Constitution of Arkansas-1864- Constitution of Arkansas-1868. Constitution of Arkansas-1874- Treaty with Mexico ceding California-1848_. Constitution of California-1849_ Act for admission of California-1850. Constitution of California-1879_. Treaty with France ceding Louisiana-1803_. Act of Congress establishing the district government of Louisiana- Constitution of Arkansas-1836- 268 Act of Congress enabling Arkansas to become a State-1836_ Treaty with Spain fixing boundaries-1795- 649 Treaty with Spain ceding Florida-1819_ 649 Temporary government of Florida-1819__. 656 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Florida- 657 Constitution of Florida-1838. 664 Act of Congress enabling Florida to become a State-1845- Act of Congress dividing the Northwest Territorial government- -1800_ Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Illinois- Act of Congress enabling Illinois to become a State-1818- Act of Congress establishing the Northwest Territorial government- 957 Act of Congress dividing the Northwest Territorial government-1800- 964 INDIANA-Continued. Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Indiana- Supplementary act of Congress establishing the Territory of Indi- Page. 966 1053 Act of Congress enabling Indiana to become a State-1816 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Iowa-- 1111 Act of Congress defining the boundaries of Iowa-1846_ 1121 1123 Act of Congress declaring the admission of Iowa-1846. KANSAS: Treaty with France ceding Louisiana-1803_ 1122 1136 1359 Act of Congress establishing the district government of Louisiana- 1364 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Loui- 1371 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Missouri- Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Kansas- The three charters of Virginia-1606, 1609, 1611-12. 3783, 3810-3812 3812 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government south of the 1263 Act of Congress declaring the admission of Kentucky-1791. LOUISIANA: Treaty with France ceding Louisiana-1803_ Convention between the United States and the French Republic- Page. 1359 1362 Act of Congress for taking possession of Louisiana-1803. 1364 1364 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Orleans- 1371 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Loui- 1373 Proclamation respecting taking possession of part of Louisiana- 1375 Act of Congress enabling Louisiana to become a State-1811. Act of Congress declaring the admission of Louisiana--1812- Constitution of Louisiana-1812_ Act of Congress enlarging the limits of Louisiana-1812. Constitution of Louisiana-1845_. Constitution of Louisiana-1852- Constitution of Louisiana-1864. Royal grant of the Province of Maine-1674. The second charter of Massachusetts Bay-1691. Explanatory charter, Massachusetts-1725- Constitution, Massachusetts-1780 The constitution of Maine-1819_ Cession of Maine by the State of Massachusetts-1820- Act of Congress declaring the admission of Maine-1820_ Charter of Plymouth to William Bradford and his associates- 1629 1841 1846 Act of surrender of the great charter of New England to His 1860 Bradford's surrender of his patent of Plymouth to the Freemen- 1640 Act of Congress establishing the Northwest Territorial government- 963 Act of Congress establishing the Territorial government of Michigan- Extension of Michigan Territory-1834- Act of Congress enabling Michigan to become a State--1836_ Supplementary act for the admission of Michigan-1836_. |