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Ayer, J.C. & co., Lowell, Mass

Presented to the Library by Ayer Co.
Ayer's Hair Vigor.



دوقتور آيرك آريقان صاح سوبى صاحك دوكاسنى منع ایدر پارلادر و چوغالدر آغار مش اولان صا چنری کندی اصل رنکنه كتيروب دوکاش اولان براره ده چوق دفعه صاح كثيرر دو كلسنى منع ايتك وجوغا اتمق ایچون هفته ده ایکی دفعه چالت اله مفسرین ، اچی اوجه اسلا تملی

صاتيلور باشلوم دکانلرنده بولنور

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օքիւլմէսինի սաչլարը քէն լէրէ տէ չօզ


Մինասեանըն արընտա տա

σεως αὐτῆς: τὰς ἀδυνάτους αὐτὰς ἀφθόνως, ἐπαναφέρει εἰς Η πρώτην αὐτ ακράς κεφαλάς, шоу та ройца,


Лѣковна-та вода отъ Д-ръ Ейръ дѣйствува върху жлѣзы-тѣ въ черепъть на главж-тж благотворно, спира паданіе-то на костж, и прави іж да расте и да става гжста, мека и лъскава. Тя още има силж-тж да повърне младенческж-тж краскж на сивжт косж, и понѣкога помага, когато коса-та е окапала, да порасте изново. Тя не оставя леке на главж-тж или по дрехы-тѣ, защото не съдържа нито масло НИТО

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C", притѣжатели-тѣ градъ) и настоятелиговонны нѣща.

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YER'S ALMANAC was first published in 1852. It was then printed only in English, but now appears also in French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Welsh, and Bohemian, in numerous editions adapted to local use in various portions of the globe. Specimen copies of a part of these editions are presented in this volume. The yearly issue varies from thirteen to fourteen millions of copies - more by many millions annually than any other almanac or calendar in the world. While it is the almanac of largest circulation, we take pride in believing it to be, also, the best of its kind. On account of the accuracy of its astronomical matter, it is used in many schools as a text book, being specially supplied by us, on request, for that purpose. Authors of astronomical works commend it. The compiler of Holbrook's "Teacher's Manual" suggests its use in following the phases of the moon by the aid of a lunarian, and states that he has "found Ayer's Almanac most exact and minute; quite on a par with the Nautical Almanac published by the U. S. Government." To the same effect writes Lt. Chas. A. L. Totten, U. S. A., of the Cathedral School of St. Paul, Garden City, L. I.: Having frequent occasion," he says, "in the pursuit of my studies, for reference to almanacs of accuracy and complete data, I find none so reliable as your publications. Ayer's Almanac gives more astronomical information than any other." Lecturers on Astronomy make large use of our issues for distribution among their audiences, and clubs have been formed and now exist for the special purpose of a practical study of its fund of scientific information. It is thus a worthy advertiser of Dr. Ayer's Standard Family Medicines; remedies which are likewise the most widely known and the best before the public.


The printing of Ayer's Almanacs and other pamphlets, together with wrappers, labels, &c., has heretofore required the constant use on our premises of eight large presses, consuming, for the Almanac alone, nearly three tons of paper per day. A recent addition to our appliances is a machine by which a hundred thousand almanacs are printed and folded, ready for the binder, daily. To do this, the machine turns off at the rate of a hundred and eighty books a minute, consuming about twenty-five miles of paper a day! At each revolution of its two plate-cylinders

the machine prints four books of 32 pages each-and these may be, and often are, each in a different language. The paper, of a width of 411⁄2 inches, is fed from rolls weighing about six hundreds pounds each. Ten rolls per day are required for this machine. A simple mechanical device registers the number of almanacs printed, while an extra cylinder, with proper roller attachments, prints a red line at the foot of the pages as the paper passes to the cutting-cylinders to be separated into sheets before folding. The marginal line may be in any color, and is printed without loss of time or additional expense, except for the ink used. This extraordinary piece of mechanism was constructed by Messrs. Walter Scott & Co., of Plainfield, N. J., and is justly regarded by experts as a triumph of mechanical skill and ingenuity.

A large allowance for future growth is thus provided for, as the machine above mentioned is alone capable of producing - with a fair margin for stoppages twenty-six millions of books per annum. In addition to the Almanac, we issue forty millions of circulars, annually, in English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese, besides pamphlets, in twenty languages, specimens of which are presented in this volume.

Those who would do themselves and their neighbors a service should send for a supply of "Ayer's Book of Emergencies" for free distribution. It is a handsome illustrated pamphlet which tells what to do in case of accident just as well as the books which cost fifty cents or a dollar. Address,

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