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For the Act creating this Department, see Session Laws of 1865.


Charles C. Pinckney, President.

Philip W. Engs, Treasurer.

Martin B. Brown.

Joshua G. Abbe.

Charles E. Gildersleve, Secretary.


Appointments and Discipline.
Commissioner Abbe, Chairman.

Buildings and Supplies.
Commissioner Brown, Chairman.

Apparatus and Hose.

Commissioner Engs, Chairman.

Finance and Telegraph.

Commissioner Pinckney, Chairman.




SEC. 1. The whole number of officers and members, to compose each Steam Fire-Engine and Hook and Ladder Company drawn by horses, is hereby fixed at twelve, as follows: Engine Companies-one Foreman, one Assistant Foreman, one Engineer of steamer, one Stoker, one Driver, and seven Fire men. Hook and Ladder Companies-One Foreman, one Assistant Foreman, one Driver, and nine Firemen.

The pay of the force is hereby fixed as follows-per annum : Chief Engineer, $3,000; Assistant, $2,000; District Engineers, $1,500; Foremen, $1,100; Assistant Foremen, $900; Engineers of steamers, $1,080; Stokers, Drivers, and Firemen, each $840; Superintendent of Telegraph, $1,800; Telegraph Operators, each $1,000; Battery Boy, $500; Lineman, $1,000; Bell-ringers, each $800.


§ 2. Uniform of the Commissioners, officers, and members of the Metropolitan Fire Department:


A blue cloth cap (navy style). A frock-coat made of navy-blue cloth, double-breasted, to button up close to the neck, with seven department regulation buttons of bronze metal on each breast, three on each skirt behind, and four on each sleeve at the cuff. A single-breasted vest made of the same material as coat, without collar, and eight regulation buttons. Pantaloons made of the same material as the coat. Surtout overcoats made of navy-blue pilot cloth, double-breasted, to button up close to the neck, with seven regulation buttons on each breast, three on each skirt behind, and four on each sleeve at the cuff.


That of the Chief Engineer shall be a red flannel shirt, made doublebreasted, with rolling collar; dark blue pilot-cloth fire coat, in length to reach to and not below the knee, with pantaloons of the same material; white fire-cap, of the present New York cone style, with gilt front, and a device upon it of a steam fire-engine, with the word Chief" in the arch above, and the initials of the wearer under; the device and lettering to be in black.


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The Assistant Engineer shall be uniformed in all respects same as the Chief Engineer, except substituting the word "Assistant" for Chief upon the cap front; the District Engineers shall also be the same in

every respect as the Chief and Assistant Engineer, except the cap front, the word " Engineer" only being placed in the arch above the device. The fatigue-cap shall be made of fine navy-blue cloth, eight-inch top, band one and one-half inch wide, quarters one and one-half inch high, front of solid patent leather bound, two and one-half inches wide at centre, chin-straps one-half inch wide with metal slides, lining of leather, to be sewed into the seam at top, and band welt in the top, and one in the bottom of the band. The device to be the words Chief, Assistant, or Engineer, as on the fire-cap, in block letters in a semicircle; letters "M. F. D." in Old English, under the title, to be embroidered in gold bullion, and placed in the centre of the front of the cap.


The uniform of the Foreman and Assistant of Engine Comparies shall consist of a dark blue flannel shirt, double-breasted, with rolling collar; dark blue pilot-cloth fire-coat, in length to reach to and not below the knee, with pants of the same material; black fire-caps of the present New York style, with white stitched fronts, and black letters; the letters "M. F. D." in the arch of the front, with the title of their position immediately underneath on a straight line, the number of the company to which they are attached in the centre, and the initials of the wearer at the bottom. That of Engineer of steamer, Stoker, and Driver, shall be the same in every respect, excepting the color of the cap front, which shall be on a black ground, and the letters in white. The Firemen's uniform shall be the same in all respects as the Engineer of steamer, Stoker, and Driver, excepting the title of their position shall be omitted.


The uniform of officers and members of Hook and Ladder Companies shall be the same in all respects as those of Engine Companies, excepting the cap front, the addition to which shall be à device of a hook and ladder crossed. The Driver's front shall be of a red ground, with white letters, lettered in the same manner as those of Engine Companies; the Firemen's fronts shall be of a red ground, with black letters.

The fatigue-cap shall be made of navy-blue cloth, eight-inch top, band one and a half inches wide, quarters one and a half inches high, front of solid patent leather bound, one and three-quarters inches wide at centre, with small white-metal slide, two chin-strap white-metal buttons, same as those worn upon the sleeve of the coat, and to be furnished in the same manner; lining of leather, to be sewed into the seam at top, and band welt in the top, and one in the bottom of the band. The device, a white-metal Maltese cross, with the appropriate emblems of the Department in the centre, the letters M. F. D." and the number (numerically) on the points, and placed in the centre of the front of the cap.

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The summer uniform coat of the officers and members of the Department shall be a sack coat made from dark blue flannel, without lining, short rolling collar, and no binding, three regulation buttons on breast, and two on each sleeve, medium length, reaching to the end of fingers when the arm is straight.


For the Chief, Assistant Engineer, and Engineer, officers and members of the force, white-metal buttons shall be furnished by the Department to each member of the force, and worn by them while in its employ, and for which a receipt shall be given at the time of delivery. The device upon the button is hereby designated to be the letters M. F. D., within a wreath. There shall be worn upon each breast of the coat five buttons, three on each side of the skirt behind, and three on each sleeve at the cuff.


§ 3. The Chief, Assistant Engineer, and District Engineers, the officers and members of the several Fire Companies composing the Metropolitan Fire Department, shall devote their entire time to the interests of the Department.

§ 4. The Chief Engineer shall have and exercise supreme command at all fires over the Engineers, officers, and members of the Department. He shall have charge of all supplies, and issue them to companies under direction of the Board. He shall locate all apparatus, and make a report thereof to the Board. He shall make a daily report of the number of men on duty and the condition of the several houses, apparatus, hose, horses, and harness, and see that proper discipline be observed by the officers and men; and his report shall state the supplies needed by each company under his command.

§ 5. The Assistant Engineer shall attend all fires in districts in which the Chief Engineer shall direct him to perform duty, and, in the absence of the Chief, shall perform the duties prescribed for that officer. He shall, under the Chief Engineer, act as superintendent of all mechanical business of the repair-shop and yard, and of the construction and repair of all apparatus ordered by the Board.

§ 6. The District Engineers, in the absence of the Chief and Assistant En ineer, shall have command at all fires occurring within the limits of such districts as the Chief may prescribe to each. They shall perform duty as Engineers in such sections as the Chief may designate, and in all districts other than their own shall act as subordinate to the Engineer of the district. They shall superintend all alterations or repairs to the houses of companies in their districts, and shall visit the same daily, and make a written report thereon to the Chief Engineer. They shall also

make a monthly report to the Chief Engineer of all fires attended by them, and any violation of the rules of the Department, or disobedience of orders, by. officers or members of the force.


§ 7. The Foremen of companies shall see that the apparatus committed to their care, and the several buildings in which the same is deposited, and all articles in or belonging to the same, are kept neat and clean, and in order for immediate use. They shall also preserve order and discipline at all times in their respective companies, and enforce a strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department and the orders of the Chief Engineer. They shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of the membership of their several companies, an account of all property intrusted to their care, and all absence from, or omission, or neglect of duty on the part of the men of their command, in a book provided for that purpose, which record shall be open to the inspection of the Engineer; and they shall present a copy of the same to the Board on the first day of each month.


§ 8. The Assistaut Foremen shall, in the absence of the Foremen, exercise the duties of those officers with full power.


§ 9. The Engineers of steamers shall, under the Foremen, have the care and management of the steam engines of their respective companies, and shall be held responsible that the same are in good order and ready at all times for immediate use.


§ 10. The Stokers shall, under the direction of the Engineer of steamer, assist in the care and cleanliness of the engine; they shall see that the engine is properly supplied with fuel, and perform such other duties as the Foremen may prescribe.


§ 11. The Drivers shall have the care and management of, and properly groom their horses; they shall keep the stable neat and clean, and have their horses at all times ready for immediate use, and, under the Foreman, convey the apparatus to the fire; and, in an Engine Company, one of the members shall be assigned by the Foreman to convey the tender to the fire. The exercise of horses belonging to the Department before engines, tenders, or hook and ladder trucks, is strictly prohibited. The manner of exercising shall be by walking the horses in the streets in the vicinity of the location of the apparatus.

Drivers will be held responsible for any damage caused by them, or carelessness displayed in conveying their apparatus to or from a fire.


§ 12. The members shall keep their houses and bedding clean and in

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