prosecuted by order and authority of law only, and according to the regular course of proceedings usual in such


navire, ainsi que le nom et le domicile du maitre. Ces passeports, qui seront expédiés en bonne et due forme, devront être renouvellés toutes les fois que le vaisseau retournera dans son port, et seront exhibés à chaque réquisition, tant en pleine mer, que dans le port. Mais si le navire se trouve sous le convoi d'un, ou de plusieurs vaisseaux de guerre, appartenants à la partie neutre, il suffira que l'officier commandant le convoi déclare que le navire est de son parti; moyennant quoi cette simple déclaration sera censée établir le fait et dispensera les deux parties de toute visite ultérieure.

2. De la Certe-partie, c'est à dire, du contrat passé pour le frêt de tout la navire, ou des connoissements, donnés pour la cargaison en général.

Et 3. Du rôle d'équipage, contenant l'indication nominale et détaillée des personnes, qui composent l'équipage du navire. Ces documents seront toujours expédiés dans la forme établie à l'endroit, d'où la navire aura mis à la voile.

Comme leur production ne doit être exigée, que dans le cas où l'une des parties contractantes seroit en guerre, et que leur exhibition ne doit avoir d'autre but, que de prouver la neutralité des vaisseaux, de leurs équipages et de leurs cargaisons, ils ne seront pas censés absolument nécessaires à bord des navires de la partie neutre, qui seront sortis de ses ports, avant, ou trois mois après, que le gouvernement aura eu connaissance de l'état de guerre où se trouve la partie belligérante. Pendant cet intervalle le naivre pourra, au défaut des documens ci-dessus spécifiés, prouver sa neutralité par tel autre témoignage, que les tribunaux, appellés à juger du cas, trouveront suffisans.


Pour prévenir entierèment tout désordre et toute violence en pareil cas, il a été stipulé, que lorsque les navires de la partie neutre, navigeant sans convoi, rencontreront quelque vaisseau de guerre, public ou particulier, de l'autre partie, le vaisseau de guerre n'enverra pas plus de deux ou trois hommes dans sa chaloupe à bord du navire neutre pour examiner les passeports et documents. Et toutes les personnes appartenantes à quelque vaisseau de guerre public ou particulier, qui molesteront ou insulteront en quelque manière que ce soit, l'équipage, les vaisseaux ou effets de l'autre partie, seront responsables en leurs personnes et en leurs biens, de tous dommages et intérêts, pour lesquels il sera donné caution suffisante par tous les commandans de vaisseaux armés en course, avant qu'ils reçoivent leurs commissions.


Dans les tems de guerre, et les cas de nécessité urgente, où l'une des parties contractantes se verroit obligée d'établir un embargo général, soit dans tous les ports de sa domination, soit dans certains ports particuliers, les vaisseaux de l'autre partie resteront assujettis à cette mésure, sur le même pied que le seront les navires des nations les plus avantagées, sans pouvoir réclamer l'exemption, qui avoit été stipulée en leur faveur dans l'article XVI de l'ancien traité de 1785. Mais d'un autre coté les propriétaires des vaisseaux, qui auront été retenus, soit pour quelque expédition militare, soit pour tel autre usage que ce soit, obtiendront du gouvernement qui les aura employés, une indemnité équitable, tant pour le frêt que pour les pertes occasionées par le retard.

De plus et dans tous les cas de saisie, de détention, ou d'arrêt, soit pour dettes contractées, ou offenses commises par quelque citoyen ou sujet de l'une des parties contractantes dans la jurisdiction de l'autre, on procédera uniquement par ordre, et par autorité de la justice, et suivant les voyes ordinaires en pareil cas usitées.

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If any vessel or effects of the neutral power be taken by an enemy of the other, or by a pirate, and retaken by the power at war, they shall be restored to the first proprietor, upon the conditions hereafter stipulated in the twenty-first article for cases of re-capture.


If the citizens or subjects of either party, in danger from tempests, pirates, enemies or other accident, shall take refuge with their vessels or effects, within the harbours or jurisdiction of the other, they shall be received, protected, and treated with humanity and kindness, and shall be permitted to furnish themselves, at reasonable prices, with all refreshments, provisions, and other things necessary for their sustenance, health and accommodation, and for the repair of their vessels.


The vessels of war, public and private, of both parties, shall carry freely, wheresoever they please, the vessels and effects taken from their enemies, without being obliged to pay any duties, charges, or fees to officers of admiralty, of the customs, or any others; nor shall such prizes be arrested, searched, or put under legal process, when they come to and enter the ports of the other party, but may freely be carried out again at any time by their captors to the places expressed in their commissions, which the commanding officer of such vessel shall be obliged to shew. But conformably to the treaties existing between the United States and Great Britain, no vessel, that shall have made a prize upon British subjects, shall have a right to shelter in the ports of the United States, but if forced therein by tempests, or any other danger, or accident of the sea, they shall be obliged to depart as soon as possible.

The subjects of one party shall not take letters of marque from the enemy of the other, &c.

Rules appli cable to the prosecution of

a common war.


No citizen or subject of either of the contracting parties shall take from any power with which the other may be at war, any commission or letter of marque, for arming any vessel to act as a privateer against the other, on pain of being punished as a pirate; nor shall either party hire, lend or give any part of its naval or military force to the enemy of the other, to aid them offensively or defensively against the other.


If the two contracting parties should be engaged in a war against a common enemy, the following points shall be observed between them.

1. If a vessel of one of the parties, taken by the enemy, shall, before being carried into a neutral or enemy's port, be retaken by a ship of war or privateer of the other, it shall, with the cargo, be restored to the first owners, for a compensation of one eighth part of the value of the said vessel and cargo, if the recapture be made by a public ship of war, and one sixth part, if made by a privateer.

2. The restitution in such cases shall be after due proof of property, and surety given for the part to which the recaptors are entitled.

3. The vessels of war, public and private, of the two parties, shall reciprocally be admitted with their prizes into the respective ports of each, but the said prizes shall not be discharged, or sold there, untill


S'il arrivoit que les batimens ou effets de la puissance neutre fussent pris par l'ennemie de l'autre, ou par un pirate et ensuite repris par la puissance en guerre ils seront restitués au premier propriétaire, aux conditions qui seront stipulées ci-après dans l'article XXI, pour les cas de reprise.


Lorsque les citoyens ou sujets de l'une des deux parties contractantes, seront forcés par des tempêtes, ou par la poursuite des corsaires ou vaisseaux ennemis, ou par quelqu' autre accident, à se réfugier avec leurs vaisseaux ou effets dans les havres, ou dans la juridiction de l'autre, ils seront reçus, protégés, et traités avec humanité et honnêteté. Il leur sera permis de se pourvoir à un prix raisonnable de rafraichissements, de provisions, et de toutes choses nécessaires, pour leur subsistance, santé et commodité, et pour la réparation de leurs vaisseaux.


Les vaisseaux de guerre publics et particuliers des deux parties contractantes pourront conduire en toute liberté partout où il leur plaira, les vaisseaux et effets, qu'ils auront pris sur leurs ennemis, sans être obligés de payer aucuns impôts, charges ou droits, aux officiers de l'amirauté, des douanes, ou autres. Ces prises ne pourront être non plus ni arrêtées, ni visitées, ni soumises à des procédures légales en entrant dans le port de l'autre partie, mais elles pourront en sortir librement, et être conduites en tout temps par le vaisseau preneur aux endroits portés par les commissions, dont l'officier commandant le dit vaisseau sera obligé de faire montre. Mais conformément aux Traités subsistans entre les Etats Unis et le Grande Bretagne, tout vaisseau qui aura fait une prise sur des sujets de cette dernière puissance, ne sauroit obtenir un droit d'asile dans les ports des Etats Unis, et s'il est forcé d'y rélâcher par des tempêtes ou quelque autre danger ou accident de mer, il sera obligé d'en repartir le plutôt possible.


Aucun citoyen ou sujet de l'une des deux parties contractantes n'acceptera d'une puissance avec laquelle l'autre pourroit être en guerre, commission, ni lettre de marque, pour armer en course contre cette dernière, sous peine d'être puni comme pirate. Et ni l'un ni l'autre des deux etats ne louera, prêtera ou donnera une partie de ses forces navales ou militaires, à l'ennemi de l'autre, pour l'aider à agir offensivement ou defensivement contre l'etat qui est en guerre.


S'il arrivoit que les deux parties contractantes fussent en mêmes tems en guerre contre un ennemie commun, on observera de part et d'autre les points suivans.

1. Lorsqu'un navire de l'une des deux nations sera repris par les vaisseaux de guerre ou armateurs de l'autre, avant d'avoir été conduit dans un port ennemi ou neutre, il sera restitué avec sa cargaison au premier propriétaire, moyennant une rétribution d'un huitième de la valeur du navire et de la cargaison, si la reprise a été faite par un vaisseau de guerre, et d'un sixième, si elle a été faite par un armateur.

2. Dans ces cas, la restitution n'aura lieu qu'après les preuves faites de la propriété, sous caution de la quote-part, qui en revient à ceux qui ont repris le navire.

3. Les vaisseaux de guerre publics et particuliers des deux parties contractantes seront adinis réciproquement avec leurs prises, dans les ports respectifs, cependant ces prises ne pourront y être déchargées, ni

The ships of war of one party shall protect

the vessels of the other.

Regulations for softening the effects of war between the two parties.

their legality shall have been decided according to the laws and regulations of the state to which the captor belongs, but by the judicatories of the place, into which the prize shall have been conducted.

4. It shall be free to each party to make such regulations as they shall judge necessary, for the conduct of their respective vessels of war, public and private, relative to the vessels, which they shall take, and carry into the ports of the two parties.


When the contracting parties shall have a common enemy, or shall both be neutral, the vessels of war of each shall upon all occasions take under their protection the vessels of the other going the same course, and shall defend such vessels as long as they hold the same course, against all force and violence, in the same manner as they ought to protect and defend vessels belonging to the party of which they are.


If war should arise between the two contracting parties, the merchants of either country, then residing in the other, shall be allowed to remain nine months, to collect their debts and settle their affairs, and may depart freely carrying off all their effects, without molestation or hindrance, and all women and children, scholars of every faculty, cultivators of the earth, artisans, manufacturers and fishermen, unarmed and inhabiting unfortified towns, villages or places, and in general all others, whose occupations are for the common subsistence and benefit of mankind, shall be allowed to continue their respective employments, and shall not be molested in their persons, nor shall their houses or goods be burnt, or otherwise destroyed, nor their fields wasted by the armed force of the enemy, into whose power, by the events of war, they may happen to fall; but if any thing is necessary to be taken from them for the use of such armed force, the same shall be paid for at a reasonable price.


And to prevent the destruction of prisoners of war, by sending them into distant and inclement countries, or by crouding them into close and noxious places, the two contracting parties solemnly pledge themselves to the world and to each other, that they will not adopt any such practice; that neither will send the prisoners, whom they may take from the other, into the East-Indies or any other parts of Asia or Africa, but they shall be placed in some parts of their dominions in Europe or America, in wholesome situations; that they shall not be confined in dungeons, prison-ships, nor prisons, nor be put into irons, nor bound, nor otherwise restrained in the use of their limbs, that the officers shall be enlarged on their paroles within convenient districts, and have comfortable quarters, and the common men be disposed in cantonments open and extensive enough for air and exercise, and lodged in barracks as roomly and good as are provided by the party in whose power they are, for their own troops; that the officers shall also be daily furnished by the party in whose power they are, with as many rations, and of the same articles and quality as are allowed by them, either in kind, or by commutation to officers of equal rank in their own army; and all others shall be daily furnished by them, with such ration as they shall allow to a common soldier in their own service; the value whereof shall be paid by the other party on a mutual adjustment of accounts for the subsistence of prisoners at the close of the war; and the said accounts shall not be mingled with or set off, against any others, nor the balances due

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