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mitted to the Board too late to be considered, and were left undisposed of. The sum of 2,026,139 dollars, decided by the Board, was a liquidated and ascertained debt due by Mexico to the claimants, and there was no justifiable reason for delaying its payment according to the terms of the Treaty. It was not, however, paid. Mexico applied for further indulgence; and, in that spirit of liberality and forbearance which has ever marked the policy of The United States towards that Republic, the request was granted; and on the 30th of January, 1843, a new Treaty was concluded. By this Treaty it was provided, that the interest due on the awards in favour of claimants under the Convention of the 11th of April, 1839, should be paid on the 30th of April, 1843; and that "the principal of the said awards, and the interest arising thereon, shall be paid in 5 years, in equal instalments every 3 months; the said term of 5 years to commence on the 30th day of April, 1843, as aforesaid." The interest due on the 30th day of April, 1843, and the 3 first of the 20 instalments have been paid. Seventeen of these instalments remain unpaid, 7 of which are now due.

The claims which were left undecided by the joint commission, amounting to more than 3,000,000 of dollars, together with other claims for spoliations on the property of our citizens, were subsequently presented to the Mexican Government for payment, and were so far recognized that a Treaty, provided for their examination and settlement by a joint commission, was concluded and signed at Mexico on the 20th day of November, 1843. This Treaty was ratified by The United States, with certain amendments, to which no just exception could have been taken; but it has not yet received the ratification of the Mexican Government. In the mean time, our citizens who suffered great losses, and some of whom have been reduced from affluence to bankruptcy, are without remedy, unless their rights be enforced by their Government. Such a continued and unprovoked series of wrongs could never have been tolerated by The United States, had they been committed by one of the principal nations of Europe. Mexico was, however, a neighbouring sister Republic, which, following our example, had achieved her independence, and for whose success and prosperity all our sympathies were early enlisted. The United States were the first to recognize her independence, and to receive her into the family of nations, and have ever been desirous of cultivating with her a good understanding. We have, therefore, borne the repeated wrongs she has committed, with great patience, in the hope that a returning sense of justice would ultimately guide her councils, and that we might, if possible, honorably avoid any hostile collision with her.

Without the previous authority of Congress, the Executive pos

sessed no power to adopt or enforce adequate remedies for the injuries we had suffered, or to do more than to be prepared to repel the threatened aggression on the part of Mexico. After our army and navy had remained on the frontier and coasts of Mexico for many weeks, without any hostile movement on her part, though her menaces were continued, I deemed it important to put an end, if possible, to this state of things. With this view, I caused steps to be taken, in the month of September last, to ascertain distinctly, and in an authentic form, what the designs of the Mexican Government were; whether it was their intention to declare war, or invade Texas, or whether they were disposed to adjust and settle in an amicable manner, the pending differences between the 2 countries. On the 9th of November an official answer was received, that the Mexican Government consented to renew the diplomatic relations which had been suspended in March last; and for that purpose were willing to accredit a Minister from The United States. With a sincere desire to preserve peace, and restore relations of good understanding between the 2 Republics, I waived all ceremony as to the manner of renewing diplomatic intercourse between them; and, assuming the initiative, on the 10th of November a distinguished citizen of Louisiana was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico, clothed with Full Powers to adjust, and definitively settle, all pending differences between the 2 countries, including those of boundary between Mexico and the State of Texas. The Minister appointed has set out on his mission, and is probably by this time near the Mexican capital. He has been instructed to bring the negotiation with which he is charged to a conclusion at the earliest practicable period; which, it is expected, will be in time to enable me to communicate the result to Congress during the present session. Until that result is known, I forbear to recommend to Congress such ulterior measures of redress for the wrongs and injuries we have so long borne, as it would have been proper to make had no such negotiation been instituted.

Congress appropriated, at the last session, the sum of 275,000 dollars for the payment of the April and July instalments of the Mexican indemnities for the year 1844: "Provided it shall be ascertained to the satisfaction of the American Government that said instalments have been paid by the Mexican Government to the agent appointed by The United States to receive the same, in such manner as to discharge all claim on the Mexican Government, and said agent to be delinquent in remitting the money to The United States."

The unsettled state of our relations with Mexico has involved this subject in much mystery. The first information, in an authentic form, from the agent of The United States, appointed under the Administration of my predecessor, was received at the State Department on

the 9th of November last. This is contained in a letter, dated the 17th of October, addressed by him to one of our citizens then in Mexico, with a view of having it communicated to that department. From this it appears that the agent, on the 20th of September, 1844, gave a receipt to the Treasury of Mexico for the amount of the April and July instalments of the indemnity. In the same communication, however, he asserts that he had not received a single dollar in cash; but that he holds such securities as warranted him at the time in giving the receipt, and entertains no doubt but that he will eventually obtain the money. As these instalments appear never to have been actually paid by the Government of Mexico to the agent, and as that Government has not therefore been released so as to discharge the claim, I do not feel myself warranted in directing payment to be made to the claimants out of the Treasury, without further legislation. Their case is, undoubtedly, one of much hardship; and it remains for Congress to decide whether any, and what, relief ought to be granted to them. Our Minister to Mexico has been instructed to ascertain the facts of the case from the Mexican Government, in an authentic and official form, and report the result with as little delay as possible.

My attention was early directed to the negotiation which, on the 4th of March last, I found pending at Washington between The United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the Oregon territory. Three several attempts had been previously made to settle the questions in dispute between the 2 countries, by negotiation, upon the principle of compromise; but each had proved unsuccessful.

These negotiations took place at London, in the years 1818, 1824, and 1826; the 2 first under the administration of Mr. Monroe, and the last under that of Mr. Adams. The negotiation of 1818 having failed to accomplish its object, resulted in the Convention of the 20th of October of that year. By the IIIrd Article of that Convention, it was "agreed, that any country that may be claimed by either party on the north-west coast of America, westward of the Stony Mountains, shall, together with its harbours, bays, and creeks, and the navigation of all rivers within the same, be free and open for the term of 10 years from the date of the signature of the present Convention, to the vessels, citizens, and subjects of the 2 Powers; it being well understood that this agreement is not to be construed to the prejudice of any claim which either of the 2 High Contracting Parties may have to any part of the said country, nor shall it be taken to affect the claims of any other Power or State to any part of the said country; the only object of the High Contracting Parties in that respect being to prevent disputes and differences among


The negotiation of 1824 was productive of no result, and the Convention of 1818 was left unchanged.

The negotiation of 1826, having also failed to effect an adjustment by compromise, resulted in the Convention of August the 6th, 1827, by which it was agreed to continue in force, for an indefinite period, the provisions of the IIIrd Article of the Convention of the 20th of October, 1818; and it was further provided, that "it shall be competent, however, to either of the Contracting Parties, in case either should think fit, at any time after the 20th of October, 1828, on giving due notice of 12 months to the other Contracting Party, to annul and abrogate this Convention; and it shall, in such case, be accordingly entirely annulled and abrogated after the expiration of the said term of notice." In these attempts to adjust the controversy, the parallel of the 49° of north latitude had been offered by The United States to Great Britain, and in those of 1818 and 1826, with a further concession of the free navigation of the Columbia river south of that latitude. The parallel of the 49° from the Rocky Mountains to its intersection with the north-easternmost branch of the Columbia, and thence down the channel of that river to the sea, had been offered by Great Britain, with an addition of a small detached territory north of the Columbia. Each of these propositions had been rejected by the parties respectively.

In October, 1843, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of The United States in London was authorized to make a similar offer to those made in 1818 and 1826. Thus stood the question, when the negotiation was shortly afterwards transferred to Washington; and on the 23rd of August, 1844, was formally opened, under the direction of my immediate predecessor. Like all the previous negotiations, it was based upon principles of "compromise;" and the avowed purpose of the parties was, "to treat of the respective claims of the 2 countries to the Oregon territory, with the view to establish a permanent boundary between them westward of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean." Accordingly, on the 26th of August, 1844, the British Plenipotentiary offered to divide the Oregon territory by the 49th parallel of north latitude, from the Rocky Mountains to the point of its intersection with the northeasternmost branch of the Columbia river, and thence down that river to the sea; leaving the free navigation of the river to be enjoyed in common by both parties, the country south of this line to belong to The United States, and that north of it to Great Britain. At the same time, he proposed, in addition to yield to The United States a detached territory, north of the Columbia, extending along the Pacific and the Straits of Fuca, from Bulfinch's harbour inclusive, to Hood's canal, and to make free to The United States any port or ports south

of latitude 49°, which they might desire, either on the main land, or on Quadra and Vancouver's Island. With the exception of the free ports, this was the same offer which had been made by the British, and rejected by the American Government, in the negotiation of 1826. This proposition was properly rejected by the American Plenipotentiary on the day it was submitted. This was the only proposition of compromise offered by the British Plenipotentiary. The proposition on the part of Great Britain having been rejected, the British Plenipotentiary requested that a proposal should be made by The United States for "an equitable adjustment of the question."

When I came into office, I found this to be the state of the negotiation. Though entertaining the settled conviction, that the British pretensions of title could not be maintained to any portion of the Oregon territory upon any principle of public law recognized by nations, yet, in deference to what had been done by my predecessors, and especially in consideration that propositions of compromise had been thrice made, by 2 preceding Administrations, to adjust the question on the parallel of 49°, and in two of them yielding to Great Britain the free navigation of the Columbia, and that the pending negotiation had been commenced on the basis of compromise, I deemed it to be my duty not abruptly to break it off. In consideration, too, that under the Conventions of 1818 and 1827, the citizens and subjects of the 2 Powers held a joint occupancy of the country, I was induced to make another effort to settle this long pending controversy in the spirit of moderation which had given birth to the renewed discussion. A proposition was accordingly made, which was rejected by the British Plenipotentiary, who, without submitting any other proposition, suffered the negotiation on his part to drop, expressing his trust that The United States would offer what he saw fit to call "some further proposal for the settlement of the Oregon question, more consistent with fairness and equity, and with the reasonable expectations of the British Government." The proposition thus offered and rejected repeated the offer of the parallel of 49° of north latitude, which had been made by 2 preceding Administrations, but without proposing to surrender to Great Britain, as they had done, the free navigation of the Columbia river. The right of any foreign Power to the free navigation of any of our rivers, through the heart of our country, was one which I was unwilling to concede. It also embraced a provision to make free to Great Britain any port or ports on the cap of Quadra and Vancouver's Island, south of this parallel. Had this been a new question, coming under discussion for the first time this proposition would not have been made. The extraordinary and wholly inadmissible demands of the British Government, and the rejection of the proposition made in deference alone to what had been

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