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B. Vaughan* to have been a daughter of Peter and Magdalene Valleau, and to have married one John Legaré. There being nothing available to confirm or deny this statement, future knowledge will have to determine its solution. The only known record bearing upon the subject is this baptism†: "May 20, 1780, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Legaré, born May 13, 1780." The relationship of this child and her father to the Elizabeth Valleau and John Legaré, just mentioned, and what became of them can only be conjectured; they are possibly descendants. She may have died young and unmarried, or, if an only child, and married, the name Legaré then becoming extinct. There was a John Legar (or Legaré), living in New York City, in 1776, who was a Loyalist, and who is mentioned in connection with the sketch of Fauconnier Valleau. He was, perhaps, related to the child baptised in 1780, and as an adherent of the Crown, he most likely left the States, with his family, and took up his residence in Canada, or elsewhere, during the general exodus of loyalists in 1783.

These few deductions relating to Elizabeth Valleau are all that can be made from the meagre information obtained. The founder of the Legaré family, and the only one of the name in the Colonies, was François L'Egaré, a jeweler of Lyons, France, and a Huguenot, who, with his wife and family, fled from there to Bristol, England, where they were naturalized in 1682. He, and his wife Anne, and two sons, Daniel James and Stephen John, were admitted into the Colony of Massachusetts, in 1691, and settled at Braintree, Suffolk County. The oldest son, Francis Solomon, first settled with the French Colony at Narragansett, R. I., but afterwards removed to Charleston, S. C., where he died in 1760, aged 98 years. Francis Solomon was the ancestor of Hugh Swinton Legaré, the Attorney-General of President Tyler's Cabinet. At the present day his descendants are very numerous in the South. There was born at Braintree, Mass., on October 3, 1709, John, son of Daniel and Ruth Legaré, but how he was related to those of the name John, referred to in this article, is unknown, and as no descendants of his branch have been discovered, nothing further can be said of the Northern branch of the Legaré family in connection with the Valleaux.

The Valleau Family

The nature of the information procured regarding the Valleaux necessitates the division of this article into two sections, giving accounts of them in France‡ and America respectively. In accordance with the design of this work, the line desired and sought for is that of Pierre Valleau, who married Madeleine, daughter of Pierre Fauconnier.


Wherein is incorporated the results of a research in France, as follows:

Antoine Valleau

Is the first member of the family of whom anything is known. He was an inhabitant of Geneva, Switzerland, and received, December 6, 1563, with one Jacques Bernard, from Laurent de Normandie, printer, 17 casks and 4 bales of books, to be conveyed, sold and distributed in the provinces of France. This

* A granddaughter of Marguerite Valleau.

† Baptism recorded at Trinity Church, New York City. From "Archives De La Noblesse."

transaction probably related to the dissemination of his faith, he being a Huguenot. No further knowledge of him has been obtained.

Gabriel Valleau

Born in 1595, merchant at the Isle de Ré*;died at the Isle de Ré, September 9, 1668. There assisted at his burial Jean Valleau, his son, merchant at La Flotte, and Gabriel Garnier, his son-in-law, also merchant at La Flotte. His three children


1. Jean Valleau

Who married Marthe Meschain, and had:

I. Marthe Valleau, married at the age of 21, May 28, 1684, André Veillon, son of Hillaire and Jeanne Guilbot.

II. Gabriel Valleau, born March 8, 1668, at La Flotte. Godfather: Gabriel Garnier. Godmother: Judith Papin, wife of David Rey.


III. Servas Valleau, born September 23, 1669.

2. Catherine Valleau

Born in 1624; married Gabriel Garnier, merchant at St. Martin; died May 11,

3. Etienne Valleau

Witness at the death of his sister Catharine, May 11, 1682.

The first of the line of Pierre Valleau, of whom any record could be found, was Esaïe Valleau, his grandfather, whose parentage and ancestry are unknown. It is a matter of regret that the investigator was unable to go farther back than this, and discover the time and place of origin of the Valleau family; but the failure was unavoidable, owing to a loss of records of the Isle de Ré, by an incendiary fire of the 19th and 20th of January, 1891, and otherwise. This Esaïe Valleau, born about 1608, was the Sieur de la Prée,† and, in his time, his family and connections were seated in the Isle de Ré and vicinity. Esaïe Valleau, Sieur de la Prée, died before 1674. He married, first, Michelle Parcot, and had seven children, viz: Esaïe, Etienne, Anne, Jean, Marie, Magdelaine, Pierre; and, secondly, Marie Sorré, of Loix, by whom he had two children, Charles and Marie.

Children and Grandchildren of Esaie Valleau, Sieur de la Prée

1. Esaïe (Isaiah) Valleau

Born in 1638, merchant at St. Martin; married Suzanne Descard,‡ daughter of Jean Descard, Captain of the Marine,§ (and Marie Dumas), deceased, July 18, 1671, at the age of 75 years; died at New Rochelle (America), in 1713. Esaïe Valleau was present, February 2, 1670, at the marriage of Pierre Jouneau, his cousingerman,|| son of Pierre Jouneau and Rachel Valleau, deceased, and on April 11, 1671, with Jean Descard, merchant at St. Martin, at the burial of Jean Brat, cooper, aged 33 years, his cousin-german by marriage on the maternal side, and with the same, July 19, 1671, at the burial of Marie Dumas, widow of Jean Descard, Captain of

*The Isle de Ré lies off the west coast of France.

† Sieur means Lord. La Prée was a portion of the Isle de Ré, situated on its southeast side, and had a fort of the same name. St. Martin and La Flotte are towns in this section of the island. Also written Descart or Descartes.

§ Naval service.

First cousin.

the Marine, living at St. Martin. The 4th of June, 1672, Esaïe Valleau assisted with his brother, Jean Valleau, at the burial of their sister, Anne Valleau, aged 28 years, wife of Etienne Bernard.

Esaïe Valleau and his wife, Suzanne Descard, were among those religious fugitives who left the Kingdom at the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.* They left behind them: six pounds, six acres of salt marshes in the Isle .de Ré; a tun (20 hundredweight) of Wine of Rhante due Villeneau and Margotteau, of La Flotte; twenty pounds of rent due Mathurin Molleau. His household goods and effects were sold, and the proceeds delivered to his creditors, according to the valuations and exceptions made by them. Charles Valleau, his half-brother, and wife, Anne Brigaud, also had their goods sold, and fled at the same time.

Esaïe Valleau and Suzanne Descard had seven children, the names and records of only four of them, Jean, Marie, Etienne, and Paul, being sent from France. Their three other children were Isaiah, Peter and Suzanne, born in France, accounts of whom, drawn from the records in America, are given in the second section of this article. The son Peter (Pierre) was present, January 11, 1681, with Moïse Brun, at the burial of their uncle, Jean Descard, aged 52 years, merchant at St. Martin, and also at the burial, January 19, 1681, of Rachel Regrény, widow of their uncle, Jean Descard.

The records of the four from France are as follows:

I. Jean Valleau, born February 28, 1668, at St. Martin; baptised the 4th of March following. Godfather: Pierre Valleau, merchant at St. Martin; Godmother: Judith Gauvaing, wife of the Sieur Jean Valleau.

II. Marie Valleau, born September 18, 1669, at St. Martin, and baptised the 6th of October following. Godfather: Grégoire Gougeon; Godmother: Marie Gautreau, wife of Samuel Guérineau. She died October 29, 1670; present at her burial: Jean Valleau, merchant at St. Martin, her uncle.

III. Etienne Valleau, born January 25, 1671. Godfather: Etienne Bernard, merchant; Godmother: Sara Bauldouyn.

IV. Paul Valleau, born June 9, 1672, baptised the 12th. Godfather: Paul Delaporte, merchant; Godmother: Dame Rachel Regrény, wife of Jean Descard.

2. Etienne (Stephen) Valleau

Merchant at La Flotte, Isle de Ré, married Esther Villier; was present the 4th of June, 1671, at the marriage of Estienne Bouyneau, his cousin-german; the 27th of September, 1671, was godfather with Judith Meschin, also of La Flotte, of Judith Rigaud, daughter of Jérémie and Jeanne Coutourier. He left in 1682 for England, and in 1686 for New York, after having sojourned at the islands of St. Christopher and Martinique, West Indies. He had a number of children, of whom accounts of but three, Gabriel, Pierre and Jacques, are from France. The names of his children by his second wife, Mary, are given in the second section of this article.

The records of the three from France are as follows:

I. Gabriel Valleau, born in 1657, married, November 19, 1680, Marthe Distillemau, daughter of the late David Distillemau, and Elisabeth Baudry (St. Martin). They had a daughter, who died the day of her birth.

II. Pierre Valleau, born in 1659, married, August 21, 1684, Elisabeth Sallé, daughter of Jean Sallé, and the late Claude Martin (St. Martin).

* October 18, 1685.

III. Jacques Valleau, born November 5, 1670. Godfather: Pierre Fleurisson, Master Surgeon; Godmother: Dame Jeanne Bonneau.

3. Anne Valleau

Born in 1644; married Etienne Bernard. She died at St. Martin, where her husband was a merchant, June 2, 1672, and left a son, Nathaniel Bernard, who was born October 1, 1668, and baptised the 7th. Godfather: Esaïe Valleau,


4. Jean Valleau

Merchant at St. Martin, married Judith Gauvaing. He was godfather, September 27, 1671, with Judith Meschin, both dwelling at La Flotte, of Judith Rigaud, daughter of Jérémie and Jeanne Coutourier, of La Flotte. They had six children, viz.:

I. Jean Valleau, born in 1666; died February 22, 1675; witness: Esaïe Valleau, his uncle.

II. Esaïe Valleau, born January 17, 1668. Godfather: Grégoire Gougeon; Godmother: Françoise Gauvaing.

III. Judith Valleau, born November 6, 1669. Godfather: Jean Gauvaing; Godmother: Anne Valleau, wife of Etienne Bernard. Died July 12, 1676; witnesses: Esaïe and Pierre Valleau.

IV. Marie Valleau, born May 16, 1676. Godfather: Pierre Valleau, merchant; Godmother: Marie Gauvaing, widow of Pierre Jouneau (La Flotte); died the 27th of the same month; present, Grigoire Gougeon and Esaïe Valleau, her uncles.

V. Judith Valleau, born November 10, 1677. Godfather: Servas France, merchant; Godmother: Magdelaine Gauvaing, wife of Etienne Richard.

VI. Jean Valleau, born February 4, 1682. Godfather: Jacques du Prat, merchant (La Flotte); Godmother: Marie Valleau, wife of Grégoire Gougeon.

5. Marie Valleau

Wife of Grégoire Gougeon, had seven children, viz.:

I. Jean Gougeon, died September 15, 1669, aged seven years.

II. Nicholas Gougeon, born January 16, 1669; died the 3d of October following.

III. Esaïe Gougeon, born January 2, 1671. Godfather: Pierre Valleau, his uncle; Godmother: Jean Gougeon, his aunt. He died January 9, 1671; present at his burial: Jean and Esaïe Valleau, merchants at St. Martin, his maternal uncles. IV. Judith Gougeon, born February 17, 1672; died December 16, 1679. V. Suzanne Gougeon, born May 20, 1674; died July 1, 1676. VI. Suzanne Gougeon, born February 6, 1678.

VII. Jean Gougeon, born October 9, 1679. Godfather: Jean Bounyau, merchant (La Flotte); Godmother: Françoise Valleau, wife of Jacques Mestayer.

6. Magdelaine Valleau

Wife of Paul Delaporte, had two children, viz.:

I. Madeleine Delaporte, died April 17, 1670, at the age of six years; present

at her burial: Etienne Jouneau, her uncle.

II. Paul Delaporte, born June 13, 1670, at St. Martin. Godfather: Jacques Métayer; Godmother: Suzanne de la Porte, his aunt.

7. Pierre Valleau

Born in 1649; married, November 25, 1674, Elisabeth Jouneau, born in 1654, daughter of Etienne Jouneau and Elisabeth Valleau, dwelling at La Flotte (Isle de Ré); having for witnesses: his brothers Esaïe and Jean, dwelling at St. Martin; Jouneau, father; Abraham Jouneau, uncle, living at La Flotte. Six children, viz.: I. Elisabeth Valleau, born August 28, 1675. Godfather: Etienne Jouneau; Godmother: Marie Valleau, wife of Grégoire Gougeon.

II. Marie Valleau, born January 16, 1677. Godfather: Jean Valleau; Godmother: Elisabeth Valleau, wife of Etienne Jouneau, merchant at La Flotte; died April 4, 1677; witnesses: Jean and Esaïe Valleau, brothers, her paternal uncles. III. Pierre Valleau, born in 1679; died September 20, 1680; witnesses: Grégoire Gougeon and Jean Valleau, his uncles.

IV. Magdelaine Valleau, born June 26, 1682. Godfather: Grégoire Gougeon; Godmother: Marguerite Valleau, wife of Paul de la Porte.

V. A son, born March 1, 1684; died the same day; witnesses: Pierre Valleau, father; and Grégoire Gougeon.

VI. Pierre Valleau, born April 22, 1685. Godfather: Estienne Jouneau, merchant; Godmother: Marie Gougeon.

8. Charles Valleau

Merchant cooper, married Anne Brigaud,* living at Loix. Six children, viz.: I. Anne Valleau, born May 7, 1673. Godfather: Isaac Veillon, merchant; Godmother: Marie Valleau, living at Loix.

II. Esaïe Valleau, born June 29, 1674. Godfather: Valleau, father; Godmother: Jeanne Toné, of Loix.

III. Charles Valleau, born December 7, 1675. Godfather: Estienne Gaborin; Godmother: Madeleine Til, of St. Martin.

IV. Estienne Valleau, born May 14, 1677. Godfather: Estienne Martin, merchant; Godmother: Marie-Anne Perrocheau, wife of Louis Morin.

V. Marie Valleau, born September 12, 1678. Godfather: Jean Lambert, merchant; Godmother: Marie Beuvier, wife of Jean Duport.

VI. Jacques Valleau, born March 8, 1680. Godfather: Jacques Boutet, the younger, merchant at St. Martin; Godmother: Marie Cauveron, of Loix.

9. Marie Valleau

Born in 1655; married, January 22, 1676, Paul Garaudeau, merchant at Loix. One child, viz.:

I. Paul Garaudeau, born August 25, 1677. Godfather: Isaac Veillon; Godmother: Jeanne Prou, wife of Jacques Cauvior.

The records of the four sisters of Esaïe Valleau, Sieur de la Prée, are as follows:

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Wife of Pierre Jouneau. Both died before 1670. Their son Pierre, a merchant at La Flotte, married Marie Guérineau, February 2, 1670; present at the marriage: Esaïe Valleau, cousin-german of the bridegroom.

* Vol. 7. “Hug. So. of London," Register of French Church, St. Patrick, Dublin, Ireland, has the following: "Burial 1685-La femme de Charles Vallot-le 25 Juin a esté enterée par Mr. Rossel au cimitiere des francois, la femme de Charles Vallot, decedée le."

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