Gambar halaman
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8. gr. hel. lat. S.; ¶.

7 50 A.
7 59 M.
Sun Sun Moon
C's pl. rises. sets.
Const. h. m. h. m. h.

5 53 6 15 7

5 52 6 16
5 516 16
5 50 6 17


[blocks in formation]

Sun Sun Moon rises. sets.. sets. m.m.h. m. h. m. h. m.

545 546 14 7 6

58 3 5

8 50 35

536 14 7 57

53 6 15 8 48

9 42 3 5

526 15 9 39 516 15 10 29

5 49 6 17 10 33 35
5 486 17 11 24 25 506

Venus in Aries. 12h. 30m. Day's length.

15 11 19

12h. 26m.

7 Su Capture of Tantia Topee, 1859. 8 Mo 9 Tu st.; 860. Bacon d. 1626. 10 We oh. Rajah of Coorg deposed, 1834. 11 Th Terrible earthquake in Tibet, 1870. 12 Fri Abyssinian captives released, 1868. |13| Sat War. Hastings Gov. of Bengal, 1772.5 426 19 3 59 0 5 456 17 3 58 15) Palm Sunday. Mars in Aries. 12h. 39m. Day's length. 12h. 33m.

M5 47 6 17 morn| 2 |5 496 15 morn AM5 466 18 0 15 25 496 16 0 9 *5 456 18) 1 3115 48 6 16 0 58

14 Suh stat. Princess Beatrice b. 1857. 15 Mo

16 Tu

446 18 1 50 15 476 16 1 46 5 436 18 2 36 15 466 16 2 32 5 426 19 3 18 15 456 16 3 16

5 41 6 20 4 391 6. Sir J. Cl. Ross b. 1800.5 406 20 rises 16. Pessach. Buffon d. 1788.5 39 6 20 6 53

[blocks in formation]

17 We 18, Coggia's comet discovered, 1874. 5 386 21 7 57 15 416 17 7 55 perig. Tantia Topee hanged, 1859.5 38 6 21 9

18 Th

19 Fri Good Friday. Banda taken, 1858. 20 Sat 64. Charles Darwin d. 1882.

16) Easter Sunday.

5 37 6 22 10 5 366 22 11 Jupiter in Sagittarius. 12h. 47m.

215 416 18 8 58 715 406 18 10 2 11 39 6 18 11 5 Day's length. 12h. 40m. 18 morn 5 346 23 0 10 25 38 6 19 0 5 5 346 23 1 525 376 19 1 1

21 Su. Insurrection at Bareilly, 1816.5 356 22 morn|15 38 6

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24 We 4 stat. Daniel Defoe d. 1731. [1795.5 33 6 24 1 54 2 5

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Master: "John, how is this? This letter must have arrived a week ago, and you have only just given it to me." Valet: "But, sir, it only makes an appointment for to-morrow, and I did n't think it necessary to hand it to you before."

At a French Restaurant :-"Here, waiter, it seems to me this turbot is not quite as fresh as the one you had last Sunday." "Pardon ! Monsieur, it's the very same.' After all, this world is a dangerous placevery few ever get out of it alive.

"Say. I've got the hiccoughs. Frighten me, won't you." "Lend me a five?" "Thanks, it's all over now."

To invigorate the system after illness, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, this is, in fact, a

symptom of the curative process. In addition to the taking of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, the following local applications and dressings are recommended: To angry and inflamed swellings, apply a poultice of slippery elm bark and water (or of slippery elm bark and hop tea, instead of water) and bathe the swellings carefully with a solution of five grains of iodine and twenty grains of iodide of potash in one pint of water, or with a strong infusion of walnut leaves. Ulcers should be sponged with hot water, but not rubbed or irritated. If the peculiar fungus growth or excrescence called "proud flesh " appears, apply burnt alum. Chronic ulcers should be touched on their edges, every week or ten days, with lunar caustic, to remove the products of suppuration. When inflammation subsides, dress the ulcers with simple cerate or glycerine, to which a drop or two of carbolic acid has been added. WHITE SWELLING is a scrofulous affection which causes suppuration around the joints, and leads to tubercular consumption. It must be treated, like any other development of Scrofula, with AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, and local applications, if required, should be made, as already prescribed. When Scrofula is of long standing, and has made serious inroads upon the system, it cannot be expected that cure will be immediate; but the case must be very far advanced toward hopelessness in which the good effects of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA will not be so speedily apparent as to encourage persistence in its use until the patient has been restored to health.


I inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused derangement of my whole system. After taking less than four bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I am entirely cured, and for the past year have not found it necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health than ever before. OSCAR A. WILLARD, 218 Tremont st., Boston, Mass.

Six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me of a very badly ulcerated leg. HENRY A. ALFORD, Weratah, Tasmania.

I heartily recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to all who are suffering with Scrofulous Humors. I was afflicted for years, and tried every remedy available, with no effect, until your Sarsaparilla was recommended. After using two bottles, I found great relief, and am now in good health. E. M. HOWARD, Newport, N. H.

From my infancy I was afflicted with Scrofula. The doctors pronounced my case incurable, and were of the opinion that Consumption, induced by scrofulous poison in the blood, would terminate my life. About five years ago I had become so debilitated that to do a day's work was an impossibility. I was completely discouraged, when a friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I bought one bottle, took the Sarsaparilla regularly, and began to improve at once. Continuing the treatment, I was permanently cured-taking less than one dozen bottles in


The virulent sores, which had eaten through my neck in a number of places, rapidly healed, and my strength gradually increased, S. K. CHASE, with I. M. Chase, Provision until I became a vigorous man, as I am to-day. Dealer, 253 Merrimack street, Lowell, Mass.

PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, HUMORS, BOILS, SORES, CARBUNCLES, SALT-RHEUM, RING WORM, SCALD-HEAD, ECZEMA, ERYSIPELAS, and other cutaneous diseases are, primarily, the result of nature's efforts to throw off blood impurities. Through the failure of the excretory organs to relieve the circulation, effete and poisonous matters accumulate in the blood, and are deposited from time to time in various parts of the system. These cause the development of specific maladies, according to location, constitutional tenden cies, and other conditions variously affecting different individuals. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA is peculiarly efficacious in the treatment of such com. plaints. It stimulates the assimilative and excretory organs, cleanses and vitalizes the blood, and promotes the insensible perspiration of the body, by means of which impurities are carried' away from the system. It must be taken until

every indication of the affection has disappeared. Directions accompany each bottle. During the course of treatment regularity of the bowels should be maintained by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Local applications may also be recommended in some cases. Thus, the annoyance of pimples and eruptions on the face may be mitigated by using a wash composed of five grains oxymuriate of mercury (corrosive sublimate) dissolved in eight ounces of rose-water, applied once a day. (The bottle containing this lotion should be kept out of the reach of small children. It should be labeled, PoISON: For External Use Only.) For Erysipelas, Ringworm, and Tetter, bathe the affected parts with a solution of two grains iodide of potash in one ounce of water, or apply an ointment of ten grains of iodide of potash to one ounce of lard; and for Salt-Rheum, an ointment of red oxide of mercury (red precipitate), applied with caution, is beneficial. In all cases, however, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA must be employed to eradicate the disease from the blood. There is no other. medicine so effective for this purpose.

Cutaneous or Skin Diseases.

I have great faith in the virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Two bottles completely cured my child of Eczema. The case had baffled all the local physicians. It is a great remedy. O. B. ANDERSON, Chraneville, Mo., July 17, 1886.

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8 We

8. John Stuart Mill d. 1873.
Tramway in Bombay, 1874.

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Sun Sun Moon rises. sets. sets.

m. m. h. m. h. m. h.


15 276 26 7 341315 326 21 7 31 8 26 3 5 326 22 8 22

18 3 5 316 22 9 13

935 316 23 10

5 276 27

5 266 27 9
5 26 6 28 10


Venus in Aries.

13h. 3m.

Day's length.

12h. 53m.

3 5 30 6

23 10 53

[blocks in formation]

5 Su | 65; . Napoleon I. d. 1821. M5 25,6 28 10 58 6 Mo Capt. Gardner's treaty with Zulus, '35. M 5 246 28 11 45 7 Tu oh. Lord Brougham d. 1868. 5 246 29 morn 5 236 29 0 30 45 296 24 0 26 5 236 30 1 13 45 28 6 25 1 10 5 226 30 1 53 45 28 6 25 1 51 5 226 30 2 33 4 5 286 25 Mars in Taurus. 13h. 10m. Day's length. 3 12| 4 |15 276 26 3 52 4 5 276 26

2 32

9 Th

10 Fri Mutiny at Meerut, 1857.

11 Sat gr. hel. lat. N. Delhi massacre, '57. 19) 3d Sunday after Easter.

12h. 59m.

[blocks in formation]

17 Fri Lord Mornington Gov.-Gen. 1798.
18 Sat 64; . Riel captured, 1885.5 19 6 34 10

20) 4th Sunday after Easter. Jupiter in Sagittarius. 13h. 16m.

19 Su Bassein stormed by British, 1852. 20 Mo 9 stat. Capture of Chanda, 1818.

56 45 25 6 27
0 4 5 25 6 28 9 55

Day's length. 13h. 4m.

5 186 3410 59|4 |5 246 28 10 54 5 186 35 11 52 45 246 28 11 48

21 Tu New Zealand procl. British col. 1840.5 186 35 morn 45 246 28 morn

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

26 Su6«. Nepaul embassy in Eng. 1850. 5 166 37 3
27 Mo Calvin d. 1564. Gen. Anson d. 1857.5 166 38 3
28 Tu Cable between Suez and Aden, 1859.5
29 We

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Bobby: Mamma, I have eaten my cake all up, and Charlie has n't touched his yet. Won't you make him share with me, so as to teach him to be generous ?"

"Oh! George, I 've just read" --and her sobs they grew stronger-"the sun's heat can last but ten million years longer; my crazy quilt, George "-her tears fell undiminished "Oh! the sun will give out before ever it's finished!"

It am powerful easy to discriminate between a wise man an' a fanatic. De wise man belongs to your party; de fanatic, to de opposishun.

15 6 38 4 19 3 5 226 31 4 25 5 156 39 sets 35 226 32 sets 5 156 39 7 13 3 5 226 32 7 9 5 156 39 8 4 3 5 226 32 7 59

Young Artist: "Well, Charley, what do you think I ought to get for this painting?" Charley: "Six months."

Minister (to boy, digging for worms): "Little boy, don't you know that it is wrong to work on Sunday, except in case of necessity?" Boy: "This is a case of necessity. A feller can't go fishin' 'thout bait."

On the rolling deep - First Passenger: "Well, old boy, what 's up this afternoon?" Second Passenger: "All but the soup.'

[ocr errors][merged small]

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Until recently, of the disease. The successful treatment of

my face has been covered with Pimples ever since I was fifteen years old. I took four bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and my skin became as fair as could be desired. ALICE E. CHARLES, Bath, Me.

No medicine could be better adapted to cleansing the blood of impurities than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have used it for the cure of Pimples, Blotches, and Ulcers, with the most gratifying results. J. R. ROSEBERRY, Wharton, Texas, Oct. 20, 1886.

For months I was troubled with Salt-Rheum. At times my hands would crack open, bleed, and itch terribly, causing great suffering. I tried various remedies, but received no benefit until I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Four bottles of this Mrs. T. P. CUSHING, 87

medicine cured me. Suffolk st., Chelsea, Mass.

Boils and Carbuncles. Last May a large Carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had no effect, and my condition became quite alarming. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than three bottles healed the sore and removed all its debilitating effects. In all my experience with medicine, I never saw more wonderful results. Mrs. CARRIE ADAMS, Holly Springs, Texas, Dec. 20, 1886.

For several years I was troubled with Boils, and Carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy it occurred to me that Ayer's Sarsaparilla had been used in my father's family, with excellent success, and I thought that what was good for the father would be also good for the son. Three or four bottles entirely cured me, and I have not had a boil, pimple, or any eruptive trouble since, although two years have elapsed. I can conscientiously speak in the highest terms of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and many years' experience in the drug business enables me to speak intelligently. C. M. HATFIELD, Farmland, Ind., April 15, 1886. DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION frequently results from an impure, impoverished, or scrofulous condition of the blood, which weakens the digestive and, assimilative organs, and renders them incapable of performing their proper functions. A depraved condition of the blood also causes LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES, JAUNDICE, DROPSY, and other serious disorders. When these diseases are due to derangement of the blood, the best remedy that can be used for them is AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. When they arise from alcoholic stimulation, improper food, want of exercise, or from other immediate and non-constitutional causes, they can be readily controlled, in their earlier stages, by AYER'S PILLS; and when they have their origin in malaria, AYER'S AGUE CURE will be found an invaluable specific. Maladies of this class, if their progress is not arrested, inevitably lead to increased disorder of the blood and aggravation


Dropsy, when it occurs as a symptom of Kidney
Disease, requires the persistent and regular use
AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, together with
AYER'S PILLS in sufficient doses to keep the
bowels freely open.

Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver and Kidney
Diseases, and Dropsy.

For a long time I was troubled with Dyspepsia, having very little appetite and being distressed by nearly everything I ate. A druggist which I am now taking my fourth bottle. The recommended a trial of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of medicine helped me at once, and has continued parilla as a great remedy in this distressing to benefit me. I can recommend Ayer's SarsaComplaint. CHARLES G. MAXTER, Farmington, Maine, July 14, 1886.

Stomach and Indigestion, but was relieved and For some five years I was troubled with Sour cured by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe this remedy has done me more good than any 75 India st., Boston, Mass., Sept. 14, 1886. medicine I ever took. Jos. A. VERGE, Cooper,

I have found Ayer's Sarsaparilla an excellent remedy for Indigestion. Less than two bottles of this medicine afforded me great relief. (Rev.) J. L. MORIN, Holyoke, Mass., Feb. 8, 1886.

pepsia, I am using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with
For the cure of an aggravated form of Dys-
signal success.
lent tonic.
It proves, in my case, an excel-
ington st., Boston, Mass.
Col. A. O. BREWSTER, 186 Wash-

To all persons suffering from Liver Complaint, I recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with a disease of the liver nearly two years, when a friend advised me to take this medicine. It gave prompt relief, and has cured me. JAMES FRENCH, Atchison, Kansas.

I have found Ayer's Sarsaparilla quite successful in the cure of Kidney disorders and Dropsy. One of my cases, which had resisted the ordinary remedies, yielded directly to its alterative powers, in connection with the cathartic effects of Ayer's Pills. JACOB G. ECHFELDT, M. D., Pulaski county, Mo.

CATARRH and RHEUMATISM are blood diseases, generally induced or aggravated by a scrofulous taint, and require constitutional treatment. The usual remedies for Catarrh, consisting of douches and other external treatment, fail to be of permanent benefit. Only by expelling the poison from the blood can a radical cure be effected; and such has been invariably the result when AYER'S SARSAPARILLA was faithfully and persistently used. By purifying the blood, the diseased membranes are soon restored to health, and the loathsome discharges prevented from extending into the lungs and stomach. For Rheumatism, which is caused by a poisonous acid in the blood, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA proves equally beneficial. Even in chronic cases, the alterative properties of this medicine reach the source of the disease as no other remedy can.

After being afflicted with Chronic Catarrh more than two years, I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six bottles of this medicine, of this troublesome and disgusting disease. costing only five dollars, completely cured me CARROL M. RICHARDSON, Worcester, Mass.

[blocks in formation]

5 156 40| 8 54|2|5 226 33 8 49

Venus in Aries. 13h. 25m.

Day's length. 13h. 11m.

1 Sat. Bat. Drumclog, 1679. 22) Sunday after Ascension. 2 Su Hyder Ali overthrown by Coote, 1782. M 5 156 40 9 4225 226 33 9 37 3 Mo Mutiny at Benares suppressed, 1857.5 156 41 10 27 25 226 34 10 23 Tu h; 3. Pegu captured, 1852. 5 156 41 11 10 25 226 3411 6

5 We Sheboth. Von Weber d. 1826.

6 Th

[blocks in formation]

gr. bril. Ariosto d. 1533.

7 Fri

23) Pentecost -Whit Sunday.

5 156 42 morn 7. st. Robert Bruce d. 1329.5 156 42 0 30 8 Sat Edward the Black Prince d. 1376. 5156 43 1 8 Mars in Taurus. 13h. 28m.

[blocks in formation]

Day's length.

13h. 14m.

5 156 43 1 46 15 22 6 36 1 48

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

9 Su 66. Chas. Dickens d. 1870.
10 Mo Crystal Palace, Sydenh., opened, 1854.5 156 43 2 26 1 5
11 Tu St. Barnabas. Riot in Alexandria,'82.5 156 44 3 8 15
12 We Dr. Arnold d. '42. W. C. Bryant d. '78.5 156 44 3 55 0 5
13 Th 13. (perig. Berlin Congress, '785 156 45 rises
64; 8. Bat. Naseby, 1645.5 156 45 7 41
aphel. W. W. Bird Gov.-Gen.'44.5 15 6 45 8 45

14 Fri

15 Sat

24) Trinity Sunday.


5 22 6 37 7 36

5 226 37 8 40

Jupiter in Sagittarius. 13h. 30m. Day's length. 13h. 16m. 5 156 45 9 421 0 15 2216

16 Su Duke of Marlborough d. 1722.
17 Mo Sir Hugh Rose defeats the rebels, '58.5
18 Tu 60. Bat. Kennyree, 1848.
19 We do inf. Gwalior retaken, 1858.
20. Corpus Christi.

20 Th

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38 9 38

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[blocks in formation]

5 166 46 11 58

[blocks in formation]

5 166 46 morn

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[blocks in formation]

Saturn in Leo. 13h. 30m.

aphel. Fr. Pizarro assass. 1541.
6; in apogee.

5 17 6 47

10 2 5 246 40 1 13

Day's length. 13h. 16m.

45| 2 |5 246 40 1 49

21 2 5 246 40 2 26

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

25 6 40 4 28 28. 6. L'd Raglan d. 5 186 48 sets 3 5 266 40 sets A [1855.||5 18|6 48 7 40|3|5 26|6 40| 7 35 Uranus in Virgo. 13h. 30m. Day's length. 13h. 14m.

29 Sat St. Peter and St. Paul.

26) 2d Sunday after Trinity. 30 Sustat. Argyle beheaded, 1685.

Guest (at restaurant): "Here, waiter, there's a fly in this soup; take it away.' Waiter: "Scuse me, boss. But dat ain' no fly." Guest: "I say it is. Take it away." Waiter: "All right, boss. But dat ain' no fly. Dat's a roach, boss. We don' have no flies yer in wintah time. Dis am a fust class place, an' we don' serve nuffin outen season, sah."

Kitchen calculation: -" You will not have time for those potatoes, Mary." "Aw, plinty o' time, mum. It's only the half 'av 'em I'm bilin'."

* 5 18|6 48| 8 26|3|5 26|6 40 8 21

Doctor: "My dear man, you have no organic trouble, no symptom of disease, properly speaking; but you are simply run down. What is your occupation?" Patient: "I am a city laborer, and work upon the streets." Doctor: "Ah, it is as I suspected. You require exercise."

Smith: "That Miss Jones is a regular little fool." Brown: "Oh, no," Smith: "Yes, she is. Any girl who will flirt is a fool." Brown: "Does she flirt?" Smith: "Why, she flirted with me all last evening." Brown: "Oh, well, then she is a fool."

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