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Several case reports, all of which were interesting, were made. We are going to have a better society in the year 1916. Our next meeting will be held February 16th, 1916.

The subject for discussion at the next meeting is "Toxemias of Pregnancy," papers to be read by Drs. Ricketts, Keith and Marcum.

J. L. ANDERSON, Secretary.

Calloway The Calloway County Medical Society held is annual meeting Wednesday. December 8th, 1915, and the following named officers were elected:

C. H. Jones, President; W. G. Johnson, Vice President; W. H. Graves, Secretary and Treas


W. H. GRAVES, Secretary.

Caldwell-At the annual meeting of the Caldwell County Medical Society held in Princeton on Tuesday, December 14, 1915, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

J. M. Moore, of Princeton, President; W. P. Morse, of Farmersville, Vice President; W. L. Cash, of Princeton, Secretary and Treasurer; J. J. Spickard, of Fredonia, Delegate to the State Association; I. Z. Barber, of Princton, Alternate Delegate; P. R. Shelby, Princeton, Frank Walker, Farmersville, and C. J. Pollard, of Princeton, Censors.

Several communications were read by the Secretary and a general discussion of various topics followed. A motion to adjourn carried.

W. L. CASH, Secretary.

office of G. B.

Carter The Carter County Medical Society met in regular session at the O'Roark, December 14, 1915, in Grayson. The following members were present:

W. A. Horton, J. W. Stovall, G. B. O'Roark, H. B. Fraley.

In the absence of T. T. Boys, President, J. W. Stovall was made temporary chairman. On motion W. A. Horton was elected President for the year 1916; H. B. Fraley, Vice President; G. B. O'Roark, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Federal dope law was discussed by all members present, as also was the All Time Health Officers Bill.

Resolved, That the Carter County Medical Society heartily endorse the All Time Health Officers Bill, and request their State Senator and Representative to cast their vote for same.

The secretary was authorized to mail a copy of the resolutions to State Senator Stewart and Representative Gearheart.

The secretary read the Medico-Legal Report of the committee.

Other topics of interest were discussed. The meeting proved to be a very enjoyable and interesting one.

There being no further business, the society

adjourned to meet again the second Tuesday in January. G. B. O'ROARK, Secretary.

Carlisle The Carlisle County Medical Society met in the I. O. O. F. hall at 10 o'clock, and in the absence of the President, Dr. H. T. Couch was elected to preside. Elder Morris opened the meting with prayr.

The Committee on Arrangements reported that the hall had been provided for the meeting place and that dinner would be served at the Hotel Richardson. Report of Committee on Revision of Fees was deferred to afternoon session.

H. T. Crouch read a and Their Treatment. lowed by W. L. Mosby. Hocker, Payne, Burrow, opened the discussion, and closed by H. T. Crouch.

paper on "Colds, Causes J. T. Marshall and fol

D. S. Robertson failed to read a paper on "Scarlet Fever."

G. W. Payne read a paper on appendicitis after which society adjourned for dinner.

At 1 P. M. the society reconvened, President Gilliam in the chair, and the paper on "Appendicitis," was discussed by Drs. Masby, Marshall, Hocker, Peas, Crouch, Burrow, Payne closing.

Letter from Tuberculosis Commission read and discussed and a committee composed of the following was appointed to investigate and report at next meeting, J. T. Marshall, Mosby and Hocker, with the President and Secretary-elect.

Ex-member of the society, Dr. Lamkin was present and made a talk on his loyalty to the profession and society, stating that while he was not practicing law that he would not take a case for malpractice against a doctor, and the society extended him a vote of thanks for his expression of good will and loyalty.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

T. A. Peas, President; D. S. Robertson, Vice President; Wm. L. Mosby, Secretary; G. W. Payne, Treasurer.

The above officers were duly installed.

H. A. Gilliam read his presidential address, which was well received and will be printed in the Journal with other papers read at this meeting in proper order.

The secretary read a report of the Medico-Legal Committec in full and Dr. Mosby offered a resolution extending a vote of thanks for faithful and efficient work being done by the committee for the profession of the State, etc.

W. L. Mosby made motion to request each memher of our society to see personally and also to write a letter to our Representative and Senator to favor the Whole-Time Health Officer Bill, to come before our next legislature and Senate. Carried.

T. L. Lamkin made application for membership in the society, stating that he might never prac

tice medicine again but never in Bardwell at least, but a vote of the membership was unanimous that he was ineligible on account of "practicing law" and not being "engaged or going to engage in the practice of medicine." Drs. Crouch Payne and Mosby were appointed as a committee to inform the doctor as to the society's action in the matter.

W. L. Mosby read the report for the revision of fees and same was deferred for a special meeting to consider its adoption at a later time.

Claim of ninety-two cents was allowed Dr. Marshall for postage for two years. Crouch, Mosby, Payne, Marshall and non-members Drs. Gohlson, Lamkin and Burrows, Committee on Necrology Drs. Hocker, Couch and Marchall. Committee on Arrangements, Drs. Hocker, Jackson and Dunn.

Dr. Dunn was appointed on the Board of Censors for the term.

Arlington was selected as the place for the next meeting, March 7th, 1916.

The society then adjourned.

[blocks in formation]

A confidential report from the Medical Defense Committee was read and filed.

The secretary and treasurer reported $91.16 in the treasury, and he was re-elected.

The annual election of officers was held and resulted as follows:

President, George L. Barr; Vice President, John M. Clayton; Secretary and Treasurer, J. J. Rodman; Delegate, J. M. Stuart; Censor, W. L. Tyler.

Adjourned to take dinner at the Rotary Club Rooms, with the Owensboro Medical Society. Before leaving the dining table, Dr. W. F. Stirman read a very interesting paper on "The Necessity of an Early Diagnosis of Cancer." The paper was generally discussed. Adjourned to meet March 16th, 1916.

J. J. RODMAN, Secretary.

Fayette The Fayette County Medical Society at its annual election of officers December 14th, which was followed by a banquet, chose Charles A. Vance as president, to succeed J. C. Lewis. president; L. C. Rediron, secretary and treasurer; Other officers clected were L. C. Simmons, vice L. C. Redmon, delegate to State Association; R. Julian Estill, censor.

Greenup The Greenup County Medical Society held its monthly meeting at the office of H. T. Morris. Greenup. Society called to order by

the President, C. E. Vidt. Members present were, Drs. Vidt, Morris, Meadows, Franz, and Fitch.

M. W. Meadows gave talk on "Scarlet Fever," which proved very interesting. Discussed by H. T. Morris, W. S. Morris, Fitch, Vidt and in closing by Dr. Meadows.

The subject of "Diphtheria" was also brought up and freely discussed.

The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:

President, H. T. Morris; Vice President, M. W. Meadows; Secretary and Treasurer, C. E. Vidt. W. S. Morris, of Old Town, was taken into the society as a member. Next meeting at Fullerton, Thursday, January 6th. C. T. VIDT, Secretary.

Grant-The Grant County Medical Society met December 15, 1915, with the following members at the Carlsbad Hotel, Dry Ridge, Wednesday, present; J. F. Tomlin, A. V. Menefee, J. L. Price, J. J. Marshall, C. A. Eckler, W. B. Robinson, J. G. Renaker, A. D. Blaine, Chas F. Dale and C. M. Eckler.

The following officers were elected for the year 1916: J. G. Renaker, President; J. J. Marshall, Vice President; C. M. Eckler, Secretary and Treasurer; Chas. F. Dale, Delegate to the State Price, J. F. Tomlin, C. A. Tekler, Censors; A. V. Association; W. B. Robinson, Alternate; J. L. Menefee, Critic.

Charles F. Dale, formerly of Lexington, now of Dry Ridge, was elected to membership at this meeting.

This was a most excellent meeting and things look good for a substantial improvement over 1915.

C. M. ECKLER, Secretary.

Harlan The Harlan County Medical Society met December 4th and elected their officers as follows:

Arthur Jenkins, President; L. H. Boone, Vice President; E. M. Howard, Secretary and Treas


We had a very good meeting, several members present.

Wm. M. Martin read a paper on "Typhoid Fever," which subject was well dealt with and a very liberal discussion by the members following the reading of the paper.

E. M. HOWARD, Secretary.

Henderson-The Henderson County Medical Society met in annual business session at the Public Library building in Henderson, December 13th, 1915, President Neel in the chair.

Those present were, Drs. Neel, Dixon, Stone, Busby, Moseley, Dunn, Quinn, Letcher, Floyd, Ligon. The secretary, Dr. Ligon, was called away and Dr. Floyd acted as secretary.

The following officers were unanimously elected to serve for the year 1916:

President, J. C. Moseley, Henderson; Vice President, E. L. Busby, Zion; Secretary and Treasurer, Peyton Ligon, Henderson; Delegates, J. W. Stone, Henderson, Wm. M. Floyd, Henderson; Alternates, C. F. Negley, Zion, Geo. M. Royster, Smith Mills; Censor, M. C. Dunn, Henderson. James H. Letcher and Wm. M. Floyd were appointed to draft resolutions setting forth reasons for a Whole Time Health Officer. A copy of said resolutions to be sent to our Senator and Representative. A committee composed of Drs. Stone, Letcher and Dixon was selected to draft resolutions upon Dr. Vance, President of the State Medical Society.

PEYTON LIGON, Secretary.

Harrison The Harrison County Medical Society held the annual meeting at the Elks Home, December 6, 1915. Our attendance at this meeting including visitors, totaled twenty-five doctors. Our visitors were W. O. Bullock, Lexington, Daughtry, Orr, Stearns, and Varden, of Paris.

W. O. Bullock read a most excellent paper on "Surgery of Vascular System."

C. G. Daugherty reported an interesting case of "Congenital Dilatation of Colon."

The society voted unanimously on motion that the President appoint a committee to call on our representatives and urge them to support the Whole Time Health Officer Bill.

Election of officers resulted as follows: J. P. Wlyes, President; J. E. Wells, Vice President; W. B. Moore, Secretary; B. B. Petty, Treasurer; M. McDowell, Censor; W. H. Carr, Delegate.

The society adjourned to the dining room where an elegant lunch was served. Here two very pleasant hours were spent in listening to after-dinner speeches, jokes, etc. Then Dr. Givens read an original poem, which we trust he will send to the Journal for publication. Every one departed feeling that a good society is worth easily more than it costs to make it such.

W. B. MOORE, Secretary.

Hopkins The Hopkins County Medical Society met in regular session on December 2nd, in the county court room at Madisonville, with the President, Dr. Townes, in the chair. The following members were present: Drs. Bone, Harroldson, Strother, Sory, Johnson, Arnett, Corum, Veal, Thompson, Townes and Sisk.

A committee composed of Drs. Sory, Strother and Bone was appointed to prepare suitable resolutions asking our representative and senator to support the "Whole Time Health Officer Bill" in the next legislature.

A committee composed of Drs. Strother, Sory and Thompson was appointed to arrange a program for the year and ascertain from the mem

bership whether they will prepare a paper without fail. It is the intention of this committee to arrange for special talent from the outside in order to stimulate a better attendance this year. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

C. R. Morton, President; M. S. Veal, Vice President; A. O. Sisk, Secretary and Treasurer; I. J. Townes, Delegate; R. H. Harroldson, Alternate; A. L. Thompson, Censor.

A. O. SISK, Secretary.

Henderson-At the annual meeting of the Henderson County Medical Society, held December 13th, 1915, Dr. J. W. Stone, Dr. Arch Dixon and Dr. James H. Letcher were appointed a committee to draft resolutions on the death of Dr. Ap. Morgan Vance.

Your Committee beg leave to submit the following report:

Resolved, First, That by the death of Ap Morgan Vance the City of Louisville, the State of Kentucky and country at large, have sustained the loss of a great and good man.

Second, That, to the medical profession of Kentucky, most of whom knew, admired and loved him, the loss is an irreparable one.

Third, That he was honest, straightforward, capable and with a faculty for making others happy which had no superior and but few equals.

Fourth, That he stood as a beacon light to the younger surgeons of his home and State guiding them in their work, ever encouraging them by his glorious example to strive for higher efficiency, and greater endeavor in the work of saving the lives and alleviating the sufferings of his fellow men.

Fifth, That in his service as a citizen, apart from his splendid work in surgery, the new City Hospital, in Louisville, will ever stand as a monument to his memory, and those who occupy its wards will often whisper words of prayer for the rest of his soul, and speak words of gratitude to the memory of him who, perhaps more than any other made possible this splendid home for the relief of the sick and suffering.

Sixth, That in the homes of the poor Doctor Vance will be sadly missed, for in these homes, without the hope of fee or reward, with a firm hand and a big heart, and ample brain he ministered to their wants, healing their wounds and soothing their suffering,

"The well-beloved of all his peers,
But by the poor almost divine."

Seventh, That "His life was a life of sacrifice, of service, of success well won and worn worthily, living he did not lack for honor among his own people. Dead, his place with them will not soon be filled."

Eighth, That the Henderson County Medical Society, to the members of which Doctor Vance was well known, and to some of whom his death

was a personal loss, extend to his wife and family assurances of its deepest sympathy. spread these resolutions on a separate page in Ninth, That the Secretary be instructed to the records of the Society. And that a copy be sent to his wife, and to the Kentucky Medical Journal.



Jefferson-The following officers were elected by the Jefferson County Medical Society for the ensuing year of 1916:

J. Garland Sherrill, President; B. J. O'Connor, First Vice President; Oscar E. Bloch, Second Vice President; E. Owsley Grant, Secretary; Albro L. Parsons, Treasurer.

In the Judicial Council two new members elected to serve until 1918 were: Sidney J. Meyers and C. H. Harris.

Membership Committee-Chas. Farmer, Chairman; I. A. Arnold, Alex Griswold, Roy Carter. Program Committee-G. C. Forsee, Chairman; C. G. Arnold, Jno. Van D. Bedinger.

Clinical Cases and Specimens-J. B. Lukins, James Bruce.

Executive Committee Chas. Hibbitt, Chairman; Guy P. Grigsby, W. O. Doherty.

Library Board-Henry Rubel, Chairman; A. V. Griswold, P. F. Barbour, Lee Kahn, Henry Enos Tuley, Irving Lindenberger, Della Hertzch, Jno. J. Moren, Jos. W. Fowler, Mr. Geo. T. Settle, Supt. Louisville Public Library.

Taylor The Taylor County Medical Society met in annual session at the New Merchant's Hotel, December 16, 1915.

Present-O. M. Kelsay, S. H. Kelsay, O. R. Reesor, J. B. Buchanan, C. V. Hiestand, W. R. Elrod, E. L. Gowdy, and J. L. Atkinson.

Minutes of the October meeting read and approved. The society then read the report from the Medico-Legal Committe.

Officers for 1916 were elected as follows:

O. M. Kelsay, President; O. R. Reesor, Vice President; J. L. Atkinson, Secretary-Treasurer; C. V. Hiestand, Delegate; E. L. Gowdy, Alternate Delegate; W. R. Elrod, Censor.

On motion of Dr. Gowdy the society gave the secretary a vote of thanks for bis untiring work for the society as secretary.

The secretary expressed to the society his appreciation for their vote of thanks, and also for their loyal support and assistance in the good work being done by the society.

At this juncture supper was announced and the society repaired to the dining room where was found spread a most bountiful banquet prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins. The tables presented a beautiful, inviting and appetizing appearance,

[blocks in formation]

Laurel The Laurel County Medical Society met December 15, with the following members present: J. I. Smith, H. V. Pennington, Wm. Johnson, G. S. Brock, J. C. Johnson, J. A. Acton, O. D. Brock. Meeting was called to order by President J. I. Smith, and after reading of the minutes the society proceeded with the election of officers and the following were elected:

Wm. Johnson, President; G. W. Phillips, Vice President; 0. D. Brock, Secretary; G. S. Brock, H. V. Pennington, Censors.

J. C. Johnson, of the U. S. Public Health Service, gave us an interesting and instructive talk on "Trachoma," which was discussed by Drs. Johnson and Pennington.

The society then adjourned.

OSCAR D. BROCK, Secretary.

McCreary-The McCreary County Medical Society met at Stears at 10 A. M., in the office of W. R. Cundiff.

The following members were present: W. R. Cundiff, J. E. Harmon, H. W. Fitzpatrick, Reuben Smith, C. E. Cain and R. E. Sievers. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved as read.

Reports of cases were heards.

This being the day for the election of officers, the following men were elected by unanimous


W. R. Cundiff, President; H. W. Fitzpatrick, Vice President; R. C. Sievers, Secretary and Treasurer: J. E. Harmon, Delegate to the State

Medical Association; C. E. Cain, Reunben Smith, meeting: and J. E. Harmon, Censors.

It was regularly moved and seconded that the society extend its thanks to the secretary for his faithful work during the past year. Motion carried.

All those present paid their dues for next year. The program for next meeting was arranged as follows:

C. E. Cain, will read a paper on "Pneumonia in Adults."

P. C. Sanders will read a paper on "Spasmodic Croup."

M. A. Lenton will read a paper on "Pneumonia in Children.'

J. W. Stephenson, will read a paper on "Pneumonia in Adults."

By suggestion of Dr. Thompson it was decided to have no meeting in January.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned, until the first Monday night in W. J. WALTERS, Secretary.

W. C. Stephen, will read a paper on Pneumonia February, 1916. in Infants.'

H. W. Fitzpatrick will read a paper on "Diphtheria."

The society adjourned to meet again on the second Tuesday in January at 10 A. M.

R. C. SIEVERS, Secretary.

Mason-The Mason County Medical Society at its annual meeting elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

W. H. Taulbee, President; C. McGuire, Vice President; J. H. Samuel, Secretary; S. R. Hanover, Delegate; Joseph Browning, M. Pollock, A. R. Quigley, Censors.

J. H. SAMUEL, Secretary.

Perry The Perry County Medical Society met. in called meeting December 29th. The new officers for the year 1916 were elected as follows: President, Geo. Morgan; Vice President, M. C. Combs.

The matter of using 1 per cent silver nitrate in all new born babies' eyes was put before the house and unanimously adopted.

The second Monday in each month was voted to be the regular meeting day.

TAYLOR HURST, Secretary.

Pike The Pike County Medical Society met in the office of Judge H. H. Stallard, December 14, 1915, with the following members present: H. H. Stallard, J. W. Vicars, J. W. Stephenson, R. S. Johnson, M. A. Lenton, Z. A. Thompson, P. C. Sanders, and W. J. Walters, all of whom paid their dues. The following officers were elected for the year of 1916:

H. H. Stallard, President; M. A. Lenton, Vice President; W. J. Walters, Secretary and Treasurer. R. S. Johnson was elected Censor to fill out the unexpired term of Dr. Chrisbolt who had moved out of the county. J. W. Vicars was elected Censor for three years and until his successor is elected and qualified.

E. P. Walters, of Virgie and M. A. Moore, of McVeigh, were elected members of the society, their application and dues having been previous ly been received. On taking the vote it was unanimously decided to reinstate J. T. Deskins, when his dues were paid.

The following program was reported for next

Rockcastle The regular meeting of the Rockcastle County Medical Society was held in the Secretary's office, Thursday, December 9, 1915.

The petition of E. W. Walker, of Livingston, was accepted and he was made a member of the society.

A. G. Lovell and Walker Owen discussed the "All-Time Health Officer."'

The following resolutions were adopted:


1st. We favor the passage of a law requiring an All-Time Health Officer."

2nd. We urge the compliance of all physicians in reporting and sending in all statistics pertaining to contagious and infectious diseases immediately.

3rd. That each individual physician do all in his power to urge trachoma patients to attend one of the various trachoma hospitals.

The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:

President, A. G. Lovell, Mt. Vernon; Vive President, Walker Owens, Mt. Vernon; Secretary and Treasurer, Lee Chesnut, Mt. Vernon; Censors, W. E. Gravely, Broadhead, R. G. Webb, Livingston, R. H. Lewis, Wildie.

Meeting adjourned at 3 o'clock P. M., until next regular date, second Thursday in February, 1916.

LEE CHESNUT, Secretary.

Todd The Todd County Medical Society met. at Elkton, December 1st, 1915, for transaction of such business as might come before them. The house called to order by President C. M. Gower. Those present were, W. E. Bartlett, B. E. Bowen, T. W. Weathers, L. P. Trabue, R. L. Roll, J. L. Farmer, B. T. Esler, J. R. Crittenden, R. W. Frey. The seventh annual report of the MedicoLegal Committee was head and discussed at length. On motion of Dr. Weathers the Todd County Medical Society goes on record as favoring an All Time Health Officer. A committee composed of Drs. Weathers, Bartlett and Boone was appointed to draft said resolution and report


This being the regular annual business meeting the society proceeded to the election of officers

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