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Man given to Lying. -Imperfect Laws. - Force opposed to Law. - Fugi-

tives from Service and Labor, their Extradition. Apprentices. - Sailors.

-Bound Laborers. - Claim upon them for Outlay, to be respected and

protected by all Civil Governments. Property-right to Labor-forces. -

Its Market Price. — Property-right of Parents to the Use of the Labor-

forces of their Children. — Bound Labor is Personal, Serfdom is Glebose.

Abolition Agitation is Glebose. Englishmen and Russians are Glebose. -

Territorial Feudal Rights. -Free Labor-force, increased by Migration.

-Gradually extending South. - Seigneurs. - Manor-born Subjects. -

Labor in Spain and Portugal and the Southern States. - Jamaica. — Few

real Free Men. Immense Number of Laws. - Europeans are Subjects

or Matter. Captain Ingraham. - Austrian Emperor. - English King in

the War of 1812. - English Abolitionism explained. — American Society

Africanized by Abolition of Slavery. - Duke of Southerland, - Property

in Man. Men of Property. - Loafers. — Hereditary Governments.

France. - Subordinate Races.-Difference between Monarchies and Re-

publics. — Industry of the Southern People. — Savage Men, their Training

by Industry. Manumission of Bound Laborers. - Serfs sold with Prop-

erty, and belong to it. -Judge Loring. - Travelling with Bound Servants.

- Africa no Place for Culturing their Savage Inhabitants. - -Not improved

by the Greeks and Romans. - Frenchmen. -Bound Labor is under Mu-

nicipal Government. A Bound Laborer is no Citizen. - Territories.

Missouri Line. - District of Columbia. — Fanaticism in Law-making. -

Party Press. - Boston Journal in favor of Constitutional Monarchy.-

Canadian Paper prognosticating the end of the Union. Nobility after

Abolition of Bound Labor. - King Bomba, Emperors of France, and

Austria, and Hayti. - Boston Notions. - American Women..

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