INDEX TO THE APPENDIX TO THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. remarks on the Indiana contested election remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, remarks on the tariff bill........354, 355, 356 Benjamín, Judah P., a Senator from Louisiana-i remarks on the Indiana senatorial election remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, 350, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358 Bennett, Hendley S., a Representative from Mis- sissippi, incidental remarks............258 Bennett, Henry, a Representative from New remarks relating to the charges of corruption in the case of Hon. William A. Gilbert, 266|| Benson, Samuel P., a Representative from Biggs, Asa, a Senator from North Carolina- remarks on the Pacific telegraph bill, 294, 298 Bigler, William, a Senator from Pennsylvania- remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, Bingham, John A., a Representative from Ohio- remarks on the President's message... .135 Bliss, Philemon, a Representative from Ohio- remarks on the President's message......145 remarks on the President's message......102 Bright, Jesse D., a Senator from Indiana- remarks on the Indiana contested-election case, 193, 195, 198, 203, 204, 206, 208, 213 remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, Brodhead, Richard, Jr., a Senator from Penn- remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, remarks on the tariff bill.... Brooks, Preston S., a Representative from South remarks on the President's message......108 Brown, Albert G., a Senator from Mississippi- Collamer, Jacob, a Senator from Vermont- remarks on the President's message........49 remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, 304, 306, 307, 314, 315, 318, 319 334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 347, 349, 356, 357 Corruption, remarks in the House relating to the charges of, in the case of William A. Gil- bert, by Mr. Bennett, of New York.....266 remarks on the tariff bill...... Crawford, Martin J., a Representative from Geor- remarks on the President's message........87 Crittenden, John J., a Senator from Kentucky- remarks on the Indiana senatorial election, 211 remarks on the Post Office appropriation bill, remarks on the tariff bill, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357 Clay, Clement C., a Senator from Alabama- remarks on the Pacific telegraph bill......298 remarks on the tariff bill............353, 356 Cumback, William, a Representative from In- Eustis, George, Jr., a Representative from Louis- || Indiana senatorial election, remarks in the Senate || Marshall, Humphrey, a Representative from iana- Kentucky- incidental remarks, 74, 89, 106,107,114, 145,249 remarks relating to the slavery question...258 remarks on the President's message......182 ginia-. ..47, 172 McQueen, John, a Representative from South ...171 .213 Millson, John S., a Representative from Vir- incidental remarks... Carolina- incidental remarks.. ginia- Mr. Hale... .194, 200, 201, 206, 212 remarks on the tariff bill... 222 Mr. Harlan. 209 ...39, 254 Mr. Thompson, of Kentucky....211, 213 remarks on the Brunswick naval depot bill, 270 incidental remarks...... remarks on the tariff bill....... N. .261, 277 Naval depot at Brunswick, remarks in the Sen- ate on the bill to establish a, by- Mr. Iverson.. .270 Navy, annual report of the Secretary of the..27 Ohio- remarks on the President's message........45 remarks on the Indiana senatorial election..203 0. Orr, James L., a Representative from South P. Paine, Robert T., a Representative from North Pensions, annual report of the Commissioner of..... .83 Perry, John J., a Representative from Maine- souri- incidental remarks.... .115 306, 307, 314, 315, 318, 319 .352 .271 Mr. Mallory.... |