Milwaukee... Chicago, and points beyond, East, South and West 12-30,11-50 12-45, 8-30 Chicago and Milwaukee Railroad, Way - Racine, Kenosha, Waukegan, etc... Western Union Railroad and connections........ St. Paul Railroad and connections.. Milwaukee and Northern, and Wisconsin Central Grand Haven, D., & M. R. R... New Orleans Northern and Western States, Territories, Canada, via Jackson route. Panama, Acapulco, etc., three times a month... St. Louis..... Boston, Albany, Buffalo, New England, New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Springfield, St. Paul, Quin- Rock Island, Burlington, Davenport, Peoria, 1 5-30 3-30 9 9-30 11-30 10-30 Chillicothe, Kansas City, Salt Lake City, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico, St. Charles.. Points on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. ABBREVIATION OF NAMES OF STATES AND TERRITORIES, With Number of Offices June 1, 1879. Ala..... Alabama.......1,049 | Ky..... Kentucky......1,277 Oreg.... Oregon 357 Alaska...Alaska Ter.........2 La...... Louisiana........417 Pa...... Pennsylvania...3,330 Ariz..... Arizona Ter.72 Me..... Maine. Ark..... Arkansas Cal...... California. Colo.... Colorado Conn.... Connecticut Dak..... Dakota Ter. Del......Delaware... .834 .922 R. I.... Rhode Island.....110 815 Md.... Maryland.......668 Mass....Massachusetts....744 ..290 Mich... Michigan....... 1,314 .443 Minn... Minnesota. ..944 .268 Miss... Mississippi.....657 ...107 Mo.....Missouri........1,626 D. C.... Dist. of Columbia...6 Mont... Montana Ter.....120 Fla......Florida ..302 ..955 Nebr... Nebraska ......680 Ga...... Georgia ...114 Idaho.... Idaho Ter.........91 N. H... New Hampshire..455 1,609 N. Mex. New Mexico Ter..103 40,640 Ind. T... Indian Ter........68 N. Y... New York......2,914 Iowa....Iowa 1,465 Kans..... Kansas .1,377 N. C.... North Carolina..1,358 Increase since March 1, 630 EXPLANATIONS. The name of the office is given first, then the county, and last, the State or Territory. Those printed in italics, with a small c. h. in parenthesis, indicate the county seats. Those printed in italics, with a large C. H., also indicate the county seats, and the letters C. H. form a part of the name of the office. Albany, Nemaha......Kans | Alder Creek, Ouray....Colo | Alkire's Mills, Lewis. W.Va Albany (c. h.), Clinton.. Ky ford Pa Tex Minn Alberton, Coffee....... Ala Me Albion, Ashland...... Ohio Albion, Erie. Pa Wis Albion, Providence.... R. I Alabaster, Iosco...... Mich Alameda, Alameda...... Cal ....Fla Alamo, Montgomery.... Ind Alburgh, Grand Isle....Vt Alburgh Centre, Grand ..Vt Alburgh Springs, Grand Vt Alburtis, Lehigh........ Pa Alcatraz, San Francisco. Alchie, Halifax Alco, Stone. Alcona, Rooks. Alanthus Grove, Gentry.Mo Alcona, Alcona. Alcony, Miani. Tenn Alda, Hall. Alden, McHenry. Alden, Hardin... Alden, Freeborn. Alaska, Owen.......... Ind Alaska, Kent......... Mich Alaska, Kewaunee..... Wis Alba, Antrim.. ..Mich Alba, Fillmore. Alba, Jasper... Alba, Bradford.. Minn .Mo ..Pa Albade, Caldwell.......Tex Albany, Levy Fla Cal Va .. Ark Kans Iowa ..Minn .N. Y Alden, Erie. Alfred, Meigs. Mich Algansee, Branch.... Mich Wis Alden, Polk. Alderbrook, Indepen Albany (c. h.), Dougherty.Ga Tex ...Ark Albany, Delaware......Ind Alder Brook, Grafton.N. H Kans Ga Allaire, Monmouth....N.J Kans Va Va Allegheny, Allegheny...Pa Kean.. Pa Allen, Natchitoches.....La Allen, Allegany.......N. Y Allen, Cumberland...... Pa Tex Allen Creek, Oceana...Mich ...Ky Allendale, Ottawa.... Mich Allendale, Worth.......Mo Allendale, Bergen.....N. J Allendale, Jefferson...N.Y Allendale, Barnwell....S. C ........Ohio Allen's, Miami..... Allen's Creek, Monroe..Ind worth. ..Wis Allenwood, Monmouth N.J |