The Colonization of the South. P. J. Hamilton. Philadelphia: 1904. HAZARD Historical Collections: Consisting of State Papers and Other Documents. Ebenezer Hazard. 2 vols. Philadelphia: 1792-1794. HILDRETH The History of the United States. Richard Hildreth. 6 vols. New York: 1851-1856. [Contains brief accounts of State constitutions.] HOUGH American Constitutions: Comprising the Constitution of each State in the Union, and of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. Each accompanied by a historical introduction and notes, together with a classified analysis of the constitutions. By Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols. Albany: 1871. HOWARD Local Constitutional History. G. E. Howard. HOPKINS (UNIVERSITY) The Johns Hopkins "Studies" in History and Political Science. Johns Hopkins University. HINSDALE The Old Northwest: With a View of the Thirteen Colonies as Constituted by the Royal Charters. B. A. Hinsdale. New York: 1891. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Historical Societies. For complete list see Annual Report, American Historical Association, 1905, vol. 2. HORACK Constitutional Amendments in the Commonwealth of Iowa. Frank E. Horack. Iowa City, Iowa: 1899. 8 vo. [Reprinted from The Iowa Historical Record.] 33 pp. ILLINOIS Journal of the Convention Assembled at Springfield, June 7, 1847, in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An act to provide for the call of a convention," approved February 20, 1847, for the Purpose of Altering, Amending, or Revising the Constitution of the State of Illinois. Published by authority of the convention. Springfield: 1847. 592 pp. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois. Convened at Springfield, January 7, 1862. Springfield: 1862. 1,131 pp. Index. Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois. Convened at the city of Springfield, Tuesday, December 13, 1869. 2 vols. 4to. Springfield: 1870. 1,076, 819 pp. Index. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois. Convened at Springfield, December 13, 1869. Springfield: 1870. 1,022 pp. Index. Chicago Historical Society. Collections. INDIANA Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Indiana [at Corydon], June 2, 1816. Louisville: 1816. 69 pp. Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, 1850. Indianapolis, Ind: 1850. 2 vols. 1,008, 1,099 pp. IOWA Journal of the [Constitutional] Convention of Iowa. May 4-19, 1846. Iowa City: 1846. 120 pp. Fragments of the Debates of the Iowa Constitutional Conventions of 1844 and 1846; along with press comments and other materials on the constitutions of 1844 and 1846. Compiled and edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh, A. M., Ph. D. Iowa City, Iowa: 1900. 415 pp. The Debates of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Iowa. Assembled at Iowa City, Monday, January 19, 1857. 2 vols. Davenport: 1857. 644, 422 pp. Index. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Iowa. In session at Iowa City from the nineteenth day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, to the fifth day of March of the same year, inclusive. Muscatine: 1857. 389 pp. Index. The Colonization of New England. B. B. James. Philadelphia: 1904. JAMESON A Treatise on Constitutional Conventions; their History, Powers, and Modes of Proceeding. By John Alexander Jameson. 4th ed. Chicago: 1887. William Usselinx, J. Franklin Jameson. JAY John Jay. Correspondence and Public Papers. Edited by H. P. Johnston. 4 vols. New York: 1890-1893. JEFFERSON Thomas Jefferson. Writings. Edited by H. A. Washington. 9 vols. Washington: 1853-54. Thomas Jefferson. Edited by P. L. Ford. 12 vols. New York: 1892-1896. JENNESS Transcripts of Original Documents in the English Archives Relating to New Hampshire. John S. Jenness. New York: 1876. (Privately printed.) JONES The Colonization of the Middle States and Maryland. F. R. Jones. Philadelphia: 1904. KANSAS Report of the Committee on Territories, to whom were referred the Constitution adopted by the people of Kansas on the 4th day of October, A. D. 1859, and the Memorial of the convention praying Congress to Admit Kansas as a State into the aforesaid Confederacy. (36th Cong., 1st sess., H. report 255. 55 pp.) Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of Kansas [Territory], Wyandot, July 5, 1859. Wyandot: 1859. (Constitution and Ordinances.) 4+46+439+16 pp. Kansas State Historical Society. Transactions. KELLOGG The American Colonial Charter. Louise Phelps Kellogg. American Historical Association, 1903. vol. 1. pp. 187-341. KENTUCKY Report of the Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision of the Constitution of the State of Kentucky, 1849. Frankfort, Ky.: 1849. 1,168 pp. Journal and Proceedings of the Convention of the State of Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky.: 1849. 531 pp. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates in the Convention Assembled at Frankfort on the Eighth day of September, 1890, to Adopt. Amend, or Change the Constitution of the State of Kentucky. Frankfort, Ky.: 1890. 4 vols. 6,480 pp. LINCOLN The Constitutional History of New York from the beginning of the Colonial Period to the year 1905; showing the origin, development, and judicial construction of the Constitution. Charles Z. Lincoln. 5 vols. Rochester: 1906. LOUISIANA Journal de la Convention de la Louisiane. Nouvelle-Orléans: 1845. 367 pp. (Constitution. 1845.) Rapports Officiels des Débats de la Convention de la Louisiane. Imprimeur de la Convention. Nlle.-Orléans, 1845. 460 pp. (Constitution. 1845. 11 pp.) Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of Louisiana, which Assembled at the City of New Orleans, January 14, 1844. New Orleans: 1845. 960 pp. Index. Journal of the Convention to Form a New Constitution for the State of Louisiana. Official. New Orleans: 1852. 109 pp. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of the State of Louisiana. By authority. New Orleans: 1861. 330 pp. Journal of the Senate of the State of Louisiana. 197 pp. New Orleans: 1864. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana. New Orleans: 1864. 226 pp. Debates in the Convention for the Revision and Amendment of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana. Assembled at Liberty Hall, New Orleans, April 6, 1864. New Orleans: 1864. 643 pp. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision and Amendment of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana. By authority. New Orleans: 1864. 184 pp. Index. Journal Officiel des Travaux de la Convention réunie pour reviser et amender la Constitution de l'Etat de la Louisiane. Par autorité. Nouvelle Orléans : 1864. 187 pp. Index. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention for Framing a Constitution for the State of Louisiana. By authority. New Orleans: 1867–1868. 315 pp. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Louisiana. Held in New Orleans, Monday, April 21, 1879. By authority. New Orleans: 1879. 337 pp. Appendix. 156 pp. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Louisiana. Held in New Orleans, Tuesday, February 8, 1898. And calendar. By authority. New Orleans: 1898. 385 pp. 77 pp. MADISON James Madison. Letters and Other Writings. vols. Washington: 1840. Edited by H. D. Gilpin. 3 James Madison. Letters and Writings. 4 vols. Philadelphia: 1865. Journal of the Federal Convention Kept by James Madison. Edited by E. H. Scott. Chicago: 1893. 805 pp. MCLAUGHLIN The Federal Constitution. A. C. McLaughlin. New York: 1905. MCMASTER 355 pp. 6 A History of the People of the United States. John Bach McMaster. MAGAZINES 14 vols. The National Magazine. Magazine of American History. New York: 1877–1894. MAINE Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the District of Maine; with the The Debates and Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the District of Maine; with the The Debates, Resolutions, and other Proceedings of the Convention of Dele- The Documentary History of Maine. MARTENS AND CUSSY Traités et Conventions Diplomatiques, Charles de Martens et Ferdinand de MARYLAND Laws of Maryland at Large [1637-1763]. Thomas Bacon. Annapolis: 1765. Maryland as a Proprietary Province. Newton D. Mereness. New York: 1903. Proceedings of the Maryland State Convention, to Frame a New Constitution, Debates and Proceedings of the Maryland Reform Convention to Revise the The Constitution of the State of Maryland. Reported and adopted by the The Debates of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Maryland. The Constitution of the State of Maryland. Reported and adopted by the con- MASSACHUSETTS A Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of the Colony of The Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Debates, Resolutions, and other proceedings of the Convention of the Common- The Same. New edition, revised and corrected. Boston: 1853. 677 pp. The Journals of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in 1774 and 1775 Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachu- Discussion on the Constitution proposed to the People of Massachusetts by Official Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the State Convention Assem- Official Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the State Convention Assem- Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massa- History of Plymouth Plantation. William Bradford. Boston: 1856. [Charles Massachusets Historical Society. Collections. MICHIGAN Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention to Form a Constitution for the Journal of the Convention (of Michigan), September 26-31, 1836, to Consider 15, 1836, to Give Report of the Proceedings and Debates in the Convention to Revise the Con- |