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powers, privileges and immunities which inhabitants of towns do or may by law enjoy.

cers-how noti

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any Justice of the Peace for said County is hereby authorized to issue his warrant to some inhabitant of said town, directing him to Meeting for the notify the inhabitants thereof to meet, at such time and choice of offiplace in said town as the said Justice may in said warrant fied. appoint, to choose such officers as towns in this State are empowered to choose at their annual meetings in March or April. And said notice shall be given by posting up attested copies of said warrant in two public places in said town fourteen days before the time appointed for said meeting.

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AN ACT to incorporate the Proprietors of the Eastport Academy.

Approved January 31, 1832.

sons incorporat

Privileges and

May take and

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Ichabod R. Chad- Names of perbourne and Lorenzo Sabine with their associates be and ed. they are hereby created a corporation by the name of the Proprietors of the Eastport Academy and by that name may sue and be sued and may have a common seal, and make any by-laws for the management of their concerns, not liabilities. repugnant to the laws of this State, and may take and hold by gift, grant, devise, bequest or otherwise any real or hold real or perpersonal estate, the annual income of which shall not exceed one thousand dollars and may give, grant, convey or lease the same, and may choose all officers necessary for the profitable management of their concerns, and for the usefulness and advancement of said Academy; Provided, Proviso. that the sole purpose of said corporation shall be to inculcate and diffuse useful knowledge.

sonal Estate.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That Ichabod R. Chad- First meeting→ by whom and bourne be authorized to fix the time and place of the first how called.


Powers granted


meeting of said corporation and give ten days notice thereof in some newspaper printed in Eastport.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the powers grantmay be changed by this Act may be annulled, restrained or enlarged at the pleasure of the Legislature.


Boundaries described.

Powers, privileges, &c.


AN ACT to incorporate the town of Princeton.

Approved February 3, 1832.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That the township numbered seventeen in the Eastern division in the County of Washington, bounded on the East by the town of Baileyville, on the North by the West branch of the St. Croix river, on the West by township numbered twenty one, and on the South by the town of Alexander, and the Southeast corner of said township numbered twenty one, with the inhabitants thereof be and hereby is incorporated into a town by the name of Princeton. And the inhabitants thereof are hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities which the inhabitants of towns within the State do or may by law enjoy.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any Justice of the Peace for said County is hereby empowered to issue his warrant, directed to any inhabitant of said town, requiring Meeting for the him to notify the inhabitants aforesaid to meet at the time cers-how noti- and place which said Justice in said warrant shall appoint, then and there to choose such officers as towns are authorized to choose at their annual meetings.

choice of offi

fied, &c.


AN ACT to incorporate the town of Jones' Port.

Approved February 3, 1832.


SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That so much of the town of Jonesborough in the County of Washington, as lies South and Southwest of the following described line, viz: Beginning at the Northwest corner of lot numbered nine on Indian river, thence running on the line dividing lots Eastwardly to the Southwest corner of lot numbered twelve on Whitneys creek at the head of Mason's bay. Thence in the nearest direction to the middle of said creek, thence down said creek and bay to the Northward of Dunns' Island in said bay, thence following the channel to the sea, be and the same hereby is set off from said town of Jonesborough and is hereby incorporated into a town by the name of Jones' Port, and the inhabitants thereof are hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities Powers, privilwhich the inhabitants of other towns within the State do or may by law enjoy.

eges, &c.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That all persons, who now are or hereafter may become chargeable as paupers, Paupers—how shall be considered as belonging to that town, on whose supported. territory they may have gained their legal settlement and shall be supported by the same. And said town of Jones' Port shall be holden to pay their proportion of the expenses incurred for the support of paupers actually chargeable upon the town of Jonesborough at the time of the passing of this Act. Said proportion is to be ascertained by reference to the last valuation of the town of Jonesborough.

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Ammunition, equipments, &c.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the ammunition, military equipments and camp equipage belonging to the town of Jonesborough at the time of the passing of this Act, shall be divided between said towns of Jonesborough-how divided. and Jones' Port in proportion to the number of persons enrolled in the militia in said towns respectively.


Taxes and debts -how paid.


SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That all taxes assessed by authority of the town of Jonesborough, which remain unpaid at the time of the passage of this Act, shall be paid into the respective treasuries of said towns of Jonesborough and Jones' Port in the proportions in which said assessments were made upon polls and estates pertaining to said towns respectively. And all debts due from said Jonesborough shall be paid by said towns in said proportions. And all personal property belonging to said Jonesborough and all moneys in the treasury thereof shall be divided between said towns in the same proportions. And all the Personal property, &c.-how funds arising at any time hereafter from the sales of the lands reserved for the use of the ministry and of the first settled minister and for schools shall be divided and owned equally by said towns of Jonesborough and Jones' Port.


Meeting for the choice of offi

cers-how notified.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any Justice of the Peace for said County is hereby authorized to issue his warrant, directed to some inhabitant of Jones' Port, requiring him to notify the inhabitants thereof to meet at the time and place which said Justice in said warrant shall appoint, for the purpose of choosing such officers as towns are empowered to choose at their annual meetings.

Boundaries described.


AN ACT to incorporate the town of Lee.

Approved February 3, 1832.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That the township numbered four in the County of Penobscot in the second range of townships East of Penobscot river and North of Bingham's Purchase, bounded on the West by the town of Lincoln, on the East by township numbered five in said second range, on the North by township numbered four of the river townships, on the South by township numbered three in the first range, with the inhabitants thereof, be

and the same hereby is incorporated into a town by the

name of Lee, and the inhabitants of said town are hereby Powers & privvested with all the rights, powers and immunities of other ilegea.

incorporated towns in this State.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any Justice of the

choice of offi

Peace for said County may issue his warrant to any inhabitant of said town, requiring him to notify the said inhabi- Meeting for the tants to meet at a time and place, designated in said war-cers-how callrant for the choice of such officers as towns are authorized to choose at their annual meetings.



AN ACT authorizing Barnabas Brackett to maintain a dam and slip in
Moose Brook.

Approved February 4, 1832.

authorized to

SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Barnabas Brackett B. Brackett of Denmark, in the County of Oxford, be, and hereby is, maintain a dam, authorized to maintain and keep in repair, a dam now &c. erected and owned by him, in and across Moose Brook, so called, a stream which empties into Saco River, in said town of Denmark, for the purpose of raising the water for For what the more conveniently transporting such logs, or timber, purpose. as the owner, or owners thereof, may be desirous to convey through said Moose Brook into Saco river: Provided, Proviso. the said Barnabas Brackett shall make and keep in good and constant repair, a good and sufficient sluice way, or slip, through the dam aforesaid, and open the same at all such times as the owners of any logs, or timber, may require for the passage of their timber through the same without any unreasonable delay.

shall receive toll

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of indemnifying the said Barnabas Brackett for keeping said Said Brackett works in repair, and constantly opening the slip when re- for all logs and quired, he shall receive a toll of four cents per thousand timber passing through his slip. feet, for all logs and timber passing through the same; the

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