Gambar halaman


Enunciation is the utterance of words; pronuncia

tion the mode of utterance.

42. The pure tone.




General usage.

It sometimes changes the falling to the rising in

45. It is a fall of the voice very similar to the falling inflection.

46. Prose pays no attention to the melodious arrangement of its words, while poetry is written with regard to the rhythm and feet of each line.

47. Something abruptly introduced into a sentence for the purpose of modifying, explaining, or adding to the leading proposition, and should be read in a lower voice. 48. Accent.

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guage? How divided?

How are these sounds produced?

8. What are the organs of speech?

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How are the letters divided?

What are vowels? Consonants?
How are the consonants divided?

What is a mute? Name them.

What is a semivowel? Name them.

16. What divisions are formed from the semivowels? What are the subvocals? Which of the elementary sounds are represented by them?


18. What are aspirates? What sounds do they represent?


Name the combinations of the consonants?

20. In the formation of the consonant sounds, how many classes are given them?


How are the labials formed? Name them.


How are the dentals made?

Name them.


What are the linguals? How many?


How many palatals, and how made?

25. Why is the letter h not included in these divisions? 26. What are cognates?




How do we analyze words?

How is th aspirate distinguished from th sub

[The following table exhibits the properties of the consonants and should be committed to memory for use in analyzing words. ]

b is a consonant, mute, labial, subvocal.

d is a consonant, mute, lingual, subvocal.
f is a consonant, semivowel, labial, aspirate.

g hard is a consonant, mute, palatal, subvocal.
h is a consonant, semivowel, aspirate.

j is a consonant, semivowel, dental, subvocal.

k, g, and c hard, consonant, mute, palatal, aspirate.
I is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, subvocal.
m is a consonant, semivowel, labial, subvocal.
n is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, subvocal.
is a consonant, mute, labial, aspirate.
r is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, subvocal.
s and c soft, consonant, semivowel, dental, aspirate.
t is a consonant, mute, lingual, aspirate.

v is a consonant, semivowel, labial, subvocal.
w is a consonant, semivowel, labial, subvocal.
y is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, subvocal.
z is a consonant, semivowel, dental, subvocal.
th is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, aspirate.
th is a consonant, semivowel, lingual, subvocal.
ch is a consonant, semivowel, dental, aspirate.
sh is a consonant, semivowel, dental, aspirate.
zh is a consonant, semivowel, dental, subvocal.
wh is a consonant, semivowel, labial, aspirate.
ng is a consonant, semivowel, palatal, subvocal.

[In analyzing words, the properties of the letters given in the table above, can always be applied to the same letter, in whatever word it may be found, except silent and substituted letters.]

[The following is an approved plan for analyzing the letters of any word:]

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sh-cons., semi., den., aspr., antecedent to its vowel i. r—cons., semi., ling., sbv., antecedent to its vowel i.

i-vowel, long sound.

n-cons., semi., ling., sbv., consequent to its vowel i. e-vowel, silent.


v-cons., semi., lab., sbv., antecedent to its digraph ei. ei-digraph, substitute for long a.

1-cons., semi., ling., sbv., consequent to its digraph ei. PHRENSY-Dissyllable.

ph-subs. for f, cons., semi., lab., aspr., antecedent to its

vowel e.

r-cons., semi., ling., sbv., antecedent to its vowel e.

e-vowel, short sound.

n-cons. semi., ling., sbv., consequent to its vowel e.

s-subs. for z. cons., semi., dent., sbv., antecedent to its

vowel y.

y-vowel, substitute for i, short sound.


m-cons., semi., lab., sbv., antecedent to its vowel a.

a-vowel, long sound.

ch-subs. for sh, cons., semi., den., aspr., antecedent to its vowel i.

i-vowel, subs. for e, long sound.

n-cons., semi., ling., sbv., consequent to its vowel i. e-vowel, silent.


e-vowel, short sound.

ch-subs. for k, cons., mute., pal., aspr., consequent to its

vowel e.

o-vowel, long sound.


r-cons., semi., ling., sbv., antecedent to its vowel o. o-vowel, long sound.

s—cons., semi., dent., aspr., consequent to its vowel o. e-vowel, silent.

REPUBLICAN, polysyllable.

r-cons., semi., ling., sbv., antecedent to its vowel e e-vowel, long sound.

p-cons., mute., labial, aspr., antecedent to its vowel u. u-vowel, short sound.

b-cons., mute, labial, sbv., consequent to its vowel u.
1-cons., semi., ling., sbv., antecedent to its vowel i..
i-vowel, short sound.

c-subs. for k, cons., mute, pal., aspr., antecedent to its vowel a.

a-vowel, short sound.

n—cons., semi., ling., sbv., consequent to its vowel a.

The plan of the above example should be carefully examined, and the table on page 181 should be studied so thoroughly, that the properties of all the consonants can be given without any hesitation. A little practice is required, after which any word can be analyzed readily.

The following are test words for analyzing: Peopie, guard, jewel, avoirdupois, due, grammar, contradictory, nephew, phosphorus, arduous, was, alien, quartz, century, lungs, wrangle, ascension, special, free, buy, ride, chuck, debt, sovereign, rhetoric, rhinoceros, column, calf, isle, knife, weight, neigh, daisy.

For further practice let the student take any exercise in the spelling book, or any sentence which he may see or think of.

How are the elementary sounds divided?

How many sounds have each of the vowels?
What is a diphthong?




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