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blind zeal for it in particular, to the exclusion of a due sense of the value of other sciences and pursuits. All knowledge that does not lead to error or immorality is useful and valuable; and without a great diversity of pursuits and inclinations, the business of mankind could not go on. Happy is he, who, in this stage of existence, can acquire the most knowledge, with the greatest degree of innocence; for, along with a good or a guilty conscience, it is the only thing we can take out of the world, and, consequently, is the most valuable thing we can find in it. At the same time, I must repeat, that natural history, being in itself of easy acquirement to a considerable extent, and without previous training; its facts being every where triumphantly illustrative of the wisdom of the Deity; its being adapted to all ages, and admirably so to the enquiring minds of youth; its capability of being studied without interfering with other business or pursuits; and, above all, its being the mirror in which we may, every day and every hour, see in all situations the reflected power, wisdom, and goodness of nature's God; it deserves to be more generally valued and more generally understood than it is.

To conclude: if you have now paid that attention to the letters which I have written,

and if they have made such an impression as I could wish, you will not abandon the path in which I have attempted to lead you. Depend upon it, you will always find the highest satisfaction in the pursuit of natural history, especially when in connection with natural religion. You are not in it catching at objects in the dark, stumbling into a pit here, and following a willo'-the-wisp there; there are no false lights here to mislead, no traps for the unwary, no impositions for the weak, and no temptations for the wicked; and in pursuing it your life may be one act of rational devotion, and, so far as pleasing occupation can avail, of happiness. Study the Almighty in every thing you can, and get at the truth of every thing as far as you can, but have nothing to do with disputes and controversies respecting things that are above human comprehension; for a man may fight about these for his whole life, and after all leave the world, possessed of very little wisdom, little honour, and less virtue. Search into the works of God with a resolution to find the truth as far as possible, but legitimate nothing as truth which you cannot, on a full and fair investigation, unquestionably and honestly acknowledge to yourself to be such. Consider

reward of your endeavours after knowledge, as your protection from the indulgence of vain and arrogant conceits, and from the equal chance of having your mind crushed to imbecility by childish, absurd, and superstitious fears. Think and study, as every man ought to do, for yourself; but let all your conclusions be satisfactory, if possible: if you see reason for uncertainty in any opinion or statement, neither reject nor embrace such, but keep it in retentis, till future observation or reflection shall bring the light of truth to bear sufficiently upon it; so that you can fairly say to yourself, "It is true, and I believe it;" or, "It is false, and I reject it." With this advice, then, I take leave of you for the present: following the practice I have all along inculcated, that of viewing the works of God in reference to himself, you must pursue the study of natural history, with the highest gratification, live as long as you may; and when your final hour arrives, you will have given proof, I doubt not, to your friends, that the remark of the venerable Bewick, "a good naturalist cannot be a bad man," has been fully verified in your past life; and I feel pretty certain that you will, at the approach of that natural termination to your present existence, not be alarmed that death shall put an end to

your study of the works of that God, who gave
you such opportunities of meditating on him
and them during your mortal being here. -

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