United States Official Postal Guide |
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Hasil 1-5 dari 77
Halaman 77
... Wayne ...... Ind Ada , Choctaw . Abington , Plymouth..Mass Abington , Colfax ..... Nebr Abington , Montgomery . Pa ... Wayne .... W. Va Adkinsville , Wayne .. W. Va Admah , Washington ... Nebr Adobetown , Madison..Mont Adrian ...
... Wayne ...... Ind Ada , Choctaw . Abington , Plymouth..Mass Abington , Colfax ..... Nebr Abington , Montgomery . Pa ... Wayne .... W. Va Adkinsville , Wayne .. W. Va Admah , Washington ... Nebr Adobetown , Madison..Mont Adrian ...
Halaman 78
... Wayne ...... Pa Alder , Union ......... Oreg Alder Branch , Anderson ... Alderbrook , Indepen- Albany ( c . h . ) , Dougherty.Ga Albany , Whitesides ...... Ill dence Tex ... Ark Albany , Delaware ...... Ind Alder Brook , Grafton.N . H ...
... Wayne ...... Pa Alder , Union ......... Oreg Alder Branch , Anderson ... Alderbrook , Indepen- Albany ( c . h . ) , Dougherty.Ga Albany , Whitesides ...... Ill dence Tex ... Ark Albany , Delaware ...... Ind Alder Brook , Grafton.N . H ...
Halaman 79
... Wayne . .N . Y Alton , Franklin ....... Ohio ..Pa . Ill Alton , McKean . Altona , Knox . Altona , De Kalb ....... Ind Altona , Mecosta ...... Mich ... Mo Altona , Bates . Altona , Clinton ... ..N . Y Alton Bay , Belknap ... N . H Alton ...
... Wayne . .N . Y Alton , Franklin ....... Ohio ..Pa . Ill Alton , McKean . Altona , Knox . Altona , De Kalb ....... Ind Altona , Mecosta ...... Mich ... Mo Altona , Bates . Altona , Clinton ... ..N . Y Alton Bay , Belknap ... N . H Alton ...
Halaman 80
... Wayne ... Ohio Cal Applegate , Placer .... Applegate , Jackson ... Oreg Apple Grove , Morgan ... Ala Apple Grove , Ashe .... N . C Apple Grove , Meigs .... Ohio Apple Grove , Louisa ..... Va Apple Grove , Mason . W. Va Apple River , Jo ...
... Wayne ... Ohio Cal Applegate , Placer .... Applegate , Jackson ... Oreg Apple Grove , Morgan ... Ala Apple Grove , Ashe .... N . C Apple Grove , Meigs .... Ohio Apple Grove , Louisa ..... Va Apple Grove , Mason . W. Va Apple River , Jo ...
Halaman 85
... Wayne ........ Mich Beech , Licking ...... Ohio Beech Bottom , Webster .... W. Va Beech Cliff , Allegheny .. Pa Beech Creek , Ashley .... Ark Beech Creek , Winn ..... La Beech Creek , Watauga.N.C Beech Creek , Clinton .... Pa Beech ...
... Wayne ........ Mich Beech , Licking ...... Ohio Beech Bottom , Webster .... W. Va Beech Cliff , Allegheny .. Pa Beech Creek , Ashley .... Ark Beech Creek , Winn ..... La Beech Creek , Watauga.N.C Beech Creek , Clinton .... Pa Beech ...
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
Istilah dan frasa umum
Adams Ashland Beaver Benton Berkshire Bluff Butler Caledonia Calhoun Carroll Cass Cedar Centre Centreville Cherokee Chester City c. h. Clair Clarke Clay Clinton Colo Columbia Conn Corners Crawford Creek Cross Roads Cumber Cumberland Delaware Depot East Erie Essex Fairfield Fayette Fond du Lac ford Fork Franklin Fulton gomery Green Grove Hamilton Hancock Hill Idaho ington Ionia Iowa Jackson Jefferson Kalb Kans Kent Knox Lake Lancaster land Lawrence Lebanon Lincoln Madison Marion Marshall Mass Mercer Middlesex Mills Minn Miss Monroe Mont Montgomery Morgan Mount Nebr North Ohio Orange Oreg Ottawa Perry Pike Pleasant Plymouth Polk Port Post Office postage postmaster Prairie Pulaski Randolph rence Richland Ridge River Rock Saint Shelby Somerset South Springs Station Store Tenn Union Utah Valley Vernon Warren Wash Washington Wayne West White Worcester York
Bagian yang populer
Halaman 65 - An Act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and for other purposes...
Halaman 14 - It must be formed of printed paper sheets, without board, cloth, leather, or other substantial binding, such as distinguish printed books for preservation from periodical publications.
Halaman 36 - Any article of correspondence may be registered. Packages of merchandise are subject to the regulations of either country to prevent violations of the revenue laws; must not be closed against inspection, and must be so wrapped and enclosed as to be easily examined.
Halaman 14 - That the rate of postage on newspapers, excepting weeklies, and periodicals not exceeding two ounces in weight, when the same are deposited in a letter-carrier office for delivery by its carriers, shall be uniform at one cent each; periodicals weighing more than two ounces shall be subject, when delivered by such carriers, to a postage of two cents each, and these rates shall be prepaid by stamps affixed.
Halaman 41 - Letters and sealed packages, or packages the wrappers of which cannot be removed without destroying them, which are supposed to contain articles liable to customs duties, and which are addressed to persons residing outside of the delivery of the United States exchange office where they were first received from abroad, shall be forwarded, without longer detention than twenty-four hours, to their respective destinations, marked ".supposed liable to customs duties...
Halaman 14 - SEC. 11. Publications of the second class except as provided in section twenty-five, when sent by the publisher thereof, and from the office of publication, including sample copies, or when sent from a news agency to actual subscribers thereto, or to other news agents, shall be entitled to transmission through the mails at two cents a pound or fraction thereof, such postage to be prepaid, as now provided by law.
Halaman 18 - ... written or printed card, circular, book, pamphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, where, or how, or of whom or by what means...
Halaman 17 - That mailable matter of the fourth class shall embrace all matter not embraced in the first, second, or third class, which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface, or otherwise damage the contents of the mail bag, or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service...
Halaman 5 - Divisions : Division of Finance. — The duty of issuing drafts and warrants in payment of balances reported by the Auditor to be due to mail contractors or other persons ; the superintendence of the collection of revenue at depository, draft, and depositing offices, and the accounts between the Department and the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers and special designated depositories of the United States.
Halaman 58 - ... or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service, may be transmitted in the mails when they conform to the following conditions: 1st, They must be placed in a bag, box, or removable envelope made of paper, cloth, or parchment 3d.