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[Council Min. VII.]

At a Council held at his Maties ffort in New Yorke the 9th of

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Peter Schuyler Esqrs
John Lawrence

Nich: Bayard His Excell: did Communicate intelligence from Albany with the examination of a ffrench prisoner wherein appears there is great preparacôn in Canida and a resolution of the Govern of Canida to reduce the five Nations this summer that all the men between fifteen & fifty in Canida are ordered to be in readinesse and that all the ffrench Indians & Ottawawaes are together & that they are to joyn the Dawaganhaes

His Excell. offered his opinion to march up 400 men to the Castle of Onondage to encourage and confirme the Indians.

The Council do approve thereof, but affirm the impossibility for want of money which is not to be had our neighbours having denyed assistance the Revenue lessened much by the decay of trade and great backwardnesse in bringing in the taxes

At a Council held at his Matys ffort in New Yorke the 27th of July 1696.

Present His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher &c.

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His Excell: did communicate a letter from Mr. Allyn of Connecticutt giving account of two ffrench men taken prisoners neere

the heads of their rivers and that they report there is 1000 ffrench & 2000 Indians marched against the five Nations.

Also a letter from Coll. Ingoldesby with a belt from Onondage bringing intelligence of a great body of ffrench & Indians on this. side Mount Reall on their march towards them 12 dayes aggo.

His Excell: desired the advice of the Council what is to be done offering his readynesse to march immediately to the frontiers in person and his opinion it were convenient to march up men for the frontiers that a body may be spared to go to Onondage to cover them and show our zeal for their preservacön which will give them encouragement.

It is the opinion of the Council that there being no assistance of men from the neighbouring Colonies and a small summe of money sent from Virginia and Maryland to assist in the many great charges this Province is put to upon the alarms of the enemy it being harvest time and many of the South of the Province. already listed to recruit the Companyes it will be very grievous to take the people from their labour and hardly possible there is likewise no money to answer the charge thereof Do therefore advise that a letter be wrote to the Indians to give them encouragement and to acquaint them the King of England has sent them some presents & desire them to be watchfull.

At a Council held at his Matys ffort in New Yorke the 31st day of July 1696.

Present his Excell: Benjamin Fletcher etc.

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His Excell: did communicate to the Council intelligence from the frontiers that the enemy are upon their march that the Indians of the five Nations have sent to call for assistance of Christian force and did expresse his readynesse to go to Albany

His Excell: did desire their opinion what is to be done being there's no money in the Goffers

It is the opinion of the Council that there may be men found upon the frontiers that upon encouragement will march to the

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