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DOCTOR RABUTEAU'S Dragees, Elixir and Syrup of Iron.

The numerous experiments made by the most distinguished practitioners of our days in France and America have demonstrated that Dr. Rabuteau's preparations of Iron are superior to all other chalybeates in the treatment of Chlorosis, Anemia, Debility, Exhaustion, Convalescence, Weakness of Children, and all diseases caused by a deterioration of the blood.

Dr. Rabuteau's Dragees (sugar coated pills) do not blacken the teeth, and are assimilated by the most delicate stomachs without causing constipation. Dose, 2 morning and evening, at meal time.

Dr. Rabuteau's Elixir is especially adapted to weak persons, whose digestive functions need strengthening or stimulating.

Dr. Rabuteau's Syrup is especially prepared for children, who take it readily because of its agreeable taste.

Prepared by CLIN & CO., Pharmacists, Paris.

Kirkwood's Inhaler.

This is the only complete, reliable and effective inhaler in use, arranged for the direct application of Muriate of Ammonia and other remedial agents in the state of vapor to the diseased parts of the air passages in the treatment of catarrh and diseases of the throat and lungs. No heat or warm liquids required in its use.

It is entirely different from the various frail, cheap instruments that have been introduced.

KIRKWOOD'S INHALER is accompanied by testimonials of the highest professional character, together with carefully prepared formulas for use.

Retail Price, complete, $5.00; Small size, $2.50.
A liberal discount allowed to the trade and profession.
For descriptive pamphlets, or other information, address


30 North Wiliam Street, New York.

Blancard's Pills


Blancard's Pills of Iodide of Iron are so scrupulously prepared, and so well made, that none other have acquired a so well deserved favor among physicians and pharmaceutists. Each pill, containing one grain of proto-iodide of iron, is covered with a finely pulverized iron, and covered with balsam of tolu. They are sold in bottles containing 50 and 100 pills. Dose, two to six pills a day. The genuine have a reactive silver seal attached to the lower part of the cork, and a green label on the wrapper, bearing the fac-simile of


the signature of

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Pharmacien, No. 40 Rue Bonaparte, Paris. without which none are genuine.



Medicated Globules.

The form of Globules is by far the most convenient as well as the most elegant form for administering liquid preparations or powders of unpleasant taste or odor. The following varieties are now offered:

Globules of Ether; Chloroform; Oil of Turpentine; Apiol;
Phosphorated Oil, containing 1-60th grain of Phosphorus;
Phosphorated Oil, containing 1-30th grain of Phosphorus;
Tar; Venice Turpentine; Copaiba; Copaiba & Tar;
Oleo-Resin of Cubebs; Balsam of Peru;

Oil of Eucalyptus; Cod Liver Oil; Rhubarb;
Bi-carb. of Soda, Sulph. Quinia, &c.

The superiority of these Globules over other forms consists in the ease with which they are taken, and in their ready solubility and hence promptness of action.

They are put up in bottles of 100 each.

For descriptive circulars and samples address,


30 North William Street, New York.

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Boudault's Pepsine

And Wine, Elixir, Syrup, Pills and Lozenges of Pepsine.

Since the introduction of Pepsine by Boudault, in 1854, BOUDAULT'S Pepsine has been and is still considered the MOST RELIABLE as is attested by the awards it has received at the Exhibitions of 1867, 1868, 1872, 1873, and in 1876 at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. Careful tests will enable any one to satisfy himself that BOUDAULT'S PEPSINE has a digestive power at least double that of the best Pepsines in the market, and that it is really the CHEAPEST. VIENNA, 1873.





It is sold in 1 oz., 8 oz., and 16 oz.,
bottles. Beware of so-called French
Pepsines bearing fictitious nan es.
Ask for and take only Boudault's.



E. FOUGERA & CO., Agents, New York.





contains from Three to Five times the Medicinal and
Nutritive Elements found in Extract of Malt.

MALTINE is a highly concentrated extract of malted Barley, Wheat and Oats, containing, undiminished and unimpaired, all the medicinal and nutritious principles found in these cereals. By the most carefully conducted scientific process we are enabled to offer to the medical profession a perfect article, possessing from three to fivetimes the therapeutic and nutritive merit of any foreign or domestic Extract of Malt.

In support of claims we invite the attention of the profession to the following points, viz.:

FIRST: In the manufacture of MALTINE the evaporation necessary to reduce it to its great density is conducted in vacuo, at a temperature ranging from 100° to 120° Fahr.; while most manufacturers of Extract of Malt resort to open pan" or low pressure steam boiling, by neither of which processes can the extract be so produced as to preserve the Diastase, Phosphates and Albuminoids on which its remedial value so greatly depends, and the product is either of a dark color or of a low specific gravity, possessing little virtue aside from the saccharine matter which it contains.*

SECOND: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium, are essential elements in the food of man, and it is only in MALTINE, containing the combined properties of Malted Barley, Wheat and Oats that all these principles can be found in the proper proportions; Extract of Malt made from Barley alone is wanting in some of the most important of these elements.

THIRD: Gluten is the most nutritious principle found in the cereals, and is the only vegetable substance which will, alone, support life for any great length of time. It is composed of three distinct nitrogenous principles, together with fatty and inorganic matters, and is analogous to animal fibrine. MALTINE contains twenty times the quantity of Gluten found in any Extract of Malt.

FOURTH: LIEBIG says "Wheat and Oats stand first among our list of cereals in combining all the elements in proportions necessary to support animal life. They are especially rich in muscular and fat producing elements." The only reason we use Malted Barley in the manufacture of MALTINE is that it contains larger proportions of mineral matters (bone producers), and Diastase. It is deficient in all other essential elements.

We believe that any practitioner will readily recognize the superiority of MALTINE, and would request a trial and comparison of merits with any article offered for similar uses.

**As a sure test for Diastase and the Albuminoids, a small quantity should be put in a test tube or small vial, largely diluted with water, and heated to the boiling point, when the Albumen, if present, will coagulate, and appear in little flocculent particles throughout the liquid. If the extract remains clear, it is proof that it has already been coagulated by excessive heat, and removed by filtration during the process of manufacturing. Any heat which will coagulate Albumen will inevitably destroy the digestive power of Diastase.


The Nitrogenous constituents of MALTINE have a composition identi-
cal with that of the chief constituents of the Blood, and therefore
contain nearly every element requisite for the
reproduction of the human body.


Can undoubtedly be used with greater success than any other remedy now known, in cases of general and nervous Debility, Indigestion, imperfect Nutrition and deficient Lactation; Pulmonary affections, such as Phthisis, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Irritation of the Mucous Membranes and difficult expectoration; Cholera Infantum and wasting diseases of children and adults; Convalescence from Fevers, and whenever it is necessary to increase the vital forces and build up the system.


MALTINE with Hops.

MALTINE, Ferrated:

This combination is specially indicated in Anemia and Chlorosis, and in all cases
of defective nutrition where Iron is deficient in the system.

MALTINE with Phosphates Iron and Quinia:
A powerful general and nutritive tonic.

MALTINE with Phos. Iron, Quinia and Strychnia:

A powerful nutritive, general and nervous tonic.

MALTINE with Hypophosphites:

This preparation is specially indicated in Phthisis, Rickets and deficient ossification. MALTINE with Pepsin and Pancreatine :

One of the most effective combinations in Dyspepsia, Cholera Infantum and all diseases resulting from imperfect nutrition. It contains three of the allimportant digestive agents, Diastase being one of the constituents of the MALTINE. We believe there are few cases of Dyspepsia which will not readily yield to the medicinal properties of the above combination, while the system is invigorated by its nutritive qualities.

MALTINE with Beef and Iron:

One of the most valuable combinations in cases of general Debility, when there is deficient nutrition and a deficiency of Iron in the system.

MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil:

The most perfect emulsion, and most agreeable and effective mode of administering this nauseous but valuable Oil yet discovered.

MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Phosphorus:

In this combination the Phosphorus has no irritant effect upon the stomach. MALTINE with Cod Liver Oil and Iodide of Iron:

This is prepared with the tasteless Iodide of Iron, which undergoes no chemical change from contact with the Oil, and does not blacken the teeth.

MALTINE with Alteratives:

In this preparation MALTINE is combined with the most valuable alteratives known, such as Iodides, Bromides and Chlorides, and will fully meet the requirements of the practitioners in Syphilis, Scrofula and all depraved conditions of the blood. Each fluid ounce contains: Chloride Calcium, 10 grains: Chloride Magnesium, 10 grains; Bromide Sodium, 5 grains; Iodide Potassium, 1 grain; Iodide Iron, 1⁄44 grain. DOSE, one teaspoonful to one tablespoonful. We also manufacture a perfectly prepared Exract of Malt from Barley only. MALTINE preparations are sold at the same prices as Extract of Malt and its combinations, and are put up in amber bottles holding sixteen fluid ounces; each bottle inclosed in a folding paper box. REED & CARNRICK,

Manufacturing Pharmacists,



In order to facilitate the introduction of the Metric system, as well as to furnish a convenient posological table, we have published a

Visiting List Dose Book,

In which the doses are given both in the metric and in the apothecaries' weights and measures. It is light, and neatly bound in flexible silk covers, so that it may be carried in the visiting list or pocket without inconvenience. This little book renders the use of the


Easy and attractive even to old practitioners. All physicians interested in the advancement of our science are urged to aid us in placing this little book in the hands of the profession, not only by sending for it themselves but by ordering it for their friends.


Sent Free on receipt of six cents in postage.

THE METRIC CLUB, 637 West Adams Street, Chicago.

Index Medicus,

A Monthly Classified Record of the Current Medical Literature of the World. Compiled under the Supervision of Dr. JOHN S BILLINGS, Surgeon U. S. A., and Dr. ROBERT FLETCHER, M.R.C.S.. Eng.

The INDEX MEDICUS will record the titles of all new publications in Medicine, Surgery, and the collateral branches, received during the preceding month. These will be classed under subject headings, and will be followed by the titles of valuable religious articles upon the same subject, found during the like period, in medical journals and transactions of medical societies. The periodicals thus indexed will comprise all current medical journals and transactions of value, so far as they can be obtained. At the close of each yearly volume a double index of authors and subjects will be added, forming a complete bibliography of medicine for the preceding year.

Few words are required to demonstrate the utility of the projected serial. In its pages the practitioner will find the titles of parallels for his anomalous cases, accounts of new remedies, and the latest methods in therapeutics. The teacher will observe what is being written or taught by the masters of his art in all countries. The author will be enabled to add the latest views and cases to his forthcoming work, or to discover where he has been anticipated by other writers, and the publishers of medical books and periodicals must necessarily profit by the publicity given to their productions.

The INDEX MEDICUS will be published monthly, beginning with January, 1879, to range with the leading medical journals, which it supplements as a current guide to all. The subscription price will be $3 per year, payable in advance. Prompt subscriptions in support of the enterprise are solicited. Prospectus and sample copies sent on application.

The addresses of probable subscribers are desired from the friends of the enterprise. F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, 37 Park Row, N. Y.

[P. O. Box, 4295.]


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